
Showing posts with label Doodlebug. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Doodlebug. Show all posts

Monday, February 17, 2014

Supreme Scrap Tournament Challenge 2

Tonight I have been busy creating my layout for this weeks SST challenge and this week it's .....


Again we were to make a double layout but we were to use a monochromatic colour scheme.  There was to be a minimum of one photo and one of the photos had to be split on to each page.  One of the photos also needed to be in black and white but NO black was to be used on the layout at all!

So I went BLUE

Products Used : Coredinations, Ruby Rock-It, Papermania, Xcut, Doodlebug

I really enjoyed making this layout and even though I cut the photo in half right through my DD's face I loved how it turned out.

The different shades of blues really enhanced the moody but adorable look on her face.

I am looking forward to seeing all the creations the other ladies have created this week.

Thanks for stopping by

Beckie :)

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

My Own Little Santa

34 days to go or 6 weeks to go, I don’t know which sounds better but I do know that it is fast approaching and as usual I still have a list as long as Santa’s to get through!

Talking of Santa, here is one of his little helpers …..

I found this rather fluffy and warm Santa hat in town and was excited to have my very own one, but, like everything … it soon became one of the little peoples!  Sigh!  Still it does make for a rather cute picture!

I absolutely love the North Pole range from Doodlebug and have a few more projects planned for it, which is good as quite a lot of it seemed to just jump into my shopping basket … ohps! It was all the cute characters and clean lines, not to mention the bright cheerful Christmas colours.

I used the Xcut silhouette holly punch to create a border along the bottom.  I’ve had the punch for yonks but still love it!  I am wondering if it is on its way out (or maybe a little bit hungry) as sometimes it keeps the piece of holly it punches out!  Some I have yet to find.

I am also loving the little notepad sheet allowing you to write down who is naughty or nice or simply use it as a journal block.

Talking of notes, I had better get making some of my own
Thanks for stopping by


Monday, November 12, 2012

Count To Christmas

Really it's not far away!

Today I had my first gingerbread latte (because they had run out of the Pumpkin Spice ...pah!) and it's got me in the mood to post a little creation I made the other day with some of the Doodlebug North Pole collection and a Doodlebug blank house that I had in one of my crafty drawers.

I become a huge big kid when Christmas comes to town and I love the build up so decided to make a wee countdown so each day I change the numbers I can get more excited!!

I made this tree by wrapping a semi circle cut from the papers and cutting into the bottom edge.  I then cut a small hole at the top and gently pushed them on to a wooden kebab stick.  I decorated it with the really cute poppit robins .... how adorable are they!

For the little count down I made some plagues which I stuck some of the numbers on to.  The glittery border was added with some foam pads so it created a little shelf to hang the plaques on too.

Finally the house was covered with loads of the papers and on the door step I used some of the Doodlebug rub ons to add the 'days till christmas'.  The papers are so bold and cheery and I love the traditional colours of them! This is now sitting on the side waiting till the 1st December .... a little healthier than the chocolate version!!

Hope you have had or do have a crafty day

Thanks for stopping by
Beckie :)

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

*** BOO ***

I do love Autumn and pumpkins (I think my obsession with Starbucks pumpkin spice latte may have given that away!) 

I see so many of my US friends posting beautiful pictures of little people in the pumpkin patches, how I wish we had one near here.  Still I will make do with these little pumpkins from Doodlebug.  They are on the bottom of this card!

I adore their gappy mouths and big smiles.  For some bizarre reason they make me giggle ... a lot!

I used the Xcut Birdcage to create this card and used the Haunted Manor collection from Doodlebug.  
The owl paper at the back is brilliant for backgrounds but as you can see I snipped some of the owls out to use on the border.

Using this range from Doodlebug I also made a 'Trick or Treat' basket.  I started watching Martha Stewarts video on how to make a paper pumpkin but half way through turned it into a basket.  Kinda went off piste a bit!!

Thanks for stopping by
Beckie :)

Friday, October 12, 2012

Unity Stamp WCD Challenge 4 - Sketch

You really can't beat a good ole sketch when all your inspiration and mojo seems to have disappeared and this sketch for challenge 4 for World Cardmaking Day over on the Unity blog is simply perfect.

I flipped the sketch upside down to create my card

Products Used : Unity/MLS Snowman Stamp, MLS Winter Wonderland papers, Doodlebug Trim

Instead of the scallops on the sketch I changed them for the little hearts that sit on top of the semi circle.  If you don't have a large circular die I find a side plate comes in handy!!
Of course I couldn't resist adding some glitter to the snowman :)

Thanks for stopping by
Beckie :)