Showing posts with label Colette. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Colette. Show all posts

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Worky Work, Marcy Marc and a Sorbetto

Firstly check my new lurverrrr Jacob. Isn't he adorable.. *sigh*

Anywhoo I've been meaning to make a Sorbetto for ages,
I mean LOOK how many there are out there EEEK!! Ahhh gotta luuuvv a free pattern :)
I wanted to make a simple one at first, so I found a plain fabric in my stash.
Decided I had enough to try match a skirt too.. I chose Butterick B5566 for the skirt pattern.

They were both fairly simple and straightforward to put together and I think I will make both again, maybe with nicer fabrics ;) Although I do need a bit of work on my fitting capabilities..
Their great simple items for work, which I haven't really made enough of yet. I think the sewing bloggers call them Cake? Rather than Frosting :) hehe

Anyway here they are..

Hhmm I kinda get the feeling that together they are a bit matchy matchy? What do you think?
Might be better as separates? Maybe a Belt.. or maybe a tan? Jeeeeez...

I dunno, but I do like how they turned out :)

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Madeleine Mini Bloomers

EEEEEPPPPP... After I saw these over at Peneloping, I knew I wanted some of my own.. LOVE them, so cute :)
They were fairly easy to make and came together pretty quickly, so I was pretty chuffed :)
Fabric used was leftover from one of my many Butterick B5748 dresses, blogged here..

Hmmm this is how they look on the model. Compared to me.
The bodies are unbearably close I know, you can hardly tell the difference...

                                                                                          (Source: Coletterie website)

So I probably should have read all the reviews on them before I cut them out but Mehh....
As many people have said they are really low on the waist and could probably do with a few inches added. On my FB Kathy mentioned to me the crotch depth seemed too shallow, which I also agree on... But this also might be due to my ever expanding arse.

Either way I think pattern mods would be fairly simple for when I make another pair, Because I will definitely be making them 100 times over :)

Also am thinking of doing a revamp of my sewing room, and would love any ideas?
Got some great ones already from Judith ;)
and gonna get the hubby to make me one of these babies that I found here. Oooh Yeah

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