Why I started this blog

I knew I had spiritual abilities since I was a kid, but since the end of May 2016 my life has changed completely because of the spiritual process I am going through and still am. Therefore I decided last year to start writing about my dreams and other experiences that I am going through, I try to find answers and search around the internet and in books to get them. I hope you will enjoy my dreams and experiences and hopefully it will help you to search for answers, and to find out that you're not alone out there. With that I mean, you're not alone in this world, you are surrounded by Angels and Spirits, but you're also not alone in being psychic, it's still an underrated gift, which is too sad. Many blessings Astrid.

zondag 27 januari 2019

New Dreams New Experiences

Just something to start with and think about:

It seems that once a year I always have some problems with communication with the spirit world, so it is at this very moment, and so was it last year around July/August.

July 2nd 2017

I dreamed bits and pieces those months last year, so this night I dreamed that I was at a hotel and there was candy all over the floor. I cleaned the floor then I woke up, fell back asleep again and dreamed,  that I was in a room with somebody,
 there was a door that was open and I saw a woman dancing in the other room, I looked again and I said to the person next to me; did you see who that was ? The other person said; yes, it was Prince's mom. She was wearing a brown skirt and jacket and heels and she looked very pretty and happy and was smiling she didn't notice me, she was just happy and dancing. Then I noticed a hole in her tights and I woke up and I wondered, this was weird, how come I see his mom, but she didn't seem to notice me. Where was Prince himself,  did he show her to me ?  I know he is always around, but why would he show her to me? Who was the person I was talking to ? It seems that that person also knew Prince and her. Sometimes my dreams are so surreal I totally can understand that people think I made these things up myself, but really I don't. They just come and I write them down, not sure why I get them. But dreams never come without any meaning, there is always a meaning behind it. 

Again I woke up and fell back asleep again, and again I was at a hotel, and the floor was all covered with candy, and again, I cleaned everything, and told the person who was still with me; I just cleaned it and now it is everywhere again !

Having the same dream the same night is even weird for me, lol. What has the hotel and candy to do with Prince and or his mom ???

Here's a little explanation about candy; 
Candy in dreams suggest good luck, fortunes, and happiness in love and friendship. Depending on the context of the candy appearing in dreams, you can interpret candy related dreams differently. Below we will go through the most common candy related dreams to help you decipher the dreams.

Well dreaming two times the in the same night about a floor filled with candy, I must get lot's of luck and happiness, lol.

July 13th 2017

Something beautiful happened this night, something new I never experienced before, like so many things has happened the past year. This night I woke up at 3:34. When I was between being awake and sleep (Hypnagogic state) I heard the bedroom door was opened. I waited and listened what was about to come. Then something jumped onto my bed and started walking. I could really feel four little paws walking towards me and immediately knew it was my dear cat Jerry who passed in March 2012. It was the first time I got a visit from Jerry, it was such a beautiful experience, and one I never had before. I really had the feeling I was learning some new spiritual skills again.  I was afraid to open my eyes, which usually don't work when you are in this Hypnagogic state because you are mostly paralized for a few minutes, just those few minutes you experience this you can't move. But I promised myself if he will visit me another time, I need to try to look, but it also was a little scary, my heartbeat raised to a high level, lol. What was I afraid of, I never am afraid during spiritual experiences. 

Check this link for more signs if you had a visit from your deceased pet.

Just want to share sign no.5 from the list, which really caught my eye;

5. You feel their presence curl up next to you at the foot of your bed. 
This is a cat-dominant one, but dogs in the afterlife will do it, too, especially if they were known for being a snuggler.
A typical cat style visitation is where you will feel your cat curl up along the backs of your knees while laying down, at the foot of your beds, or along your back, also when you're laying down in bed. A cat in spirit and their presence can even make a physical impression in the sheets of the bed, so make sure to look for that. 
Because this is such a palpable experience, this is a common visitation, particularly known for curing even the worst skeptic. 
Isn't that the most beautiful thing that can happen, and also proof that there is such thing as an afterlife. People, I always knew there was, but please listen, there really is, I wish I could proof this to the most skeptic people, wonder how they would react after such thing.And I can't say it enough; one day we are all spirits again and want to be seen and heard by our loved ones or maybe by just regular people to deliver messages. Please open up your third eye and crown chakra, meditate and take time to listen to these beautiful messages that are being send all around us.
July 20th 2017
I never have scary dreams or being afraid, never had, even not when I was a kid, but this dream was a little different as usual, although it was not very scary. I was in the livingroom of the house where I grew up as a kid. I was there with my husband and son. We were sitting on the couch, suddenly the door in the kitchen went open and a bright yellow light shined through, then the door started to open and close very fast, several times after each other. Then my husband woke me up because I wasn't breathing for a while. Didn't realize that myself.

July 26th 2017
This night I was in a shop looking at some magazines. There were several with Prince on the cover, there was one magazine with something else on the cover, I lifted that one up and the magazine underneath it had George Michael on the cover, I remember there was the no.47 written in big bold bright letters in yellow. There was also a text next to his picture which said; the daughter he always wanted to have. And I woke up. When I woke up I heard his song; One more try. Hmmm these kind of dreams make me think, well actually all of my dreams make me think, and I have so many, lol. Well ofcourse I went searching on the internet if I could find something about it, and here's what I found, makes you think, https://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/george-michael-wanted-father-making-9534559

I also looked up about the no.47, you will be surprised about the meaning of it, in combination with my dream.
The numerology number 47 is a relationships number. It has a focus on developing a secure foundation for building a relationship that will prosper. 47 is also a teamwork and romance number.

