
Showing posts with label Amanda Davies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Amanda Davies. Show all posts

Saturday, 27 October 2012

2 New Bracelets & 1 "Older"

Howdy friends,
Lately I haven't been all that active in the online beading community as some of you might have noticed. I get like that sometimes, just need to keep to my self for a little while. However I do feel I have been in a very productive and creative period, even if I don't post here so very regularly. And I am keeping busy with jewelry making and making my beaded beads (I have quite a few more of them now to still list in my Etsy shop :-)). Today I'll show you two bracelets I made recently, and one bracelet I made back in April, which was published on a spread with instructions in the August issue of the great British beading magazine Beads & Beyond (my first spread with instructions ever, so I am mighty proud of that). 

I'd be very happy to read your opinions on all three of them, or just any.


Lovely rustic indonesian glass beads made from recycled glass. Knotted on waxed cotton cord. Vintaj brass lobster clasp and etched jump ring for closure. I really like how it turned out with the three rings with the same colored beads sitting in the middle. This bracelet is super easy to wear.


The clasp made by Amanda Davies I've had for ages, it was actually one of the first art bead components I ever bought. I have always loved it, but not been able to find a  suitable enough way of using it in a jewelry piece. The black large glass nugget beads I have also had for a long time without knowing how to do them justice. Knotted on teal waxed linen cord. I am very pleased with this combo. The bracelet looks so great on, I think.


Lastly but not leastly a bracelet I made some time ago, which was one of the projects in Beads & Beyond August issue. It is packed with art beads, and it was the flower clasp in oxidized silver from DaisyChainExtra that sparked off the idea in the first place. I wanted to really enhance the flower aspect of it all, to get the feeling of walking around with my own pretty front garden as it looks in mid summer on my wrist. Remember it was April so I was longing with all my heart :-). 

I made a little flower group and combined the clasp with the two pink flowers I already had in my stash. I remember I was very happy to come up with that idea in the first place, because it felt quite different from what I normally do. Three flowers in three different materials, by three different artists. The ceramic flower bead cap from ChelleV2, and the polymer clay blossom from MissFickleMedia. Enameled head pin by PaintingWithFire, and all the larger ceramic beads by Gaea. Opal pale pink glass rounds, smaller blue green ceramic round beads, copper chain and findings, and one Swarovski bicone bead.

These three bracelets will be listed in my Etsy shop within the nearest few days.

All my best,

Monday, 31 January 2011

Bead Table Monday

Bead Table Monday. 5 thick envelopes arrived in my mailbox today!
These are the contents! Oh oh oh! What would YOU do? Pick one of the components and share your ideas with me.

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

A new bracelet

Chain by MissFickleMedia
Purple coloured copper wire by MissFickleMedia
Paintbrushes resin bezel clasp by Amanda Davies
Facetted black and ivory polymer bead by Gaea
Small ceramic dark bead by Gaea
Small ceramic blueish bead by Elaine Ray

Green Variscite squares
Ivory Magnesite square
Facetted Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz barrels
Rose glass rounds
Strands of recycled Sari