Showing posts with label my place and yours. Show all posts
Showing posts with label my place and yours. Show all posts

Thursday, February 2, 2012

My Place and Yours: Green

I'm joining in with here this week, trying to find some green in the house!

I couldn't go past these- I'm sure just before Xmas I paid about $5 for 1 lime;
 they are now 6 for $2!

 Nom nom nom.

I'd show you the lemon/lime sorbet we made, but it's all gone! 

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Blogtoberfest 30/ My Place and Yours

 One more day to go, right? And we are not only over Blogtoberfest, but the Novembarians come to have birthdays. But more on that later.

I'm joining in with Vic again this week for her meme.

I took a shot of 'where I sleep'. How it usually looks, or, err, how it looks for pics (bedlinen
 all made by me)

Cos this is how it normally looks

And the best bit about where I sleep? I'm sometimes joined by this little girl, I get to roll over and kiss her yummy cheeks, and think about how blessed I am....

see here for more places.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

blogtoberfest day 15/ My Place and Yours- On The Shelf

I'm very excited to be joining in with Vic's old/new/re-given meme.

I was having a bit of a tidy up, and saw the chance to make this shelf up (actually the top of a cabinet, but hey, you use what you have)

all my fave vintage stuff from oppys, and I believe a vintage recipe file I received in a giveaway from the meme host herself!

see over here from some more followers of the meme.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

My Place and Yours- where I blog

OK, here's another one- I'm catching up on all I've missed, today's been busy! When I saw this post during the week, it was just after I did
That was my old blogging place- which was technically me new place as I've only just moved, but I was already a bit sick of it. So I took off the wheels...

found something to put it on....(and found something else to make it level!)

and ta-da! Where I am sitting right now...(minus the cleaning products)

With secret squirrel hidey-holes

See here for more places, play along too!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

My Place and Yours

I wanted to play along last week, and still might- the whole shoe thing....lets' talk in another post.
This weeks one is very poignant- this is the kitchen I am about to leave behind!!! This big lump of wood came from the side of the road when we moved in, and as appreciative as I am about it, having no other form of bench top/pantry in the place, I see it as a sign that my partner at the time was such a loser, this was the best we could do!!!!!

Things I won't miss about my kitchen:
  • bench top/cupboards being on bricks
  • Floor being bumpy, so lots of stuff rolling under said bench top/cupboards.
  • a gap at the back so lots of stuff rolls down the back.
  • Hard to clean under.
  • Hard to clean around
  • Unable to open oven door (at right hand side of bench) completely, therefore making cooking difficult
  • Gap between stove and sink, with years of other people's gunk down the side...

Oh, where was I ? Just about the bench space, right? The cupboards have been useful;, once I got everything into Tupperware and could stack, but cooking involves lots of moving around of containers, and I couldn't be arsed half the time!!

Here's to 3 weeks and being in a new kitchen.......

(photos of new dishwasher to come....)

Head over to Vic's to see some other places

Saturday, January 23, 2010

My Place and Yours

Yay, I'm loving the theme this week from Vic, I've been meaning to blog about this for a while, now I have the kick up the bum I needed!
I read every day, and I too read every one's New Year's post/resolutions about reading more, as I was reading them my head was thinking was my usual advice when someone asks me 'how do you do it?'- live alone! (This is great as a response to most things, the other one being 'I don't do chores')
So, after reading all Patricia Cornwell's, and having the beejesus scared out of me by Val McDermid, my friend's recommended this author, and , oh, we have the whole series, do you want to borrow them? Great, I thought, I should finish them in a year- 2 months later I have 2 to go, the top 2.

I was pre-warned how scary and sick these are. Unfortunately, my prior reading has obviously pre-conditioned me, and these are more like rom-com with a touch of thriller (do you like my made up word? Or did someone beat me to it? It's romantic-comedy!) So enjoyable, though, that's why the little corner of Xmas books you can see on the left haven't been touched.

Head over here to see what else people are reading, I wonder if anyone else likes their thrillers really gory like me!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

My place and yours- My Collection

I am joining in this week with this Pip, with a theme suggested by Kate over at her place. Like lots of ones I've read, it's so hard to pin it down- I guess crafters and stashers may be bordering on hoarders? Or maybe we see the art everywhere we look (I like the latter explanation the best too!)
So I'll proudly show off my collection of old kids books- a never finished collection, as I'm always stumbling upon in my travels.

I love my Sesame Street one....
the Enid Blyton (some from when I was young)

Charlie Brown 'Cyclopedia's (I love the name Funk n' Wagnells, that was the attraction!)

and odds and bods that are mostly my old ones, but some newbies too.

Of course, they are all in the girl's room, destined to be read and loved by her as she grows. I have had to build an adult collection of books, and work is SUCH a good excuse! This is one shelf in my study.....

as I said, bordering on hoarding? As my friend reminded me, Andy Muirhead from The Collectors said that "two is a pair, three is a collection".