July 30th 2017
A very short dream, something about a parade, with dressed up people, dressed up bikes and long tables with many people.
Here's the explanation of dreaming about a parade and dressed up people;


So, sorry it took so long for a new update, have been very busy lately, hope to catch up soon.

donderdag 4 oktober 2018

Spirit world where are you ?

Hi everyone, I know I'm late again, but lately my dreams and spiritual ability are on a very low point, so maybe it's because I have to catch up with the old dreams, you know, everything happens for a reason. Before I start with June 2017, I want to mention that the end of May 2017, I felt in the morning that someone sat down on my bed. These kind of feelings, named "Hypnagogic state" usually happens when you are between waking and sleeping, but mostly you think you are fully awake because it is so real.


Hypnagogia, also referred to as "hypnagogic hallucinations", is the experience of the transitional state from wakefulness to sleep: the hypnagogic state of consciousness, during the onset of sleep (for the transitional state from sleep to wakefulness see hypnopompic). Mental phenomena that may occur during this "threshold consciousness" phase include lucid thought, lucid dreaminghallucinations, and sleep paralysis. However, sleep paralysis and lucid dreaming are separate sleep conditions that are sometimes experienced during the hypnagogic state.[1]

June 2nd 2017

I always have lot's of dreams about being in Minneapolis, I love that city, it has a special place in my heart and will have forever. This time I was in a taxi, I was taken from Minneapolis to Paisley Park (Chanhassen).  The taxi driver was a white guy, about 25 years old,  he had short blond hair. My dream ended very soon, before I arrived at Paisley Park, I only remember driving on a highway. So to me not a very interesting dream, just wrote it down for the record.

So something other I did this day was channeling  George Michael, I first tried to contact Prince, but I wasn't able too. When I do this and close my eyes and concentrate on their names, I sometimes write their names down on a piece of paper and hold it between my hands as I concentrate on their name, this is something I have learned during my initiation in January 2017, I immediately see images floating in front of my eyes. So the image I got this time was an iron gate,I have been thinking this gate was somewhere at one of his houses, or maybe it is the gate at the cemetery where he is buried, haven't found out yet where the gate is from

June 5th 2017

I had a weird dream about myself. I saw myself as 4 year old, I was in a little boat on the water with another kid, don't know who,  I know where it was, at an amusement park in my city. Slowly the boat went full with water, I saw my mother screaming at me from the side, but I didn't panic and I didn't react to her screaming, actually I stayed very calm and then I woke up.

June 6th 2017

Again I was in a taxi in Minneapolis, I can't remember much of the dream, but I do know the first thing I thought was, hey this is a different driver as last time but I could not describe him. I already woke up before anything special happened.

Here's any answer about dreaming about taxi's; A taxi is vehicle that is used for transportation. The taxi is a vehicle for hire, therefore, in a dream state the interpretation is that this means it is associated with the future occurrences, but only the temporary future. A taxi ride is a prediction of how one approaches the future. If the taxi is going fast then the dreamer is likely to be moving in a fast direction - if slow vise versa.

June 7th 2017 ( Prince's birthday, lol)

Well this next dream has hit me and I will tell you why.  I was in a room, opened a door to a hallway, I looked to the right when I opened the door ( the door went open to the inside, yeah I know every detail, lol )  the hallway was dead end to the right but in the right corner was a girl, she was a white girl with long dark blond hair, she was between 20-25 years old. I said ; oh hello and reached out my hand to her, she took it and I could really feel her hand. She said; finally someone who can see me, she spoke in Dutch and those words really hit me in the heart. When I woke up these words remain in my head. I want to tell you all how important it is for spirits that they find people who can hear and see them, so don't judge mediums, spirits love them and need them to contact our world, and remember, one day you will be a spirit yourself, wouldn't you be happy if people could see or hear you  Her words brought tears to my eyes. I know not everyone can see or hear them, but may I ask, how many people have tried to listen and open up to spirits, some are so lost and sad , it really looked like she wasn't aware of the fact that she had died and was a little confused that nobody could see her. I hope this girl is in a good place now, because what happens to me all the time is from the moment I feel people in my dreams, I mean when I touch them or they touch me, I always wake up, I hope I can work on this, because those are the most beautiful parts of my dreams. So please people, try to open up more for the spirit world, it is a beautiful place, and some spirits need us.

June 8th 2017

I channeled Prince today and here's what he showed me. He showed me a row of people, and everyone of them had a book on their back and the one behind them was writing in it. Then he showed me flowers, lot's and lot's  of flowers, I asked him, will I see you soon, and he showed me a clock.

I wondered what he meant by it, I know people are writing books about him, but not sure if it bothered him or what the message exactly was, neither I do what he meant by the flowers.

June 9th 2016

Well I did ask Prince if I would see him soon yesterday and he showed me a clock, well this night he did appear.  I was in a bathroom standing in front of a mirror, then I walked out of the bathroom and took the stairs down, the stairs were with a turn to the left. Downstairs was a door at the right side of the stair, when I was halfway the stairs, the door opened and Prince came in, He was in his 80's purple rain look, white blouse and purple coat. I was so happy to see him, I ran down the stairs and hugged him tight, and again I woke up when I felt him. Sometimes he does reply very quick, lol

June 23rd 2017

Again I had a dream about Minneapolis, I am sure that I have to go back, the city is calling me, I know it might sound strange, but these dreams of me being there keep coming, so it really is telling me to go back, and there is nothing that I want more. This night I was at the airport, and I took the lightrail, but the road was very bumpy, lot's of hole's in the street and the lightrail went up and down, and it was riding very fast.

