Some might call this the end of the journey, when the project is complete, but it isn't over yet! It is really only just beginning. A new doll has been born! A new season! A new Birth to celebrate! A name has been chosen! It is my privilege to introduce to you: "Firefly" Her name is quite simple and may not totally relate to the multiple meanings, but it suits. I think of the little light these little bugs give off in an increasingly darkening sky. They joy they gave me as a child and the wonder of how they lit up. It totally suits! I want to send out a special thanks again to the 14 ladies that gave her wings. Joetta Adams, Judi Burkhalter, Jeanne Evans, Aryd’ell Hotelling, Gail Isbel, Rose Mary Jameson, Catherine King, Gwen Mazzocco, Candys McCulley, Gale Michel, Ann Page, Karan Parker, Debra Pyeatt, and Jena Tuntas You all sent so many home to me that not all of them were used but everyone of them blessed me! I am sure they will all find a home at some point. You...