Showing posts with label Easter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Easter. Show all posts

Friday, April 2, 2010

Ugly Cross Beautiful Savior

My grandparents once lived in the beautiful and historic Brandywine Valley. I enjoyed walking down Briton Bridge Road with my PapPap and marveling at the picturesque countryside complete with rolling green hills, sprawling estates, and inviting orchards. Even an old, dilapidated barn appeared lovely amidst the gorgeous landscape.

Once, after at least six months had passed since our last walk together, PapPap excitedly whispered, “Wait until you see what they did to that old barn.”

The revelation was jaw-dropping. The rundown, rustic, stone barn, had been converted into an elegant guest cottage. I still wish I could have had a peek at the splendor I'm sure existed on the other side its front door.

As Easter approaches, I reflect on the similarities between that once old, yet refurbished barn and the cross on which Christ died.

I consider how ugly and rough the old wood must have been, and how its image invoked feelings of terror, shame, and outrage. I tremble when I think that two bloodstained, repellent, accursed wooden beams, wore beauty on one dark Friday in Golgotha more than two thousand years ago. Yes, even though hatred swarmed rampant, teeth gnashed, voices growled, blood flowed, garments tattered, and anguished cries bellowed throughout Calvary, beauty was present. Beauty hung on that soiled cross in the form of the pure, sinless, lamb of God. The cross was hideous, but because of who it touched, it was lovely at the same time.

Even though the actual wooden cross on which Christ, and most likely other men died, is long gone, its meaning has been forever changed. What was once the harbinger of hate is now the symbol of love, hope, and peace. What once provoked shame, now promotes glory. And what was once a cruel agent of agony and death, is now the emblem of eternal life.

Oh, how beautiful Christ made the cross when He victoriously conquered death. How even more glorious is the transformation he can make in the lives of all trust and believe Him.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Most

The short Czech film below is a beautiful allegory about God's sacrificial love for His most beloved creation---human beings. I saw this feature for the first time today and wanted to share it with all of you. Click here to read more.

Because of the Cross

(This post will remain at the top of this page until April 13. Please scroll down for newer posts. If you use Internet Explorer and are having trouble viewing Becoming Me or notice that my posts do not appear until mid page, please update your browser or try using Firefox or Chrome. This will also help protect your computer from security threats.)

The cross was intended to stop him. The religious leaders wanted the man who threatened their grip on power eliminated. They wanted a Messiah who would quell the mighty Roman army with a single swipe, ending the oppression that had been known for nearly a century. They wanted their world to change dramatically for the better without altering their way of life. What they did not want was some poor carpenter from Galilee crashing their turf. They claimed to be righteous and holy men who lived to serve God, but they lived only for themselves; and Jesus was about to ruin everything.

Obsessed with silencing the voice of the man they labeled as a lunatic and blasphemer, they appealed to their governing authorities...with persistence. And when the decree sentencing Jesus to death by crucifixion was announced, they sighed with relief and smiled smugly. They got what they wanted. Finally, after of trying to get rid of the captivating teacher who spoke in parables, they won. Or so they thought. When I researched the meaning of the word Pharisee, I was stunned at the irony I found. Pharisee is derived from the Hebrewפרושים perushim from פרוש parush, which means separated. Those claiming to be men of God, could not have been farther from Him. They separated themselves from truth.

Jesus was captured, stripped of his clothing and his dignity. Spit from filthy mouths stained his holy face. Whips tore skin off his back and legs. Vicious, hateful words intended to break his heart were flung into the ears of God's son. Battered and bloodied beyond recognition, Jesus carried the heavy crossbeam until he broke underneath its weight.

When he arrived at the site of his execution, soldiers roughly restrained him and nailed his body to a cross. A cross that was most likely already stained by another's blood. To those carrying out the sentence, Jesus was just another criminal to use as an example. The cross was then erected. There Jesus hung until his lungs exhaled the last of their air. After Jesus uttered the words “it is finished,” those who had been waiting for that moment felt victorious. God's enemy, satan, probably cackled and howled with delight, because God's son who was sent to save the world was dead. The cross had changed everything. Evil triumphed, or at least it would seem that way until...