Well it look like a weird dream, but while I was writing this, suddenly the next thing came to my mind. This dream told me what was about to come, I went back to Minneapolis this year in June, but before I went there a lot of things happened, so this dream told me, I will go there, but the road will not be easy, and indeed it wasn't. The trip was cancelled two weeks before leaving, had to arrange a lot of stuff , and lot's of other problems about the trip had happened before. This dream warned me for what was about to come. See, I didn't know then what it meant but I do know now. Never put your dreams aside, listen to them, write them down, even when you think it is not important, things we don't see in waking life we can see in dreams, because our minds are open. 

June 30th 2017

This dream started that I was walking in a park,  I was walking down some stone stairs and then climbing up again another stair, or maybe it was first up and then down, can't remember that exactly, but suddenly I heard a motorcycle coming from behind, he came closer and for a second I was afraid that he was going to hit me, but he didn't.  Then I walked on a stone path between two beautiful big green lawns, and lot's of trees at each side of the lawn, between the trees there were three palm trees, they caught my eye.There was a picnic table on the lawn on the right, two women sat there, I walked by and at the end of the path there was a big iron gate.I walked through the gate and suddenly I stand in a street in my hometown. I crossed the street and suddenly the scenery changed and I walked in Egypt. Small streets with lot's of people and little shops. There were many people, but one man caught my eye, and that was because he was the only one who looked me straight in the eyes. It was an older man in his 70's or 80's, his face was wrinkled, he wore a white cap on his head, his hear was short and grey, and he wore a white long dress.

Palm Tree Dream Explanation — The date palm symbolizes the knowledgeable man and his children, tribe, or folk. It specifically refers to a noble, honest, and esteemed Arab who likes to benefit people, perhaps a scholar. It also means long life. 

As you can see, I do dream a lot, almost every day, maybe it was too much for me, because it is very exhausting, but I must admit, having not so many dreams lately and having problems with contacting the spirit world, it kinda make me sad and it's frustrating that I am kind of locked out of heaven. I pray that it will be back soon and I hope you will pray for me as well, otherwise I will not be able to write more posts, I have been thinking this before, but the universe want me to tell about all this, and I think I am getting closer to where I was on a spiritual level. I will be back soon readers. Thank you and blessings to all. 

zondag 22 juli 2018


Hi everyone, I am so far behind, it seems I never can catch up with all my dreams, wish I had started right away sharing them on my blog. But anyway I'm glad I always have written them down from the beginning. Wish I had done it all my life, but I still remind some of my dreams from long ago. Hope you enjoy this May 2017 journey of my dreams. 

May 2nd 2017

Since I had bought my symbol necklace in May 2016  my dreams with Prince has started. I know it might sound weird, but I bought this one from the shop where he had ordered the "original" ones which were given away by concerts, and it's also the shop where he bought his famous ear cuffs. I truly believe in some power of it, because I had one of the last ones that were sold from that shop, the woman who made them told that she always had some of them in stock for if she was getting an order from Paisley Park, she had some in stock after he passed but decided not to make them anymore, she just sold the ones she had left and leave it there. I had put this on my neck since the end of May 2016 and never put if off since then, I just can't do it, I sleep with it, shower with it, I just can't take it off. It might sounds weird but I do have a feeling there is something with it, something powerful. Well that weekend I was at a anniversay party and a dj played music , at one time I took the symbol between my hands and ask, please Prince can you let him play 1999, and it felt like there suddenly was a bunch of energy in my hand, and I just knew my message arrived in heaven. Within about five minutes the dj put on 1999. Coincidence ??? No, that doesn't exist !

I also had a dream last night. I was in a room and there was a shelf with magazines. I took one out and looked into it. There was a picture of Prince in it with an unknown girl. He wore his 80's look from the beginning, like Dirty Mind era, the girls was white with short blond, almost white hair.. she had a white t-shirt on. While I was looking at the pictures, they suddenly came alive, and some kind of jealous feeling came over me. It looked like they were standing under a shower or in the rain , not sure. They had lot's of fun and laughter together, which made me even more jealous.  He kept looking and looking at me, like he was saying; you see what I am doing.  It really looked like he wanted to have me jealous, for whatever reason, well it worked damn well, I can say. I felt awful when I woke up and I told him. I said; well I know I asked several times when I would see you again, but I didn't  expect this kind of dream, it hurt and you know. So when I put on my music the first song that came on was Call my name, that's my song , he send it me since the very first time he visited me in 2016 and when I hear it unexpectedly I know a message is on the way, the next song that came on was I feel for you. Ok so this was his way of saying sorry or what ? Anyway I felt much better.

