Hi dear readers, first I want to take you back to a dream from March 2017 which I wrote about in my previous post. Here's a copy of it;
March 14th 2017
Yesterday night and this night I dreamed that I was in a big building , which could have been even a hospital or factory. It was made of lots of aluminum. I remember taking the elevator and went down to the basements, it looked like there was a car factory or maybe parking lot. Then I woke up because I heard the noise of someone clicking on my alarm clock, I looked but it was still on, then I fell back half asleep and some pictures of Prince passed my mind, like I was going through an album or so, but they were floating one by one in front of me.
As you probably know, all police files regarding Prince are online now since April 2018. So here's a part I copied, when I read part 26 I had to think about my dream from March 14th 2017, maybe he showed me what he did "see" when they took him out of Paisley Park. I'm not saying it is, but look at what I wrote; I talk about being in a big building (Paisley Park), didn't know it was a hospital or factory, well the outside of Paisley Park is all white (hospital), then I talk about aluminum and taking an elevator down the basement ( the elevator at Paisley Park is made of aluminum) where it looked like a parking lot or factory ( I saw several cars, which could be the parking garage underneath Paisley Park, Prince did own several cars, so my interpretation about being at a car factory or parking lot could be because his cars were all parked there, (take a look at the police files, they put him in the elevator and took him down to the basement from where they transported him outside Paisley Park. The other thing I mentioned from my dream was it looked like I was going through an album seeing lot's of pictures of Prince from different periods. Don't they always say that when you're dead your life is passing through ?? Could it have been that he showed me what he saw at that time ? I'm not sure, but the similarities hit me for sure.

Here some pics of the garage under Paisley Park;
Another thing I would like to show you is this drawing, I already talked about this and showed it in my previous blogpost, but as you know on March 17th I haven't been at Paisley Park by then, and even at Paisley Park you cannot see the elevator because they covered everything around it. But look at the place where I have drawn the elevator, in the right corner, on the left you can look through and see doors/rooms on the other side, I have drawn it from the point of view where I have seen it, but actually you have to turn it to the left if you want to match it with the first picture.
Here some pics of where the elevator is situated;
From March 30 till April 2nd 2017 I went on my trip to Minneapolis, to feel as close as I could be to Prince. It was an amazing trip, and he sure was around, I have written a post about it last year already, you can find it somewhere in my post from April 2017
April 4th 2017
I never have scary dreams, but this night I had. I was standing at the end of the hallway in my house and it was all dark. Next to me was standing someone but I couldn't see who it was, but this person hold my arm tight. Then I looked over my shoulder and saw another person standing at the other side of the hallway, this person was all covered in some kind of grey looking sack of felt material, it even covered his head. He came closer to me and I wanted to ran away but the person next to me still hold me tight on my arm, then I woke up.
I was told that if you never have many scary dreams you have learned how to reject them, that's what I was doing in this dream as well, even the face of that person was covered, I did look at him. they don't want you to face them, but if you do their energy will go down low and you let them know you are not afraid.
April 5th 2017
I was in a room with about ten other people, some I knew and some I didn't. I was laying on a bed and all other people sat around me on chairs. There was a big black cat on me which I was stroking all the time. I asked the people; who else is going to Paul's party, and everyone said they were going. I have no idea who Paul is or was, because I don't know anyone by that name. Then the people start talking together and they said; Prince and Michael Jackson made a mistake by going back through the hallway with the mirrors, just because they wanted their stuff back. That same time the cat stood up showing his teeth and big tail, his hair suddenly became long and wild and I woke up.
So did this mean they wanted their music rights back but they won't let them???
I always have thought that there is some kind of mystery about mirrors. They are mysterious and pretty in one way, but they are also kind of frighted in another way. I have read a lot about the Illuminati, and here's an interesting article about the Illuminati and mirrors. Also take a look about the dates when they do blood sacrifices, between April 19th and May 1st. (Prince died on April 21st)
The Ground Zero show has focused on the first day of May and its links to the death rituals of Walpurgis and Beltane. We addressed the coincidences of Hitler’s death anniversary on may 1st 66 years before and the coincidence of George W. Bush’s mission accomplished speech on the U.S,S. Abraham Lincoln. May 1, 1776 is widely recognized as the birthday of Adam Weishaupt’s often demonized Bavarian Illuminati as well as the festival of Beltane. Since this date is a high holiday of witches, Satanists and various agents of the Illuminati. There are rituals conducted where a human sacrifice must be made on that day.
There is an actual time frame between April 19th, and May 1st where bloodshed is
required as an offering to Baal. This is known anciently to a sacrifice to the good king,
and homage to Saturn.
