Showing posts with label Music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Music. Show all posts

OOTD: He Is Legend

Here's on of those posts where I wear clothes and strike dodgy and awkward poses! I did, however, have some fun taking these pictures - especially since my tripod has vanished and I had to use a toddler's patio table in its place...Gotta be inventive sometimes, folk!

TOP - He Is Legend gig
SHORTS - Primark
BOOTS - Missguided
BRACELET - Actually a necklace, from Primark
SASS - All mine

Sometimes shorts are just denim underwear, aren't they? I mean - when did it become all hunky dory to stroll about in shorts that just about cover your butt? Who knows. Who cares! Combine with a band shirt, fishnets, a choker and some boots and you're good to go!

What's your take on short shorts? Are you a band shirt fiend, too? Let me know! Comments up top!

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OOTD - The Wolves

There's almost nothing I love more than a good, naff, 'my [insert name of creepy relation] would wear that' top. Well...in terms of naff clothing at least! There's a whole list of things I love more than naff tops: tinned ham, beards, knitwear, inflatables, lists - I'm sure you get the picture (I sure as Hell don't.) Anyway. what I'm trying to say is that I found this top at the local market and IT HAD TO BE MINE.

TOP - Market ('Wild' brand)
SHORTS - Hacked from a pair of old New Look jeans.
TIGHTS - Plain black over suspender tights off eBay.
BOOTS - From a random little shoe store.

Please excuse the white smudges on my top in the last picture and messy hair but I've been in class today! Finished off modelling a zombie face and made a one part mold, so I got COVERED in plaster - trust me, it was even spattered up my legs and all over my boots haha.

What do you think to this style of top? I'm more used to seeing them on greasy, fat old men.

(P.S) Go and listen to 'The Wolves' by Ben Howard! It's a stunner!

City and Colour's Latest Album - 'Little Hell'


Last night, I did something I haven't done for years - listened to a new release on repeat and found it utterly astounding each time through. This was City and Colour's new album, 'Little Hell', which is so far removed from his first and second albums, but in all the right ways. To my ears, 'Little Hell' has a touch of The Black Keys, a strong dose of Ray Lamontagne and a hint of Jeff Buckley (I wouldn't say that lightly), with all the rawness that Dallas adds to Alexisonfire, condensed down into a frenzy of pure emotion strung together by simplistic lyrics and one hell of a soulful voice. In one word - stunning.

FOTD - The Lady Killer

My boyfriend told me that Cee Lo Green was playing in Manchester a while ago and we both sorta forgot about it since neither of us could afford it at the time. Then I managed to get some money and thought we both deserved a bit of fun...

I bought two tickets, put one in a bag of my boyfriend's favourite sweets and gave it to him. He was pretty amazed and excited - resulting in him dancing/ jumping around my room! I love surprising people with treats, big or small - if it makes them smile then my job is done :) Anyway, you came to see my face with make-up on it, right?

EYES - UDPP, Fyrinnae Pixie Epoxy, Sassy Minerals 'Happy Hour', Fyrinnae 'Shrouded in Gold', Beauty UK palette golden brown, black and shell, Kryolan liquid eyeliner, mascara.

FACE - Kryolan ultra foundation as concealer, Collection 2000 'Matt + Minerals' foundation, Shu uemura 'Matte Peach' blush, Accessorize 'Bermuda' bronzer, Kryolan powder.

LIPS - Nothing

This was a pretty quick look since I literally had ten minutes to do my entire face AND take photos! so I'm sorry for the blatantly rushed pictures, too :/ Ah well, it gives you an idea at least :)

The show was fun, Cee Lo was as smooth as you'd expect him to be, joking around with people from the audience and chatting on. It was great to see such a mix of people there, too! Little, tiny 13 year old emo kids straight up to 40 year old accountant looking types. Cee Lo also did a couple of his Gnarls Barkley tracks and a punk rock version of 'I Want You' - awesome! 

FOTD - Two Suns

Today my Bat for Lashes CD arrived in the post, 'Two Suns'. It's the first 'physical' CD I've bought in ages (the last before that was Iron & Wine 'Woman King') so I was pretty excited! Natasha Khan is undoubtedly my most respected female musician, her voice is incredible, she writes her own music, plays five instruments, doesn't try to fit with the mainstream and has an awesome style to top it off - what's not to love?!

Anyway, enough rambling.

I'm not a fan of how the crease photographed as being so darn muddy. IRL, it's a nice coppery brown...Ah well, some you win, some you lose!

EYES - UDPP, FPI, MAC 'Old Gold', MAC 'Entremauve' (or 'Grape', they're near enough identical), Mixology 'Rogue', MUA 'Shade 12', Collection 2000 'Purple' felt tip eyeliner, Urban Decay 'Lucky' pencil eyeliner, the most pointless layer of mascara ever.

FACE - Kryolan Ultra Foundation as concealer, Collection 2000 'Matt + Minerals' foundation, Shu Uemura 'Matte Amber' blush, Lancome bronzer, Kryolan powder.