May 5 th 2017

This night I had a beautiful dream, even when I woke up I literally had a smile on my face, lol. So George Michael appeared again, I didn't ask for him, so it seems he also will jump in every once in a while. His personality is completely different from Prince's , but I like them both. If they feel the need to visit me, I let them in. Well in this dream I was in Greece, in a small white house with trees around. George was sitting on the floor in the middle of the room, he was writing, maybe new songs ? Then he said; come sit behind me. So I did and I put my arms around him. We sat like that for a while and then I started to tickle him, we rolled over the floor laughing. It was just so much fun we had a good time, it felt kind of free, don't know exactly how to describe that moment. Then he said; come let's feed the squirrels. We went outside there were several squirrels on the ground between the trees, then suddenly one of the squirrels bit me in my left index finger, and I woke up, and even when I woke up I still could feel, something bit me, lol. That's how real my dreams are, just like daily life., but so beautiful, do you understand why I can't live without them ? Oh and George was wearing a light blue colored jeans and a light blue colored jeans shirt. Well couldn't find any pic with a blue jeans shirt, but he looked like this

When I was writing this dream down that night, suddenly I feel a presence came upon me, it felt the same as I had felt at Paisley Park, so I asked; Prince if this is you can you give me any sign ? Then my hubby switched channels on tv and suddenly the song "Little Red Corvette" came on and after that "Cream" they were both used as background music in a tv show. So is that a clear answer or what ? It appears to me that every time I talk to George, yes I do talk during day times to the spirits that visit me, lol, well every time when I have contact with or talking to George, Prince will always appear in someway, lol.  Is that what they call jealousy, lol. Never mind it's ok, love them both and try to listen to them as much as I can, but it seems George isn't visiting to share information, it seems he just come around for doing fun things, no idea why is that. What I also think is that Prince's spirit is much more stronger, but maybe I'm wrong and is it just their characters, they don't change, it's part of the soul.

May 7th 2017

I was standing at a balcony and an airplane flew over. It looked like a military airplane from WWII,  then someone said to me; that pilot had some mental issues, and I kept watching the plane which was only flying in circles.

May 10th 2017

So this was an interesting evening/night, lol. It all started when I was chatting with some friends, I suddenly started to text in English instead of Dutch, no idea why that happened. Then the window screen in our living room went up by itself, and five minutes later it went down by itself Then when I was preparing to go to bed and I suddenly felt a presence in our hallway, and when I went upstairs I felt this presence was following me. I went to the bathroom and didn't feel it anymore, but as soon as I walked into the bedroom it was waiting for me there. But I wasn't afraid, because for some weird reason I knew it was Prince, and  I couldn't see him, I just could feel his energy,  I just knew he was standing by the window, close to the end of the bed at my side. When my husband walked in, I said; guess what, we're with three tonight, lol. He said OMG, is he sleeping between us, lol, I said no, he is standing right there and pointed at the spot. Ofcourse my husband didn't see or feel anything. So, actually, deep down inside I knew it was Prince, but to be sure of my feeling I asked him again; if this is you Prince can you turn on the radio or turn on the light ? I waited a few minutes, but then I fell asleep, I woke up in the middle of the night, 3;30 am again as usual when he is around, and I thought, wow, is the moon shining that bright tonight. My bedroom was filled with light coming from outside. I went down and my hallway was also bathing in light. When I looked where the light came from, I saw that the light on my barn was on and it's a very bright one, it also shine into both my neighbors gardens. It cannot turn on by itself, you have to use the remote control in the kitchen. So I turned it off, and then I realized that I had asked if he could turn on the radio or the light if it was him standing next to my bed.  I went back to bed with a big smile on my face. I could really communicate with him, how awesome is that.

The next evening I went to a Bruno Mars concert, but because I have never seen Prince in concert, and I accepted the Bruno tickets so suddenly, I felt a little guilty towards Prince, but that same night he had let me know I don't have to feel guilty, things happens for a reason, whatever that reason may be, maybe therefore he contacts me, maybe it wouldn't be that way if I had seen him a hundred times, who knows. But even that I have never seen him alive and play, to me,  his visits in my dreams are even more alive than ever, I can talk to him face to face, we can touch each other , and he tells me his story, well that would have never happened when I had seen him in concert, right. So is it weird to say that I feel kind of privileged, although I know I am not the only one who he is visiting. But anyway I feel a lucky girl for having him around so much.
Well anyway, I went to Bruno's concert with a friend, we first went out for dinner and during dinner I felt someone sat down at our table, I knew he was coming with me to be sure that I don't have to feel guilty, isn't that sweet ? Sometimes he feels like the big brother I always wanted but never had. Then we went to the Ziggo Dome in Amsterdam, that was the same place where Prince played his last concert in Holland in 2014, at almost the same date. My friend asked, shall we put our jackets into a locker, which number shall we take she asked;, I looked up and right in front of me was number 57 ( Prince's age), I told her we absolutely should take that one. During the concert I had the feeling he was constantly watching me to be sure that I was having a great time and not feeling any guilt.  When Bruno played; Marry you, at the end of the song he suddenly played the first lines of Purple Rain and  I could cry when I heard that, it really felt to me that that was how it must have felt when you were at Prince's concert. Thank you Prince for being my teacher, my friend and my brother, I have learned so much from you, and I hope in return I will be able to help you with your messages, I am here to listen.

May 13th 2017

I was on a plane which was travelling from Serbia to Bulgaria, but there was some trouble before leaving. I was sitting by the window and next to me was a woman, she was in her 40's she was wearing a red coat, and had short blond curly hair and she wore a bright red lipstick. I kept hearing the name Sophia in my head, could have been her name, but Sofia is also the name of the capital city of Bulgaria, so I'm not sure about which it is.The plane only went riding, instead of flying, first around the airport and then on the streets,  just like a car.

