Showing posts with label skirt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label skirt. Show all posts

Friday, February 14, 2014

Grainline Moss skirt

So now I've shown you my 'disatser', time to you show you the successes! These are ones I've titled 'it wont happen overnight, but it will happen'! 

I bought this pattern, as I've tried a few other patterns, but the real reason I made it was it made everyone look skinny! Lets face it, isn't that why we chose a pattern as we want to look like the model on the cover ? Well, I do, apparently!

So I used some sparkly denim Ive had in the stash forever, and completely stuffed it up the first time- I managed to put the fly in back to front! and couldn't face the unpicking, so onto the UFO pile it went!

Luckily I decided, as I'm sure most of us do, that the beginning of 2014 is for finishing of the UFO'S! And I'm actually enjoying it! Take this skirt....

I persisted with the unpicking- and the zip went in surprisingly easily! The the waistband, and before I knew it...

I'm a bit in love with the pockets! Ahh, Liberty....

Sneaky late night shot. I added the bottom panel, I don't think anyone needs to be subjected to my thighs...

And the day time photo shoot! These little slides are amazing, and stay done up well. It's been on high rotation and is super comfy for work...I do tend to leave a glittery trail on any chair I sit on, but that's cos 'I'M A FAIRY' hehe

So then I had a plan. I'd made a green fluro denim skirt when I was procrastinating about mending the other one (yep, I'm fickle like that) but didn't 'love' it- I didn't add the bottom band, so it was a bit short, and I had a cunning plan with some cut up denim I had from jeans...

Ta-Da! Unfortunately, I don't have the grain of the bottom panel going the right way, so its a bit bunchy around the hem.

  Another masterful zip! (I did this one right first time, Go figure!)

And added some cute back pockets. I realise this breaks up the expanse of 'green butt' that was the other reason I didn't love it!

Some cute pockets too.

Got time for one more? I had a Laura Ashley brand skirt from the op shop that I was wearing to started getting a bit loose, so I thought I'd take it in so I could keep wearing it. after it sat on the mending pile for about 6mths, it fit perfectly again! But the waistband was a bit stretched, so an unpicking unveiled the truth.

  No interfacing on the waistband! I added some, of course, and put it all back together.

And added the nifty slide thing. The buttonhole was all stretched, and I ended up shaving about 1/2inch of each end of the waistband.

I won't bore you with the details, but I also whipped up this one as my 'first day back at work' outfit.

Problem is, I have this in my head the whole time I wear it!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Keeping Out Of Trouble Part 1

Spring is in the air! I was a bit tired of the old winter wardrobe, and the beautiful week of spring weather recently spurred me to update the wardrobe a bit. I dove into the stash and found some nice medium weight denim, and 2 hours later....

a skirt! Pattern by this chickie, and you can buy it from here. I'm lucky (or unlucky, depends how you look at it!) to be the same size as I was the last time I made it, so I had the pattern all ready, and have made a few now so  it was a great quick make.

The top is another Alma blouse, the seersucker gingham *sigh* was bought specially for it- a few weeks prior! I love this fabric....I cheated this time and didn't put a zip in, as it fits easily over my head, and I could have taken a bit in the shoulders so the tight cardi doesn't sit a bit funny- but I'm hoping for less need for the cardi in a few weeks!

The warmer weather has (temporarily) altered the need for the knitted cowls; I threw together a quick 'infinity' style scarf, a long tube twisted and stitched together. I used some lawn from Spotlight as a practice, trying to get the guts to cut up some Liberty lawn!

Remember the Triple Zip swap I mentioned a few posts ago? Mine was very well received, with a wonderful blog post about it over here. I also received a gorgeous pouch, from manybooks4u (on flickr).

It was full of yummy goodies, I've never seen coloured magnetic snaps, and have fallen in love Glamping now I have a mini charm pack!

 And last update- the scrappy zig zag is pieced and ready to go....when I get to the Spotlight sale and pick up some batting!

This one's a keeper, that's for sure!

             Stayed tuned for part 2 where I reveal a special little job I was asked to do....

