Showing posts with label trees skirt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trees skirt. Show all posts

Friday, December 24, 2010

The Last Post

No, not giving up the blog yet, just the last post before Xmas Day!

There's been a big event this week- the loss of the first top tooth! I was right, so much more grown up now, but with a cute little lisp.
Goes well with all those cute freckles!

It is Murray's birthday today, 3 yrs old! He loves his present, a squeaky burger toy. 

I finished my first tree skirt, using a 10inch wedge ruler, very simple, but so cute! It has wadding and some old chenille on the back. I love the pile of Little Miss pressies, pink and red and co-ordinated! Thanks to Lark for the red and white paper (and the gift wrapping!)

and finally, our tree! Kept it simple this year, just a tree, it's hard enough keeping the house tidy
without 100 more things to put up and take down!

So to all my blogging family and friends, a Merry Xmas and happy Holidays,
and a
prosperous and craft filled 2011!