May 16th 2017

So, never say dreams do not mean anything, they do bring you messages, I can't say it enough, write them down even when you think they are not important or meaningful. In my dream this night I dreamed that I was out with some friends, we were crossing a street and suddenly I saw something flying, it stopped right in front of me, it was a Prince cd 20-ten. I didn't had that one at that time, a little later in my dream, that same cd was there again. When I woke up I was sure that I had to get that one, although it was a hard one to find, but when I looked on the internet I found it second hand and close to home so I picked it up myself just 10 days after my dream, the cd was originally released in 2010 on July 10th, which is my son's birthday. 
 This was another sign for sure.
Well now I am reading this back I see the number 10 several times, lol. CD 2010, released on July 10th 2010 and I picked it up 10 days after my dream ?! 

May 19th 2017

This day I was curious if I was able to contact George Michael through my cards or with his name on paper like I had learned during my initiation. I am still amazed by how I get info by just concentrate on someone's name on a piece of paper. So I tried that again. First thing that came to my mind was water, I heard water, like a waterfall or so, then I saw a wooden door with a round gold knob on it, I went in and entered a small hallway, at the end of it there was a kitchen, which looked small too, it was connected to the living room. Here's my drawing. After having this vision, I wondered if this could be George's house , I never had seen his house, so I went to search on google and I was amazed by the things I found;

So these are pics of George's kitchen, I saw the view from the door you see ahead. So I have drawn it from that point of view

And this is my drawing of it;

Sorry for some reason I wasn't able to turn the drawing

But look at the things I have drawn, I thought it was creepy to see how close it is to the real photo's, and I only have seen this in a vision for a minute or so. 

About the water I heard, I see that his house was close to water, 

And here's the door, I described a wooden door with a gold round knob

May 20th 2017

Yesterday I was thinking back about what happened May 10th  when I felt the presence of a spirit in my room, I asked if it was Prince and if so, if he could turn on the radio or the light, that same night the light outside went on, so this day I was thinking about it and it make me smile, I told my husband; well imagine what would have happened if I asked him to turn on the fire alarm, lol, and he said; yeah , stop it with your stupid questions, I don't need to be woken up by a fire alarm. And guess what happened today ? Out of nowhere suddenly the fire alarm went off, just the one upstairs and it stopped by itself after about three times, which is also weird, and we didn't get a sign on our phone that it went off. Lol, luckily everyone in my family was there at that moment, and I told them before about my "question", lol, so this was another direct sign that spirits can hear everything or read everything, don't know if they have to be close to you at those moments or that they can hear it anyway, but I thought it was kind of funny.

How many times have any of us turned on a radio in the car or turned on the TV for example …and a song that’s been stuck in our heads is playing? Often the reason for the song being placed in our mind is a loved one or guide trying to tell us something by using the lyric… and then hearing it on our electrical equipment is their way of validating and sending that message home to us.
Flipping of TV or radio channels can often be fore the same reason…if it happens, take note of what is being discussed, played or shown on either channel– even if it is a commercial ad – there may be a connection you can make with a loved one who has passed.
The only real problem electrical manipulation can cause is malfunction to the point of needing replacements for items that are in very haunted places. I gave up replacing cassette tape recorders back in the day – they seemed particularly fragile!
The coming and going of our loved ones, what I would call “happy visits” don’t cause problems on the whole, unless they want to make a point and we ignore it or miss it. Kettles switch themselves on and light bulbs flicker or blow a lot around this kind of event, smoke alarms, mobile phones, any smaller appliances do tend to be affected.
However an unhappily emotionally charged visit or a full scale haunting by a spirit who is grounded and needs help to be moved on from the earth plane can on occasion short out larger appliances, so if this happens it may be time to look deeper.

May 22nd 2017

In my dream last night I was in a hotel room with two other people, but don't know who they were. There were two beds in the room. On one side of the room there was a large window, or maybe it was a door. I saw a line of spiders walking along the window on the outside, they were all black but had different sizes. It looked like they walked around the room outside and then come inside through the door on the other side which was connected to a hallway. They walked in and went straight to the other side of the room and disappeared  into a black hole in the ground. Then I laid down on the bed sleeping , I suddenly woke up because I saw a shadow walking along the hallway then the door opened and a white cat jumped onto my bed, but I didn't like him, he was meowing and then somebody knocked on the door, I opened it and a weird woman was standing there, she looked like a witch, or maybe a homeless woman, she had dirty hair and only a few teeth, she was screaming and yelling at me to give her cat back, I told her please take it with you again because I don't like him, and I woke up.

Here's a link to the meaning of spiders in a dream

If you want a quick answer about animals in your dream I often consult this small pocket book

May 24th 2017

There was a woman in my dream last night, she was between 40-45 years old, there were 4 girls, I believe they were her daughters, their ages were 14, 16, 18 and 20 years. All white girls, brown hair. The woman had her hair up. The girls made their own clothes, as some kind of hobby and so did the woman, she teached her daughters how to do so.  One girl made a jeans jacket, without a collar on it, another girl had made a dark blue short skirt. I guess there is something with a car accident. 

After I had a dream I always try to search if I can find something about it, about the persons or whatever I have seen or heard. I also did it with this dream and came across this car accident in October 2016. 


Bij een ernstig verkeersongeluk op de A50 ter hoogte van Veghel kwam zaterdagavond kort na 19.00 uur een 47-jarige vrouw uit Weert om het leven. Vier andere inzittenden raakten gewond.

De vrouw bestuurde het voertuig, dat door nog onbekende oorzaak tegen de vangrail botste om vervolgens aan de andere kant van de weg van het talud af te rijden. De auto kwam in een sloot tot stilstand. De vrouw overleed ter plaatse aan haar verwondingen. Haar drie dochters uit Weert (21, 18 en 14 jaar) zaten ook in de auto, net als een 35-jarige vrouw uit die plaats. Het viertal werd met uiteenlopende verwondingen overgebracht naar het ziekenhuis. Ze waren allemaal aanspreekbaar.

