Showing posts with label Noodles and Pasta. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Noodles and Pasta. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I have so much passion in cooking. I love watching cooking shows, read cooking blogs, read recipe books and anything to do with cooking, I just love it. I really enjoy cooking for my family, friends and relatives. It’s just the cleaning up soon after is something that I don’t really fancy. So that portion of it I sub-con to my daughters all the

One of the meals that my family enjoys and not much cleaning up to do after is Spaghetti. I always use Prego Spaghetti Sauce that comes in the canned. It has a much more Malaysian kind of flavours. I don’t really like my sauce to be so tomatoed so I will normally add a few ingredients to enhance the flavours according to my taste.

The sauce.. What I’ll do is I will melt some butter in the pot and add diced onions, saute till fragrant and brown then add minced meat. Once cooked, I will put about 1tbs of chilli paste and mushrooms. Pour in the Prego sauce and ½ canned of Campbell’s tomato soup. Add water to desired thickness and melt in 3 to 4 slices cheddar cheese into the sauce. I also put in chilli sauce and add a bit of salt and ½ of chicken cube. My family loves the sauce cooked up this way..sour, creamy and a hint of spiciness all in one.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Mee Sup

Dulu masa ada maid, masak bleh siap dlm 1 jam jer. Lengkap set2 nyer. Selalunya hubby tak suka maid masak, so I masih kena masak tapi keje I jadi mudah sebab maid dah siapkan bahan2 in advance. So I balik just bersilat jer depan dapur. Keje2 mengemas, mencuci sumer pun lepas kat maid ler kan. Masa tu mmg rajin especially weekend. Macam2 resipi keluar. Selepas 2 kali ambil maid, dan dua2 kes maid missing in action, dah malas nak ambil maid lagi.

Sekarang ni I lebih suka masak quick meal. Anak2 pun tak payah tunggu lelama. Selalunya by 8pm dinner is served. Kesian jugak kalau lambat2, ssbab last meal derang is lunch.

Mee Sup ni mmg cukup simple, sedap dan mengenyangkan. Cuma rebus ayam dan ambil stoknyer. Pastu tumis bawang merah dan bawang putih. Masuk stok ayam. Masuk kiub pati ayam dan garam skit. Pastu campak jer apa2 bahan yg nak. Mee tu biasa la rebus berasingan.

Tapi nak masak camni pun sekali sekala boleh ler sbb hubby kadang2 tak makan nasi masa lunch. Dalam sehari sekali pun dia mesti nak kena jumpa nasi. So kalau dah lunch tak makan nasi, balik umah dia nak nasi untuk dinner. Kalau tak, mula membebel cam mak nenek. Lepas makan merungut plak dah gemuk. Berdiri depan cermin sambil belek perut, "I have to lose weight"..sabar jer la..