Friday, May 11, 2012

Simplicity 2226

I finally picked up my pattern for this skirt, first seen over at Noodlehead (when I can stop gawking at her gorgeous girls!). I tried to get the pattern when the sew a long was on, but- sold out! So Cam's sew a long was the perfect time.

Oh, plus Lisa made one and I was jealous!

I was given this gorgeous vintage curtain from a mate, and thought 'skirt' as soon as I saw it! And the bonus of this is, when I get sick of the skirt, I know where to send it teehee

Cutting out;

sewing pieces together to get enough;

Hmm, try on time at home and i'm happy. And happy to cut a size 16 when I'm usually an 18 in paper patterns. Or a 14 in ready made!

and naughty Fem-Bot has lost weight, bad girl, can't use her for fitting anymore!
 Need to buy her big(ger) sister! 

Belt loops and pockets included in the pattern, Cam!

and my official 'night out' pics. Dinner in the city (hence the 'city wall').

A great pattern!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

blogtoberfest day 22

I had a little stop in Ikea today (do you know you can enter the Richmond store throughout the checkouts (illegally), hit the bargain corner FIRST, then back track? And that there is s shortcut from candles to textiles?)

I picked up this fabric (you cut your own fabric and weigh it at Ikea, I cheated and bought a precut piece someone had cut, weighed and rejected)

and by tonight, an A line skirt.

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Go Granny Go!

When my favourite blogger/crafty person decided to print some fabric, I wonder if she knew what she'd start?
Granny craziness!

I initially didn't know if I'd use it- what could I make out of it? I saw her example and got thinking. Freshly made fabric combined with a skirt making class? I'll do my best!

(with a Curlypops brooch too!)

I'm pretty happy with it! Despite the fact it attracts small white dogs to jump on you haha. It's actually hot pink drill, but looks a tinge red in some of the pics, might just be my screen. And as Cam says in her shop:

'Note: the colour on screen is as close to actual as I can provide.
 All screen colours differ, so please keep this in mind when ordering.'

A great class was had yesterday, by the way- despite already having made one of the wrap skirts from the book, getting the extra tips with layout and cutting was great, especially what to do if your fabric is too small and how to do a panel. And the company and lunch were great. A real treat!

PS No endorsment was given for this promo. I paid good and proper for it!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Sewing projects from the Long Weekend

So, of course, in between kid wrangling, and a bit of hard core bathroom cleaning, endless
washing and food prep, I have managed a bit of sewing.
For a new baby girl Alana in Sydney, 3rd baby of my bestie I've known since Year 7 in
high school (ie 13!) a new quilt...

 my first go at a pinwheel quilt, inspired my by mate here.

with a vintage sheet backing, lucky I waited till I knew the sex!

 Also, a finished top of the Pips quilt....

And a sneak peek of the backing. Now to quilt it!

I've finished my 2nd project from the book. It was meant to be a test run, but I made sure I liked
the fabric, in case it worked....

and, of course, it did!

Posing near my broken table tennis table; to be repaired soon....

Sunday, July 4, 2010

A pattern catastrophe

Today I made what I think was the most confusing pattern I've ever tried! It's the apron overlay from Amy Butler's Barcelona Skirts pattern. I've made a few Amy Butler patterns, and loved them, but I think it was me, basically everything in this skirt, was done twice! The tie has interfacing- a mistake, which makes it stick up a bit, like a tail. I had skipped stitches etc. Not the best fun to make, and it probably was just me, I'll definitely try it again to be sure. Has anyone else made this? And can 'give me the light' so to speak?

Anyway, after reading this post this post, I popped over to visit my buddy and help pass the time. The best thing about her being sick and in hospital? She's about 5 mins from my house! So I saw her Tues, Wed, think I skipped Thurs, no wait, had coffee that day, ?Fri, def Sat, and Sunday too. Now you understand why she wants to go home, right?

She became chief photographer for this troublesome (but cute) skirt. It does remind me a bit of a hospital gown (I'll let you guess why)

yep, it's reversible;

OK, we were playing silly buggers and thought we were a bit funny;
Little Miss is happy as long as she gets the TV remote and half the bed; Cam and I can sit and knit anywhere!
Hope you're home tomorrow, matey, and that we helped cheer up your bothering stay!