De A50 werd als gevolg van het ongeval enige tijd afgesloten. Verkeersspecialisten van de politie onderzoeken de precieze toedracht.
I was amazed by the age I had known from the woman and about the ages of the girls, and believe they were her daughters. I was right about four girls, the only thing is that three of them were her daughters and not the fourth one, I was right about the ages of the girls , except for the one which was not her daughter.  Could it be that that woman visited me ?? I am so curious about how they all looked, and if their hobby had something to do with clothes. But to me , to find anything this close to what I had seen and heard gives me a lot of confidence again.

This is how I saw the woman, need to learn more drawing skills  

May 26th 2017

I woke up this morning because I felt that someone was sitting down at the end of my bed. No idea who it was, but these things always feel so real. But as soon as the screen opened up automatically the magic was gone. Well I don't know who it was this time, but I know that Prince had showed up in my bedroom a while ago, and he did it again this year, lol. but I will tell about that another time. Still too far behind with updating my posts. 


So this was it for the month of May 2017, hope you will continue following me on my journey with the spirits, I love it, their world is beautiful, although the messages they sent aren't always beautiful, but the connection to them is so real, I sometimes do forget they are no longer with us, but on the other hand, it is a beautiful way to connect and not forget them, even the most of them are unknown spirits which I don't know.  Thanks, and may the Angels be with you and guiding you along the way

zondag 3 juni 2018

Messages from your soul

Hi dear readers, first I want to take you back to a dream from March 2017 which I wrote about in my previous post. Here's a copy of it; 

March 14th 2017

Yesterday night and this night I dreamed that I was in a big building , which could have been even a hospital or factory. It was made of lots of aluminum. I remember taking the elevator and went down to the basements, it looked like there was a car factory or maybe parking lot. Then I woke up because I heard the noise of someone clicking on my alarm clock, I looked but it was still on, then I fell back half asleep and some pictures of Prince passed my mind, like I was going through an album or so, but they were floating one by one in front of me. 

As you probably know, all police files regarding Prince are online now since April 2018. So here's a part I copied, when I read part 26 I had to think about my dream from March 14th 2017, maybe he showed me what he did "see" when they took him out of Paisley Park. I'm not saying it is, but look at what I wrote; I talk about being in a big building (Paisley Park), didn't know it was a hospital or factory, well the outside of Paisley Park is all white (hospital), then I talk about aluminum and taking an elevator down the basement ( the elevator at Paisley Park is made of aluminum) where it looked like a parking lot or factory ( I saw several cars, which could be the parking garage underneath Paisley Park, Prince did own several cars, so my interpretation about being at a car factory or parking lot could be because his cars were all parked there, (take a look at the police files, they put him in the elevator and took him down to the basement from where they transported him outside Paisley Park. The other thing I mentioned from my dream was it looked like I was going through an album seeing lot's of pictures of Prince from different periods. Don't they  always say that when you're dead your life is passing through ?? Could it have been that he showed me what he saw at that time ? I'm not sure, but the similarities hit me for sure.

Here some pics of the garage under Paisley Park;

Another thing I would like to show you is this drawing, I already talked about this and showed it in my previous blogpost, but as you know on March 17th I haven't been at Paisley Park  by then, and even at Paisley Park you cannot see the elevator because they covered everything around it. But look at the place where I have drawn the elevator, in the right corner, on the left you can look through and see doors/rooms on the other side, I have drawn it from the point of view where I have seen it, but actually you have to turn it to the left if you want to match it with the first picture.

Here some pics of where the elevator is situated;

From March 30 till April 2nd 2017 I went on my trip to Minneapolis, to feel as close as I could be to Prince. It was an amazing trip, and he sure was around, I have written a post about it last year already, you can find it somewhere in my post from April 2017

April 4th 2017

I never have scary dreams, but this night I had. I was standing at the end of the hallway in my house and it was all dark. Next to me was standing someone but I couldn't see who it was, but this person hold my arm tight. Then I looked over my shoulder and saw another person standing at the other side of the hallway, this person was all covered in some kind of grey looking sack of felt material, it even covered his head. He came closer to me and I wanted to ran away but the person next to me still hold me tight on my arm, then I woke up. 

I was told that if you never have many scary dreams you have learned  how to reject them, that's what I was doing in this dream as well, even the face of that person was covered, I did look at him. they don't want you to face them, but if you do their energy will go down low and you let them know you are not afraid. 

April 5th 2017

I was in a room with about ten other people, some I knew and some I didn't. I was laying on a bed and all other people sat around me on chairs.  There was a big black cat on me which I was stroking all the time.  I asked the people; who else is going to Paul's party, and everyone said they were going. I have no idea who Paul is or was, because I don't know anyone by that name. Then the people start talking together and they said; Prince and Michael Jackson made a mistake by going back through the hallway with the mirrors, just because they wanted their stuff back. That same time the cat stood up showing his teeth and big tail, his hair suddenly became long and wild and I woke up. 

So did this mean they wanted their music rights back but they won't let them???

