
Showing posts with label beaded bead. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beaded bead. Show all posts

Friday, 9 August 2013

2 new pairs of Earrings

Earrings - Crystal Drops

These ones features a pair of beaded bead caps by me, in a design I came up with at the beginning of the summer. Here they are combined with facetted crystal clear glass beads and sterling silver findings. The hooks are handmade by RubyMountainMetal.

Earrings - Russian Bears

The bears and the balls are lucite/plastic.
Brass flower charms.
Brass wire.
Vintaj brass ear hooks.


All my jewelry pieces are available for purchasing, even though I might not yet have listed them in my Etsy Shop. Please let me know if you are interested in any of them. Contact me at: malindekoning[at]

All my best,

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

New in shop - groups of beaded beads

I have so many beaded beads just piling up and not yet listed in my shop. So now I have decided to start selling them in larger groups instead of one and one. One reason is that it will simplify the process for me, so that I actually get around to list my beads (as you might remember I have mentioned that I have had a slight problem with this part of my business in the past).

Another very important reason is that I hope and believe that this will be more attractive for buyers in more than one way. The group price will be reduced compared to what I would charge for them singularly. So you will be able to make some very good deals :-)!

I sincerely hope and wish that this will turn out a good plan for all parts.

I will start off by listing the 6 groups below. You will find them in my Etsy shop tomorrow Thursday at 18.00 Swedish time, which equals 12.00 EST.

Ivory with bright colors.

Maroon and muted purples.

Pink, ivory and oranges.

Cornflower blue and golds.


Browns, golds and beiges.

Please welcome tomorrow to my Etsy shop!

All my best,

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Beaded Beads

I really like to make beaded beads. I like to come up with color combos, and different ways of arranging the seed beads within the bead. Over time I have produced quite a few beads. The picture below shows far from all of them ...

(open the picture in a new window to see it slightly larger)

On the other hand I am really bad at getting around to take photos of my beads, and to list them on Etsy. I believe that today I managed to come up with a way to smoothify this process a little, so that it isn't so boring for me, or time consuming. I have nothing to show you yet today, but I just thought you might like to see this group picture anyway. As a bit of bead porn maybe.

So please stay tuned, and I will have something more to show you in the coming weeks (I hope). 

(Please always take my time estimations with a grain of salt. Due to illness it is not unusual that things take a lot longer for me than I wish they would. And I also often loose track of what I am doing ... and therefore things are sometimes delayed, or even forgotten in the worst case. Please feel free to remind me whenever you think it is necessary. I don't mind at all. On the contrary I really appreciate it :-).)

And yes, I HAVE started to make pairs also. At last :-). As so many people have asked for them. None to be seen in this particular photo however. Like I said, please stay tuned.

All my best,

Sunday, 24 March 2013

New beaded beads

Presenting some new beaded beads. I have quite a fair pile of them made over the last few months. I will start off by listing the ones in the picture below. They will turn up in my Etsy shop later today. And then more will show up over the coming days, (if everything goes according to plans).

(Please note that the beads in the pictures above are not in the same scale.)

I have come up with some new designs also, as you can see. And another thing I am trying out is to list two beads together of the same color scheme but with different shapes. I am very interested in hearing your thoughts on that concept. Do you think people will be interested in buying sets like that? Would you? If you have any other ideas, wishes or thoughts I would be very interested to hear them too. Please leave a comment on this post, or write me an e-mail to nodeksweden[at]

Check into my Etsy shop later today, to buy the beads above. It should be around 21.00 Swedish time, which is 6 hours ahead of US East coast time (so 15.00 EST).

All my best,

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Art Bead Scene Challenge February 2013

Heijinja, 1941
Tōshi Yoshida
Woodblock Print
(Please note this art is copyrighted and is to be used only as inspiration.)

What first caught my attention was of course the beautiful and striking color scheme with the orange-red buildings and all the subtle hues of beiges, pinks and greys. Secondly I was attracted to the people in the picture, and particularly the lady and the child feeding the birds, and also the beautiful blooming tree. And in fact I started there, and I have a few more sketches laid out for two or three more bracelets that I don't yet know if will end up completing.