The Illuminati considers war to be a most advantageous way to sacrifice, for it kills both
children and adults. It is also a way to have plausible deniability where they brainwash
and commit the acts of murder. Keep in mind there is no blood on the hands of the
Illuminati only on the hands of the armies they command. It is the destructive group
dynamic and manipulation that is used by most destructive cults and is very effective
in cementing the commitment to create more war, ensure more pain and suffering and
convincing the apt pupils to dance in the blood of the dead in celebration.
There are magical workings being performed in high places of power and behind the
closed doors of the churches and synagogues.
If you want to read the whole article you can see it here;
Prince always talked about how the music industry worked, he even mentioned it in an (unreleased) song;
Prince and the Band
Like a Rim-Shot on a new Badu Joint
(Like a rim-shot on a new Roots joint)***
My band’s tight. Yea – anointed
(live in concert, au natural)***
Au natural
Pass my tape go straight 2 jail
And another thing –When eye sing
Black and White hold hands
Start clappin’ when we enter
The jam packed dance
If U wanna just clap yo’ hands
(Clap yo’ hands
Clap yo’ hands y’all
4 Prince and the Band) ***
Here We Come Y’all
Prince and the Band
Happy – Cause We Just got paid
Free from all contracts
(Happy y’all cause Eye finally got paid
I’m off the plantation Boo)***
Chillin’ in the shade
Of the Sun’s light
We got it right
Distribute your own
Make a million overnight
B4 the tax comes
Quick, buy some land
But don’t build nothin’ just clap yo’ hands
Don’t build Nothin’ Just clap yo hands
(Clap yo’ hands y’all )***
(4 Prince and the Band)***
Here we come people
Prince and the Band
Record labels used 2 be a friend of mine
(Warner Bros. used 2 B a friend of mine)***
Now they’re just a monumental waste of time
Sell a million records
Make a dollar a pop
Still un-recouped when your band gets dropped
Got your own label but you’re givin’ ‘em half
Xpenses off the top
Who’s takin’ a bath?
7 years of prime life
Your soul and your name
That’s what U pay 2
keep yourself enslaved 2 that game
Whatever U can’t do alone is not worth the fame
They all get older but we still look the same
U can’t understand, y’all can’t understand
Just clap yo’ hands
Clap yo’ hands
Clap yo’ hands y’all
4 Prince and the Band
Like a policeman 2 a crime
Eye just can’t make up my mind
2 jam or not 2 jam
The Big Crowd Rocker, that’s who we am
Funky y’all – TRUTH be told
Prime time ain’t ready 4 us all
We bring the noise the best we can
Clap yo hands
Clap yo’ hands
Clap yo’ hands y’all
4 Prince and the Band
April 14th 2017
I never dream much about people that are friends or family, but this night I was. I dreamed my hubby came back from a trip to Thailand. I had to unpack his suitcase and in it was a plastic clear box with small beautiful fish in it, they were only in orange and blue colors and they had beautiful tails. I put them into another box and suddenly I was at a mall and put the fish into a little pond. Then I went back to get the other fish, I took one in my hand and when I got it out of the water is suddenly changed into some kind of blue bird, it more looked like a bird from a comic serie, when I put him back into the water in turned back into a fish again.
Blue fish are positive thoughts
Orange fish are issues that hold a heavy influence over your current choices.
A fish is a positive dream symbol which stands for spiritual grow and transformation. If you see fish swim it stands for insights of your subconscious. If you catch a fish then these are the most important insights about yourself and your life that has come true.
April 15th 2017
I was on a vacation in Spain or Greece, not sure. I spoke to someone and told that person, that I didn't see, that I had been there before but I had stayed in another apartment as last time and I showed it to him or her, I was standing on a bridge or something, at least something that was higher than the street. Then suddenly a woman was standing in front of me and I was standing in another street with lots of green around. The woman started talking about her daughters, who arrived a little later on some kind of scooter. They looked like they were twins or so, about the age of 16, light brown hair, long with bangs and light curly touch. The girl on the left was the more sporty one and a real tomboy, the other one not. Like I said before, I am a worse drawer, lol, but this the best I could draw
April 16th 2017
I dreamed about a man and woman with two daughters about 8 years old. One of them got a new coat
and she had to choose between a long white one or a short black cool one. Then I suddenly sat in a train or tram watching through the window seeing other trains or trams passing by. Then suddenly Prince came across my view wearing his white lace outfit from the 80's again, it was like he was walking behind a wall of fog. I remember him seeing in this outfit again in the period that I needed confidence, and because the lace outfit shows confidence to wear it, I knew this time he showed it again to let me know I had to have confidence that he will comeback to me in my dreams, I was a little out of confidence about having him not appearing in my dreams lately. But until today he hasn't disappeared from my side and still visit me, sometimes with information about himself, sometimes he just want to make myself aware of something I need to know, I know he hears and sees everything I do , because sometimes he confront me with those things.