I always have thought that there is some kind of mystery about mirrors. They are mysterious and pretty in one way, but they are also kind of  frighted in another way. I have read a lot about the Illuminati, and here's an interesting article about the Illuminati and mirrors. Also take a look about the dates when they do blood sacrifices, between April 19th and May 1st. (Prince died on April 21st) 


The Ground Zero show has focused on the first day of May and its links to the death rituals of Walpurgis and Beltane. We addressed the coincidences of Hitler’s death anniversary on may 1st 66 years before and the coincidence of George W. Bush’s mission accomplished speech on the U.S,S. Abraham Lincoln. May 1, 1776 is widely recognized as the birthday of Adam Weishaupt’s often demonized Bavarian Illuminati as well as the festival of Beltane. Since this date is a high holiday of witches, Satanists and various agents of the Illuminati. There are rituals conducted where a human sacrifice must be made on that day.
There is an actual time frame between April 19th, and May 1st where bloodshed is
required as an offering to Baal. This is known anciently to a sacrifice to the good king,
and homage to Saturn.
The Illuminati considers war to be a most advantageous way to sacrifice, for it kills both
children and adults. It is also a way to have plausible deniability where they brainwash
and commit the acts of murder. Keep in mind there is no blood on the hands of the
Illuminati only on the hands of the armies they command. It is the destructive group
dynamic and manipulation that is used by most destructive cults and is very effective
in cementing the commitment to create more war, ensure more pain and suffering and
convincing the apt pupils to dance in the blood of the dead in celebration.
There are magical workings being performed in high places of power and behind the
closed doors of the churches and synagogues.

If you want to read the whole article you can see it here; 

Prince always talked about how the music industry worked, he even mentioned it in an (unreleased) song; 

Prince and the Band 

Like a Rim-Shot on a new Badu Joint 
(Like a rim-shot on a new Roots joint)*** 
My band’s tight. Yea – anointed 
(live in concert, au natural)*** 
Au natural 
Pass my tape go straight 2 jail 
And another thing –When eye sing 
Black and White hold hands 
Start clappin’ when we enter 
The jam packed dance 
If U wanna just clap yo’ hands 
(Clap yo’ hands 
Clap yo’ hands y’all 
4 Prince and the Band) *** 
Here We Come Y’all 
Prince and the Band 

Happy – Cause We Just got paid 
Free from all contracts 
(Happy y’all cause Eye finally got paid 
I’m off the plantation Boo)*** 
Chillin’ in the shade 
Of the Sun’s light 
We got it right 
Distribute your own 
Make a million overnight 
B4 the tax comes 

Quick, buy some land 
But don’t build nothin’ just clap yo’ hands 
Don’t build Nothin’ Just clap yo hands 
(Clap yo’ hands y’all )*** 
(4 Prince and the Band)*** 
Here we come people 
Prince and the Band 

Record labels used 2 be a friend of mine 
(Warner Bros. used 2 B a friend of mine)*** 
Now they’re just a monumental waste of time 
Sell a million records 
Make a dollar a pop 
Still un-recouped when your band gets dropped 
Got your own label but you’re givin’ ‘em half 
Xpenses off the top 

Who’s takin’ a bath? 
7 years of prime life 
Your soul and your name 
That’s what U pay 2 
keep yourself enslaved 2 that game 
Whatever U can’t do alone is not worth the fame 

They all get older but we still look the same 
U can’t understand, y’all can’t understand 
Just clap yo’ hands 
Clap yo’ hands 
Clap yo’ hands y’all 
4 Prince and the Band 

Like a policeman 2 a crime 
Eye just can’t make up my mind 
2 jam or not 2 jam 
The Big Crowd Rocker, that’s who we am 
Funky y’all – TRUTH be told 
Prime time ain’t ready 4 us all 
We bring the noise the best we can 
Clap yo hands 
Clap yo’ hands 
Clap yo’ hands y’all 
4 Prince and the Band 


April 14th 2017

I never dream much about people that are friends or family, but this night I was. I dreamed my hubby came back from a trip to Thailand. I had to unpack his suitcase and in it was a plastic clear box with small beautiful fish in it, they were only in orange and blue colors and they had beautiful tails. I put them into another box and suddenly I was at a mall and put the fish into a little pond. Then I went back to get the other fish, I took one in my hand and when I got it out of the water is suddenly changed into some kind of blue bird, it more looked like a bird from a comic serie, when I put him back into the water in turned back into a fish again.

Blue fish are positive thoughts
Orange fish are issues that hold a heavy influence over your current choices.

A fish is a positive dream symbol which stands for spiritual grow and transformation. If you see fish swim it stands for insights of your subconscious. If you catch a fish then these are the most important insights about yourself and your life that has come true. 

April 15th 2017

I was on a vacation in Spain or Greece, not sure. I spoke to someone and told that person, that I didn't see, that I had been there before but I had stayed in another apartment as last time and I showed it to him or her, I was standing on a bridge or something, at least something that was higher than the street. Then suddenly a woman was standing in front of me and I was standing in another street with lots of green around. The woman started talking about her daughters, who arrived a little later on some kind of scooter. They looked like they were twins or so, about the age of 16, light brown hair, long with bangs and light curly touch. The girl on the left was the more sporty one and a real tomboy, the other one not. Like I said before, I am a worse drawer, lol, but this the best I could draw

April 16th 2017

I dreamed about a man and woman with two daughters about 8 years old. One of them got a new coat
and she had to choose between a long white one or a short black cool one. Then I suddenly sat in a train or tram watching through the window seeing other trains or trams passing by. Then suddenly Prince came across my view wearing his white lace outfit from the 80's again, it was like he was walking behind a wall of fog. I remember him seeing in this outfit again in the period that I needed confidence, and because the lace outfit shows confidence to wear it, I knew this time he showed it again to let me know I had to have confidence that he will comeback to me in my dreams, I was a little out of confidence about having him not appearing in my dreams lately. But until today he hasn't disappeared from my side and still visit me, sometimes with information about himself, sometimes he just want to make myself aware of something I need to know, I know he hears and sees everything I do , because sometimes he confront me with those things. 

