Showing posts with label quilting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quilting. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Birthday Quilt

So my Little Miss is 10! I cant believe it, which I'm sure every parent says! I was particularly touched that she asked me to make her a quilt for her birthday; I had recieved some vintage fat quarters along with my Snap Press, and also went into a swap, so was arranging them (in colours, of course) and testing out this pattern for myself when her request was simple- "One of those in purple please"!


  I enlisted the help on Instagram to pick the pattern (the left one); 

 and got to work! I managed it in about 4-5 days; Using the time she was at camp for layout and basting, and after she was asleep for the quilting.

I accidentally (no, really, it was)  used the same pattern binding that I used for this quitl; I love the coincidence, as does she!

And the full thing

and backing. My girl and I love fake moustaches, and  this print was perfect for the back. Some different quilting patterns gave it a lot of interest.

 A perfect fit! (Teddy approves).

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Keeping Out Of Trouble Part 2....

I was asked to make a special gift for a special Dad for Father's Day this year, and I couldn't refuse! 
It started with "I'd love to buy a hexie brooch off you" and "Do you have any blokey fabric in your stash?" and a deal was done! (I'm cheap sometimes...hehe)

Surprisingly (or not if you've ever seen my stash) I had it all in there. I added some Curlypops fabric, of course! Also a mix of quilting cottons and thin to thick corduroy. For some reason I wanted texture in this quilt! (I had free reign, but checked in regularly with Cam).

there was cutting, sewing and basting....

 and the quilting. I was with outlining all the squares, and then some diagonal lines. I had heard of and been recommended to try the quilter's gloves, and luckily Coles has the Ansell brand of gloves that worked a treat. (If you click on the link, just add 'quilting' to the uses haha). In case you've never heard of using them, they help grip the fabric to be fed through the machine. I don't think I've made such a heavy quilt before, due to the cord, so I literally had to pick it up to feed through; the gloves help you push it a bit more. Just what I needed!

  A 'mid quilting' layout and admire inspect

and a full shot when I delivered it to Cam. We were to busy gas bagging to remember to do it outside in the sun, so an inside shot unfortunately.

I named it 'The Bloke' haha

 Trying it on for size- my eyeballing on the design wall is always off- I thought I would need to add more before I tested it this way! Lucky the kid will sleep through anything...

We ducked out to vote on the quilting day (ie election day here in Oz) and came home to find the first seal of approval... (the backing was a lovely soft flannel with a teeny purple stripe. Poor cam had bought something similar it Spotlight for the back, but this from my stash trumped it- sorry Cam!)

 The binding is the Denise Schmidt green and blue check fabric, in a smart move I'd grabbed a bit when it was on clearance at Spotlight, I like how it's a bit scrappy with some bits green and others blue.

And the best pic and the reason I love making them? A happy new quilt owner!

 Awww! (yep, there may have been choking up at that!)

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Dresden madness!

I didn't realise I hadn't blogged these cushions- uploading pics to Google + takes forever, so by the time they're done, I feel like I've already blogged it! It's not till I went back through the albums....well, here they are!

I've made these before,  and have been itching to do a cushion for me, like this one. And I'm slowly making my bedroom over, so why not some big boofy bed cushions?

I used mainly fabrics from 'the pool room', ie my extra faves! Some were hard to cut into, but so worth it! The white fabric is a bargain- in my op shopping haunts I found a bolt of 'cotton/linen' for $3.25! I should have measured, but I wasn't fussy....but there will be LOTS of usage, it's a lovely fabric to work with.

Some simple quilting...

I found this cotton sateen in the furnishing section at Spotlight, and thought matching backs for all the cushions would be cute (after first thinking what a great frock it would make!) Some green binding 'makes it pop' according to my stylist aka Little Miss!

Another one I did was using some fabrics I've been collecting  from scrap packs! They are all made by Leslie, from Maze and Vale. Her fabric is- Just. Gorgeous! I'd wanted to try this type of quilting for a while, and thought this was a good project for it. 

 I love big fat squishy cushions, great for sitting up against while reading in bed!

To assist my pillow obsession, I came across this book, and snapped it up! Actually, I got it between the squares one and the Dresden, but can't be bothered changing all the pics around! I'm loving these cushions, as they are like mini or doll quilts, just cuddly haha.

So, another Dresden project. Hey, if you are onto a good thing, stick to it!

A colleague at work is having a baby, so I made a little quilt to gift from the team. I'd made an earlier one that I still love (and have, it will be listed for sale soon!) but some detective work proved that this colourway suited her better.