This is the white lace outfit he showed me;
April 20th 2017
I was laying on a lawn watching planes. I was talking to a pilot or so, but I remember not having a phone in my hand, so probably it was telepathic. I was talking to a pilot and he told me that I have to watch the sky because he would fly over in a minute. Then suddenly I was standing next to a woman, although I didn't see her, I knew she was there, we were singing together Take me with u ( a Prince song), and I must say it didn't sound too bad, lol, we had fun singing it, until I noticed someone was watching, I looked to the right and there was Prince next to me, wearing his fro and only smiling. Yeaahhh that made me happy again, he didn't forget me and still knew how to find me somewhere in between our worlds, lol. I knew he would come back with other things.
April 21st 2017
I dreamed again last night. You know my dreams you can split into three different ones;
1: I am the main character together with the spirit, he or she talk to me, or touch me or I touch them. These are the most beautiful ones, because it's the same as in real life, the spirit is so real like he or she is alive.
2: I am the "watcher" , I see the spirit doing something or talking to someone and I am just standing watching the scene, it's almost like they not notice me standing there, like I am invisible.or watching from behind a window.
3: another not knowing person or spirit talks to me telling me things about others.
So this dream was like no.2, I was the "watcher" , I was in studio A at Paisley Park, it was busy and I saw many people in there, Prince was running and laughing around, I think with some band members or so, I didn't see anyone except for Rosie Gaines, he was having a good time, it was good to see him that happy., he was wearing a black pants, not knowing anything else, and his hair like in 1991/1992. Here's a pic of how Prince looked in this dream( well I only remember his hair and a black pants), and Rosie is on the left

I was thinking about him showing people in my dreams that are not deceased, he probably only show people he liked a lot, because I have no idea how these living people appear, lol, to me it always look like some photo projection is used for that, because the living people I never see move or talk, they just standing there. Aren't you curious about how the spirit world works ? They are able to do so many amazing things, I can't imagine I have done all such things in between previous lives.
April 23rd 2017
I was at a restaurant, and there was a table with people playing cards or some other kind of game. All those people were wearing backpacks, one woman wore a big big backpack which she took off while sitting there, all other people just had them on. Then suddenly I was running outside with a bunch of other people, we ran into the water which looked beautifully turquoise colored, I ran into it and then I realized that I was able to float on it. Suddenly I was on a bus, it wanted to cross the street but there was coming a truck from the left , the driver wanted to stop the truck and turned the steering wheel and drove into a building.
Here are the explanations about floating on water and the color turquoise:
Floating dreams are a wake-up call to your spiritual being.
In order to understand this dream we need to look at the difference between normal and spiritual dreams.
To dream of floating is a spiritual dream. It is generally a positive one. To see animals floating on water denotes happy times. Floating is connected to calmness in the waking world. It is time for peace and change. To see yourself floating on water in your dream is a sign that you are trying to accomplish something which is proving to be difficult.
turquoise is a healing symbol.
Clues that the dream may be about healing might include other healing symbols, such as a doctor, nurse, a tranquil sea, or a hospital.
I underlined the word "tranquil sea" because the sea in my dream was very peaceful, it's always amazing to find out that several dream symbols in a dream are related to each other.
Don't you just love that your dreams telling you lot's of things about yourself, I think if people would look more what their dreams are telling them, they might being more happy. But the fact that this isn't happening to everyone is just because we live in a 24 hour civilization, we don't have time to look around, really, tell me , when was the last time you sat down in your garden or at a park and really enjoyed everything that was surrounding you? Watch a bird sitting in a tree, or watch a snail on the ground looking for some green leafs, when was the last time you watched the clouds changing from one figure to another. Just take time every once in a while to look around you and be grateful for the things on our beautiful planet, it would be a much better place when everyone would do that.
April 25th 2017
I was at a Prince concert, but it didn't start yet, then I heard someone calling my name and I woke up, weird is that although the concert didn't start I just exactly knew how Prince looked like; long hair and something black on, around 1990.
I was searching for an article about hearing someone calling your name and came across different psychic gifts, one of them made me smile, Prince did have some psychic gifts, and I think one of them was being Clairaudient.
If music moves you to this extent, you may be clairaudient.
Remember, psychic hearing is ONE of FOUR ways that we can receive intuitive information. So, it makes sense that a person who has this gift would be so moved by music.
You may also be:
- Musically inclined or play music by ear
- Write music – You may “hear” the music before you write it, or it may feel inspired by a higher power
On a side note… if you start seeing pictures in your head to match the song lyrics, it may also mean you are clairvoyant!
I don't think it's strange that so many psychic people are along his fans. It's the thing that connected us with him. I remember as an 11 year old hearing his song "Controversy" for the first time and I was completely drown into this video by the glass stained window and angel statues. A few years later when I was able to understand English, I was drown to his lyrics which were always about God, the Angels and the Afterlife and it caught me.
So this is it for now, I'm travelling to Minneapolis coming week and will try to get back with more updates from past dreams soon. See you in a couple of week. Take care.