From the land of boxes, a quick hello! I'm still here, sinking away under tape and paper, hoping I remember to mark everything, not really caring anymore if I don't! Thought I pretend to play along with a few things, but here's a bit of mish-mash.
Scienceworks provided a good distraction yesterday morning, and a good excuse to wear the Xmas t shirt again!
I remember when she couldn't reach the peddles!
A bit of Winter Olympics inspiration....
A lot sportier than me- I managed to give myself a bung knee riding the bike that moves the skeleton, R.I.C.E and moving house don't mix, but I'm trying!
Scienceworks had a great toy exhibition on, check out the crafty Banskia Man.
Some sewing from a while back- a great 80's shirred dress, kiddie size, to be followed up with an adult sized one. I have a queen sized doona cover that will do the trick, however, I'm itching top keep it for my bed!!! Have to think about it.....
and a flea market find....great 80's jumper for the little one, she said she likes it, we'll see...
See here for more great Flea Market Finds