Showing posts with label softies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label softies. Show all posts

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Blogtoberfest Day 20

A beautiful sunny Melbourne day appeared, after a brisk start, and I had a free weekend, with the kid spending some time with other family members. So I headed down here...

to the Finders Keepers market!

 Lots of beautiful stalls, Gleaners Inc was there, and had a beautiful range of items.

I was very busy gawking and didn't take many snaps unfortunately!

I picked some cute patterns from Clare;

and caught up with Leslie and her gorgeous fabrics. I do love me a sample pack! It was VERY hard to resist this little guy- but I have way too many baby presents already for my little niece/nephew, so I had to pass. There's only so many hours to make things!

  And a treat for me!

I needed a big Nanna nap when I got home, it was well worth it though!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Blogtoberfest day 6

 I didn't plan to miss a day early in the month, but I seriously had nothing yesterday. Zip. Nada. Nil. 5 days of work wiped me out, and I thought a pic of our sausages on bread for dinner was just not acceptable!

So I made sure I took a snap today!

I've had serious sew-jo issues lately, haven't been at the machine all week, the couch is my friend at the moment! So in lieu of my sewing, I present- the cutest little baby gift my sister got given. Her friend is obviously a talented knitter! No idea of the pattern or wool etc, we were a bit worried though is may be a bit small- my niece or nephew will be a summer bub and not a small one at that! Always good to look at though; or save for number 2 (hmmm, that comment wasn't appreciated halfway thought the first pregnancy!)

 Actually, there are only 11 weeks to go, so I finally grilled her and got a plan of what I can sew etc, and some ideas of baby room gifts. 2 plans are this little guy

and this! Not sure what colours yet. Pattern from here, which I can hopefully pick up here.

And she gave my little/big girl a pressie- her old iPod, which will do great until her b'day in a few months! This burning to CD drama was so 1990's, we have added some technology to the house! Sad that I had to go wake the kid up to learn how to turn it off *sigh*