LIPS - MAC 'Jubilee', Soap & Glory gloss.

Also not a fan of how weird I look with next to no eyelashes and no liquid eyeliner! I usually pile on the black liquid eyeliner with colourful/ intricate looks but it's hard to apply when you don't have many eyelashes as a guide. 

Now you should all listen to 'Glass' by Bat for Lashes - it is seriously INCREDIBLE!

It's Lookin' Like a Limb Torn Off

Or all together just taken apart
We're reeling through an endless fall
We are the ever-living ghost of what once was

These photos are part of a set, which I'm pairing up with scans of some latex faces I made. Not the best...but they get the idea across. It's pretty grim, wrapping your head in cling film and stuffing scissors up your nostrils so you can breathe. I like how the light bounced off the surface though; it made for an interesting texture.

I feel a bit nervous about my university interviews, now...You should see my portfolio. It compromises of so many strange and macabre things! I didn't even mean it to. Bones, dismembered hands, distorted faces, chunks of skin...I guess that's just how I think :S

FOTD - The Devil Dressed in Blue


Well I believe the closing scene

Is being told so close to me
I'm having trouble getting sleep
The devil dressed in blue

Well after all the enemies
Staring back inside of me
I wrote a tune so it seems 
That convinced me to always sing 

EYES - UDPP, Gosh black eyeliner pencil, Venomous Cosmetics 'Sydney Harbour at Night', Venomous Cosmetics 'Centipede', Sassy Minerals 'Under Stated', MAC 'Vanilla' pigment

FACE - Kryolan 'Ultra Foundation' as concealer, Collection 2000 'Matt + Minerals' foundation, Kryolan powder, Shu Uemura 'Medium Peach' glow blush, Lancome bronzer

LIPS - A little bit of OCC 'Trick' lip tar

I woke up this morning with one of my favourite songs stuck in my head, 'The Devil Dressed in Blue' by Right Away, Great Captain. It's one of those slightly odd, simple, toe tapping kind of songs which puts you in a good mood - even if it doesn't have the cheeriest of lyrics. Maybe it's just because it reminds me of the drive to and from Leeds Festival last year...those were a wild few days! I urge you to all click the link and give it a listen, let me know what you think of it :)

Bon Iver

I haven't come across a single person yet who doesn't appreciate Bon Iver. Fantasic lyrics, simple but effective guitar and occasional experimental sound effects lead by a unique, genuine voice. I'm not sure I'd call it folk, but there really has been a flood of artists with similar styles emerging in recent years - perhaps a modern take on folk.

Apparently he has been/ has written a track for the Twilight 'New Moon' film, which I actually respect!  The best thing about Twilight has been the soundtracks - the films themselves are unbelievably crap. Anyway...

Click the jump to hear some unforgettable music!

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A Little Recovery...

Hello! I just got back from Leeds Festival and I'm feeling ROUGH. I was so shocked to see how much thinner I looked once I got home. I thought it was probably just having not seen myself in a full length mirror for a while, I hadn't realised how thin I was in the first place...Unfortunately not, being on my feet walking/ dancing/ standing/ running about almost 24/7 for three days and consuming about 300 calories a day, I've lost 8lb. Grim. I HATE losing weight. Ah well, gives me an excuse to eat more bacon and cake than I usually do!

Eitherway, despite lack of sleep and proper food, I had an awesome time :) Definitely what I needed. Best bands hands down were Mumford & Sons, who sound exactly the same live (if not better) than they do recorded. They always give it their all and the crowd were fantastic! Weezer were wild. Yes, wild. I wouldn't have expected that, but Rivers was climbing all over the equipment, sitting on the fence above the crowd and diving about like nobody's business. He also donned a Lady Gaga wig and big black glasses and they did a Lady Gaga mash up - before opening the gate to behind the stage so all the crowd could get through! Frank Turner was as smooth and straight to the point as ever. Limp Bizkit put on an unbelievable show, everyone went NUTS. There was a 3000 + people mosh pit, the most lethal I've ever been in, I can't even begin to explain the carnage. Gold Heart Assembly were fantastic too, I was drawn to their tent just by their ability to harmonise with each other so beautifully and their interesting country/ folk style.

I'll be back with some 'proper' posts soon; I hope you enjoyed your weekend!

Full 'Music Snob' Approval

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I've got high standards when it comes to music - I can't deny it. With favourite musicians such as Elliott Smith, Jeff Buckley and Nick Drake it takes a lot to impress me. So it came as nice surprise when I first heard John Ainsworth, a young gent from Manchester with a soulful voice, decent lyrics and unbelievable skills on the guitar.

[[ Info on who shot/ recorded/ mixed/ edited this song + video is in the Youtube downbar ]]

Music has always been at the heart of Manchester, but in recent years the beat has slowed to the dull sound of various, uninspiring teenage indie bands.  It's reassuring to know that sparks of musical talent are still flickering in this city.

If you like what you hear, sub the chanel. There will most likely be more to come.
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