But then I somehow ended up with this bracelet. It came about because I one night, as I so often do whilst sitting in front of the TV in the evenings, was making beaded beads. I thought I could maybe make one especially inspired by this challenge. And so, after a few attempts, a new design was born. One that I am very pleased with, and I believe I will end up making many of, but in different color constellations.

I saw the beaded beads inevitably combined with the round opal pink beads in a bracelet. And as a final celebration to the bloomy-ness in the inspiration picture I added one of Joanne Tinley of DaisyChainExtra's absolutely beautiful handmade copper clasps.

On a final note:
I have given myself the task of making at least one piece for every month of Art Bead Scene challenges this year. And I did indeed also make one for January. But for some reason I was never pleased with the photos I took, and the month went by and I had missed my chance to present it on Art Bead Scene. Never mind, it is still sitting here on my table, and when I have the photos I find good enough I will show it to you.

I was inspired to give myself this task by the always inspiring Cece Cormier of The Beading Yogini. She did it last year you see. And I find that for myself I always stretch a bit further for these challenges when I participate. So, there you go. I hope I will be able to live up to my task for all twelve months of the year.

All my best,

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

New lot of Beaded Beads will be listed on Etsy

I will start listing them in my Etsy shop tomorrow Wednesday at 19.00 Swedish time (=13.00 US east coast time). Welcome!

I will start listing them in my Etsy shop tomorrow Wednesday at 19.00 Swedish time (=13.00 US east coast time). Welcome!

All my best,

Sunday, 26 August 2012

Tutorial - Beaded Beads by Malin de Koning

If you want to see my reveal post about the 6th Bead Soup Blog Party, please click HERE.

I have been asked to make a tutorial on how I make my beaded beads. I've been making lots of them lately as you can see in the picture below. I will tell you more about them, and my sort-of-process in the video.

This is the particular bead I will show you how to make in my tutorial. In fact it is the one furthest to the left which is the one I am making in the video.

Anyway, before you start watching I want to tell you this is a playlist consisting of 8 separate films. The next one starts automatically when the current one finishes. All you have to do is to click the play button below. The whole playtime comes together to about 1 hour. Which is a little more than the time it takes me to make one of these beads. I hope you will enjoy my conversation with you as I am working my way through :-). Oh, and on a separate note, next time I will be making one of these tutorials I will place my camera closer to what I am doing. It is a little too far away this time for my personal liking, but I hope you will get the gist of it all anyway. Please remember this is my first video tutorial ever. And please just write me a note if you have any questions. I hope I will be able to answer them. 

TIP!!! If the video would happen to load slowly, or jumps, look at it directly in YouTube.

Below, some close-ups of the beads I am mainly referring to in the tutorial.

All my best,Malin

Friday, 27 May 2011

In search of the perfect round

My daughter Arabella, 7 1/2 , has booked Sunday with me for learning how to make a round beaded bead. But guess what. I don't know how to make them. I have been searching around for free tutorials. I have yet not found any. You see, I don't want it to be one where you cover a bead. I haven't even found one I would have to pay for. Well, one I was tipped about by Patricia. Thank you so much! But I did think it was a bit pricey. Max 6 dollars is what I think it should cost. Max!

So what do you do at times like this? I am the kind who try to figure it out by myself. The acid yellow-green one and the green-white one are made from tutorials on YouTube. All the others are my own experiments. Made in peyote stitch. None of them are perfectly round. But they are rather sweet anyway.

By the way, have you seen the animated tutorials by Bead Animation? This is the one I used for the green and white bead.

I just love the style. Super clever use of Flash. (I used to know Flash, now I have "forgotten" it since I haven't used it for about ten years.) On YouTube there is a whole bunch of them. And it looks like they are opening a website soon.

Please, if any of you have a good instruction or tutorial for a round beaded bead, please give me a call. It doesn't have to be made in peyote. Or if you can tip me on where I can buy a good one. I'd be ever so grateful!

Have a great weekend!