
Showing posts with the label art journal

Doll Journey: Not just Beads

The week has slipped by without any beading being done but the inspiration is still swirling inside. Taking a passive role by just looking at magazines and books instead of creating, keeps me going.  I may still get to bead today  but I will save the progress photos to share next week.  While looking through magazines and previous journal entries, I discovered  that this has been brewing for a lot longer than I thought. I came across a journal entry created several months ago during a worship service.  It is an awesome experience! You look at the photo...seem like a coincidence to you? I used water soluble oil pastes and pen to create this journal page. I love how you can work in one medium and it inspires your direction in another. If you work with multi-media, be sure to play with them all as your inspiration allows. You will find that it fuels a much bigger fire than you had dreamed. Uhh, no pun intended ( I think). I wonder what they were saying...


After giving in to the desire to just work in my journal instead of all the other "crafts"  that I love,  I began to question the purpose of it all. Why am I spending so much time on this when it isn't going to be something I can give or sell or even market in any way? What am I doing this for? What is it's purpose? It all boils down the the latter question. What IS its purpose, what function does it serve? You can't wear it, you can't hang it- all you can do is look at it (when you are done). Then I came upon something profound- a revelation. I have to "re purpose" my thoughts and feelings towards this endeavor, this visual journal. I have to admit I don't really know what purpose it serves but it must be a good one or I would not gravitate so heavily to it.  I have to rest in the fact that I may not know! In fact, I don't! I may not have all the details but it will make a difference somehow. It has already started a reflective process in me...