
Showing posts with the label ashes

Doll Journey: Timing

If there is anything I have learned about beading, it is how much time it really takes to accomplish something. After all, the main reason I pursued beading was because it consumed more of my time, which slowed ME down. I naturally zoom through life and that is NOT always a good thing. I have learned to pace myself or to set realistic goals when something needs to be done. What exactly HAS to be done by WHEN? I decided that both legs needed to be beaded by the 18th so that I can bead the back and arms just before putting on the wings and feathers. Somewhere in there, the hair has to be figured in.  I am still up in the air on that one because it will catch on everything but  then again so will the feathers. I am almost done with both legs! I am going to stick my neck out to get some of the back done before I crash tonight. I am going to need a little leeway for the hair and or feathers. Here is how it looks to this moment. Just a little m...

Doll Journey: The spirit of Beaded 2 Bless

When beads become a blessing, you have hit the nail on the head. Today I received some "happy mail". You know the kind of mail that brings a gift or an unexpected nicety instead of a bill or application. In the mail I found the first 3 packages from my "Bead Sisters" containing feathers! Wow, 3 at one time, the power of numbers doesn't fall dead on the brain. Let me back track a moment .  I sent a post on a yahoo group  that  asked for urgent help making feathers. I asked  those interested to email me for more details. What they didn't expect was that I wanted them to create the feathers while listening to praise/ worship music, the word or while they prayed. I knew that some might be completely turned off at the idea but I was not ready for the amazing words that came from some of the participants. Many of them said they "would be honored" to help. One lady was "blown away" by my request as she hasn't been a Christian for very long....

Doll Journey: Doin' tha butt

It would seem my time spent in New Orleans DID have a monumental impact on my perspective on life! It was there that I learned how to "Do tha Butt", much to my mother's dismay. For those who may not know, it is a rather provocative dance that is still a whole lotta fun to do! Well, while I was at the Temple Bead Retreat I was doin' tha butt in a different way... It was a whole lotta fun to tell other beaders who asked what I was doing that, "I was doin' tha butt". Sometimes you just have to get your giggles in for the day.  Laughing is good therapy and beading is even better therapy because you have someone else to share the joke with. Blessings