Showing posts with label Deer & Doe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Deer & Doe. Show all posts

Monday, 21 July 2014

Who wear short shorts...err not me?

Nothing for 4 months then 2 in a night, BAM on fire.  
So as promised here are Chataigne and Nettie in all their glory. Both made with the intention of travelling to Europe with me.
Now I have to tell you I don’t wear shorts, like ever, ever. So when I was making these up, much to the confusion of my husband and myself, I was in wonderment the whole time as to whether I would ever actually wear these.
Prepare yourself for some serious cropidge.

My friends being all cute and complimentary kind of convinced me they look ok, but then my legs convinced me I would only really ever wear these with tights. They do that. Damn legs.
Either way I think I will wear these in Europe if not for the love of them then for the simple fact that I am bound to run out of other clothes.
I actually really like the style and cut of the shorts, the pleat detail in the front and the high waist seam lines, I only omitted the pockets because I felt I didn’t need more fabric in ze butt region.
Great now my butt is on the internet.
All in all they were fairly easy to make, with the pointy waistband part being the fiddliest bit, and I would recommend making some for yourself, especially if you’re a shorts lover ;)  
And now to the Nettie, this is my first Nettie in a Scuba knit with a funky little pattern that I loved. I am already planning another one in a warmer, possibly long sleeved version to take with me also, as I can see this being a great ‘layer’ top.
I decided to go with the scoop neck and medium back, which in hindsight I would probably change to a high back.. This was a quick make and came together easily, but it was my first knit.. so not sure if I need a lot more practice with stitches/needles/controlling the fabric or if I can blame my biatch of a machine for chewing the fabric and sewing sideways in some points.
I eventually gave up and used my overlocker everywhere I could, but those hems on the arms. Ouch.
What the heck is happening here, I'm like mid dance.
The only pattern issue being that I needed to take in a lot in the crotch area, as the back was bunching. I think this is due to a combination of the scoop back and me being a midget, so at least I’ll know for next time :)

Halfway through my ‘list’ making I came across Reanna’s list of things she wished she’s packed for her never-ending holiday she is currently on. I was looking for something like this, even RTW clothes for SO long that I almost cried when I came across it.
I am totally using it as a guide on what to pack, and she even has links to patterns to suit, Chris almost killed you for that one mate haha..
Eeeppp not long now, under 60 days till I am drinking champagne at 9am. Cant. Freaken. Wait.

What have you been sewing, I wanna know if I missed anything!
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