Oh, the best bit about the Dresden stuff? Quick! The longest bit is picking the fabrics! If you've never tried them, do it! My top cushion was a one day job!

I did some 'echoey' quilting (yep, I'm sure that's a real word haha) with a yummy stripe binding- that isn't on the bias, it's a diagonal print. 'Make me a candy cane toy' was the request from the Little Miss!

  I used a vintage sheet for the back, which thankfully she loved!

I'm not 100% happy- for some reason, I thought I'd go around the Dresden's a few times, and did some Dresden quilting in the big white space- but left too much unquilted space for my liking! Of course, I only noticed after I saw the pics...and it was gifted and up in the baby's room! Oh, well, next time!

I received a possible order for a similar quilt on the back of this one, from another colleague- but unfortunately they have had to pull out- so it will also be listed for sale. keep and eye out here for the listings/announcement/whatever-shop I decide on opening!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Finally gifted!

I made a quilt for a friend- well, her mum and I are friends, and Little Miss and her are friends- a mum and daughter (like us) that we met in a group, and went on a few camping trips with. Sue made a big move at the end of last year, a new suburb and school, and further to travel to work. So I wanted to make Sue (the mum) a quilt for the new house, and as I was gifted some gorgeous fabric at Xmas time, I thought I'd use some of the stash for some gift quilts. However, knowing what 10yr old girls are like (probably like my 9yr old) I thought I'd keep the child (Sam) happy first with her own quilt (so mum has a chance of keeping hers- smart, hey?)

Inspiration was from one of my fave blogs here, and then I found a tutorial. I have wanted to try some new-to-me blocks, oldies but goodies, and give them a modern twist! The quilting was also a Crazy Mom technique...

Of, course I forgot to take some close ups or outside shots, but these will do....

I have to give my girl a bit of credit, for helping with some fabric choices, and layout and balance! (She has a eye already...)

And they had some typical tweenie silliness...

(Hmmm, that trick doesn't work with iPhone)

Perfect for cubbies!

 I really hope she likes it!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Single Girl Style....

Well, I may well be calling 2012 the Year of The Single Girl Quilt. I think it may have taken me that long!

This time a year ago in this space I unveiled a finished quilt, and surprisingly so I'm doing it again! And they are both for meeeeeeee!

I don't even know when I started it, A Long Long Time Ago though. The piecing of the rings coincided with a Buffy The Vampire Slayer marathon, I remember that! And I started hand quilting about 6mths ago. It wasn't the most portable project, and has taken up too much room on my couch for the whole time! I've been bugging my Instagram mates with it for yonks, and they have actually kept me going the whole way- I did feel like giving up a few times, packing it away for the UFO pile...nah, too stubborn! So I gave myself the deadline on New Years Eve 2012 (about a week ago I set that one) and I did it- with about 2 hours to spare!

The binding was a tough choice- and it wasn't. I'd been assuming I'd do a scrappy vintage sheet binding, keeping with the rest of the fabrics (all vintage sheets sourced from op shops or friends. Beige Homespun from Lincraft). But I remembered a binding I'd seen on a blog that at the time I went 'ping'- that is it! And the Spotlight sale was on too haha. 

Once I'd finished I realised the significance of using a DS Quilts Spotlight fabric on a Single Girl Quilt!

I retired to the bedroom yesterday to hand stitch the binding- after hand quilting it, it was the least I could do!

By the end I have fully embraced the thimble- the Clover adjustable one was on the left hand for the quilting, the right for the binding.

Company followed me- she enjoyed laying on it during the making, she seems desperate to get a snuggle now it's done!

It was washed (finally! 6mths on the couch with a cat laying on it left it a bit whiffy) and hung out overnight- so this sight met me when I got up late morning.

 Hang on, you didn't quite see how big it is? (king size if you're wondering. In for a penny, in for a pound!)

 A daylight shot- no filters! Check out that binding- perfect, non?

and the size on the bed! Oh, the backing was obviously pieced from 4 vintage sheets- had the kiddo's help on that one!

  One way...

Or the other.

 The vintage sheet doona cover has a friend :)

Even folded back it looks great- the hand quilting (pattern supplied with the pattern) just makes it for me!

It called and called today, but I was very good at resisting the nap- going to look forward to bed tonight!

PS Hopeless at  finding links tonight- any questions just ask!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Blogtoberfest day 23 & 24

It's done! 

I tried a new thing with the binding, as learnt by Rita at our MMQG day;It works well, helps it sit nice and flat, I think.

I snapped these tonight after a final once over; I'll take it to work tomorrow and get some outdoor daylight shots! I only have it 1 more night and I hand it over! Eeeek!
