If you're like me then you are probably paranoid that you are going to lose all of your pictures and layouts from some freak accident. It's not unlikely that your computer will crash one day and everything on it gets erased. Now I hope this never happens to anyone but if it does it's important that you are prepared so you don't lose your precious memories for good.
The first thing I have done is store everything on my external hard drive. This not only will save you if your computer crashes but it will also help your computer run quicker and more smoothly since it's not bogged down with tons of pictures and scrapbooking supplies.
The external hard drive I have is the
Toshiba 1 TB External Hard Drive. It was only $89 and came with free shipping at
B&H. I think that is a pretty good deal for 1TB of space. Another plus to having an external hard drive is you can take it with you and use the files on any computer.
So cool!!
Now I know that external hard drives can also crash so the next thing I do is an online backup of my external hard drive. I chose to use
Mozy because it is only $4.95 a month and they have unlimited space you can use. They will also send you disks of all of your files if your computer ever crashes.

I have been really happy with
Mozy so far. I have been using them for about 4 months now. I usually just backup my hard drive every night when I go to bed and it is done by morning. It usually only takes a few hours depending on how much new stuff I have to back up. The initial backup did take about a week because I had A LOT of stuff but after that the backups have been really quick.
The last thing I do is make DVD's of all of my pictures. I haven't been the best at this but a couple of times each year I put all of my new pictures on DVD's and put them in a safe spot. Another thing my mom does is she has a copy of all of her pictures at my house as well. She gave me a little box and it has jump drives with all of her pictures on them. She then gives me more with new pictures a few times each year. This way if there is ever a fire or some other disaster at my mom's house there is also a copy at my house so she doesn't lose anything.
Now it's probably not necessary to do all of these things but I'd rather be safe then sorry. I would just be devastated if I lost all of my pictures and the memories that go with them.
How do you make sure you don't lose all of your pictures and scrapbook layouts? I'd love to hear from you.