This is the white lace outfit he showed me;

April 20th 2017

I was laying on a lawn watching planes. I was talking to a pilot or so, but I remember not having a phone in my hand, so probably it was telepathic. I was talking to a pilot and he told me that I have to watch the sky because he would fly over in a minute. Then suddenly I was standing next to a woman, although I didn't see her, I knew she was there, we were singing together Take me with u ( a Prince song), and I must say it didn't sound too bad, lol, we had fun singing it, until I noticed someone was watching, I looked to the right and there was Prince next to me, wearing his fro and only smiling. Yeaahhh that made me happy again, he didn't forget me and still knew how to find me somewhere in between our worlds, lol. I knew he would come back with other things. 

April 21st 2017

I dreamed again last night. You know my dreams you can split into three different ones;
1: I am the main character together with the spirit, he or she talk to me, or touch me or I touch them. These are the most beautiful ones, because it's the same as in real life, the spirit is so real like he or she is alive.
2: I am the "watcher" , I see the spirit doing something or talking to someone and I am just standing watching the scene, it's almost like they not notice me standing there, like I am invisible.or watching from behind a window.
3: another not knowing person or spirit talks to me telling me things about others. 

So this dream was like no.2, I was the "watcher" , I was in studio A at Paisley Park, it was busy and I saw many people in there, Prince was running and laughing around, I think with some band members or so, I didn't see anyone except for Rosie Gaines, he was having a good time, it was good to see him that happy., he was wearing a black pants, not knowing anything else, and  his hair like in 1991/1992. Here's a pic of how Prince looked in this dream( well I only remember his hair and a black pants), and Rosie is on the left

I was thinking about him showing people in my dreams that are not deceased, he probably only show people he liked a lot, because I have no idea how these living people appear, lol, to me it always look like some photo projection is used for that, because the living people I never see move or talk, they just standing there. Aren't you curious about how the spirit world works ? They are able to do so many amazing things, I can't imagine I have done all such things in between previous lives. 

April 23rd 2017

I was at a restaurant, and there was a table with people playing cards or some other kind of game. All those people were wearing backpacks, one woman wore a big big backpack which she took off while sitting there, all other people just had them on.  Then suddenly I was running outside with a bunch of other people, we ran into the water which looked beautifully turquoise colored, I ran into it and then I realized that I was able to float on it. Suddenly I was on a bus, it wanted to cross the street but there was coming a truck from the left , the driver wanted to stop the truck and turned the steering wheel and drove into a building. 

Here are the explanations about floating on water and the color turquoise:

Floating dreams are a wake-up call to your spiritual being. 
In order to understand this dream we need to look at the difference between normal and spiritual dreams.

To dream of floating is a spiritual dream. It is generally a positive one. To see animals floating on water denotes happy times. Floating is connected to calmness in the waking world. It is time for peace and change. To see yourself floating on water in your dream is a sign that you are trying to accomplish something which is proving to be difficult.

turquoise is a healing symbol. 
Clues that the dream may be about healing might include other healing symbols, such as a doctor, nurse, a tranquil sea, or a hospital. 

I underlined the word "tranquil sea" because the sea in my dream was very peaceful, it's always amazing to find out that several dream symbols in a dream are related to each other.

Don't you just love that your dreams telling you lot's of things about yourself, I think if people would look more what their dreams are telling them, they might being more happy. But the fact that this isn't happening to everyone is just because we live in a 24 hour civilization, we don't have time to look around, really, tell me , when was the last time you sat down in your garden or at a park and really enjoyed everything that was surrounding you? Watch a bird sitting in a tree, or watch a snail on the ground looking for some green leafs, when was the last time you watched the clouds changing from one figure to another. Just take time every once in a while to look around you and be grateful for the things on our beautiful planet, it would be a much better place when everyone would do that. 

April 25th 2017

I was at a Prince concert, but it didn't start yet, then I heard someone calling my name and I woke up, weird is that although the concert didn't start I just exactly knew how Prince looked like; long hair and something black on, around 1990. 

I was searching for an article about hearing someone calling your name and came across different psychic gifts, one of them made me smile, Prince did have some psychic gifts, and I think one of them was being Clairaudient.

If music moves you to this extent, you may be clairaudient.

Remember, psychic hearing is ONE of FOUR ways that we can receive intuitive information.  So, it makes sense that a person who has this gift would be so moved by music.

You may also be:

  • Musically inclined or play music by ear
  • Write music – You may “hear” the music before you write it, or it may feel inspired by a higher power
On a side note… if you start seeing pictures in your head to match the song lyrics, it may also mean you are clairvoyant!   

I don't think it's strange that so many psychic people are along his fans. It's the thing that connected us with him. I remember as an 11 year old hearing his song "Controversy" for the first time and I was completely drown into this video by the glass stained window and angel statues. A few years later when I was able to understand English, I was drown to his lyrics which were always about God, the Angels and the Afterlife and it caught me.

So this is it for now, I'm travelling to Minneapolis coming week and will try to get back with more updates from past dreams soon. See you in a couple of week. Take care.