On the third day, Christ seized complete victory. His heart began beating again, his lungs took in air. He shook off the pounds of burial spices, unwrapped the linens from his once tattered body, moved the boulder that blocked entrance to his tomb, and walked out of that grave alive and whole. The cross could not silence the His voice.

My heart aches when I think about the suffering Christ endured on that brutal Friday. Yet my soul rejoices in the victory of Easter. I am a woman covered with flaws. Next to God, I would appear as grimy as an earth worm...because of the cross, I am forgiven.

Because of the cross, sin's curse has been crushed. Because of the cross, lies have been revealed and truth offered. Because of the cross, my puny existence has great purpose. Because of the cross, I can hold my children tight and assure them that no matter how ugly this world gets, there is hope. Because of the cross, I know that the most glorious moments I have been given in this lifetime will pale in comparison to what lays ahead for me in the next. Because of the cross, I can choose to have love, peace and joy present in my life every single day without exception. There is a second chance for each human being...all because of the cross.

"You were dead because of your sins and because your sinful nature was not yet cut away. Then God made you alive with Christ, for he forgave all our sins. He canceled the record of the charges against us and took it away by nailing it to the cross. In this way, he disarmed the spiritual rulers and authorities. He shamed them publicly by his victory over them on the cross." (Col. 2:13-15-NLT)

There are so many powerful songs of worship, but none affects me as deeply as the song In Christ Alone. I chose this version by Travis Cottrell to share with you. The rendition is lovely, but I also love the simplicity of the video...just the lyrics. I hope that you'll get an opportunity to listen and let the beauty of the words refresh your spirit.

If you have a post about the true meaning of Easter, please feel free to link it to the Mr. Linky (please ignore that it reads 9 on the 9th) below so that others can be blessed. I look forward to reading all of your posts this week. If you would kindly put a link to Becoming Me on your post, that would be much appreciated and enable more people to share their stories. However, I will not be stressing over it if you do not.

In the joy of knowing that He has Risen,


My Redeemer Lives

Happy Easter

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Watch The Lamb

Friday, April 10, 2009

This is Love

I am not worthy of this love that has been lavished on me by one so pure and holy. I am forever thankful. Angela

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

5 Minutes for Faith

Today I am at 5 Minutes for Faith with an Easter Post. Hope to see you there.

Mom Blogs

"You were dead because of your sins and because your sinful nature was not yet cut away. Then God made you alive with Christ, for he forgave all our sins. He canceled the record of the charges against us and took it away by nailing it to the cross. In this way, he disarmed the spiritual rulers and authorities. He shamed them publicly by his victory over them on the cross." Colossians 2:13-15

Monday, March 16, 2009

Because of the Cross

Last week, I held an anything goes Easter carnival, and it was a lot of fun. I gathered some great recipes and craft ideas. I got to see the evolution of Linda (from 2nd Cup of Coffee) in her Easter dress glory from infancy to young adulthood. And, I listened to lovely songs and read some beautiful scriptures and heartwarming stories (including this testimony that brought me to tears...OK, sobs) Thanks to a dear friend of mine, I even gave away a prize...two prizes, actually.

By blog carnival standards, Easter Frills and Thrills was a success. But it left me wanting more. So, I decided to hold round two...sort of...only without the frills. In this round, there will be no prizes, no pleas for participation...just Jesus.

As bloggers, we have an amazing platform to minister to others about the unfailing love of Christ.

Starting April 5th and continuing until April 12th (which is Easter Sunday), I will have a Mr. Linky up on Becoming Me and you are all invited to link one of your posts about Easter. It can be an older post or one you create especially for this year. This is not a writing contest, numbers contest, a commenting contest, or any other sort of competition. It is just a time to share your heart with as many people as possible. You are welcome to share poems or stories written by others as long as you attribute the sources and have the approrpiate permission to do so. Songs, poignant pictures drawn by your children, and scripture verses are also appropriate.

Edie, from Rich Gifts Designs donated the gorgeous promotional buttons above. Later today I will have the codes to each of those buttons printed on my sidebar. You are welcome to take the code to either button and place it on your blog.

I hope you all are having a beautiful start to your weeks. I enjoyed taking it easy today and recovering. Also, if you look at my left side bar, you will see four precious faces. Will you consider taking some time to pray for those dear children? Clicking on those buttons will also lead you to updates about their health and progress.

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