
Showing posts with the label repurpose

Doll Journey: Nesting

Whenever a momma of any kind births, she begins to nest. She gathers things needed for a  time when little else gets done besides the nurturing of a new creature. Whenever we craft or create we do the same thing. We gather things close to us that we feel are necessary for some serious time spent on our project. On a grander scale, some may refer to it as "hoarding" but I prefer to call it nesting. It allows us to focus on the task at hand without interruption or distraction. It makes sense, doesn't it? My collecting usually starts with seed beads. I hunt down every possible color that I may want to include. For this doll I have put together 3 different mixes of flesh tones in different intensities.If you know me, you would think I am really crazy because I do NOT like my beads mixed. However, the idea is to see the glow of a flame reflecting off of a natural skin tone.  "Flesh to flames". When I gather my materials, I leave no bin untouched. I search every dr...


After giving in to the desire to just work in my journal instead of all the other "crafts"  that I love,  I began to question the purpose of it all. Why am I spending so much time on this when it isn't going to be something I can give or sell or even market in any way? What am I doing this for? What is it's purpose? It all boils down the the latter question. What IS its purpose, what function does it serve? You can't wear it, you can't hang it- all you can do is look at it (when you are done). Then I came upon something profound- a revelation. I have to "re purpose" my thoughts and feelings towards this endeavor, this visual journal. I have to admit I don't really know what purpose it serves but it must be a good one or I would not gravitate so heavily to it.  I have to rest in the fact that I may not know! In fact, I don't! I may not have all the details but it will make a difference somehow. It has already started a reflective process in me...