Working with setbacks.

Here is a sneak peak of another garment in a collection I am making. This is one of the 14mm Rivolis I ordered from Whimbeads. You can see there are supposed to be three. Each one is a different size. I ordered 3 18mm verde rivolis but she only had one in stock so I will use it and two others I ordered. They are on there way, but until then I will work elsewhere on this garment. They were super nice when I called and I took her suggestion on what rivoli to go with to match these. I can't wait to see what they look like together. I am sure I am going to love it- who doesn't like a rivoli?

This is Wolfee (wolf-eeee) and this is typical of her lounging. I actually had to move her paws aside to get to those yummy copper delicas under there. She slept through the whole thing. She was number 4 of Princess' litter.

This is Princess- aka "mamma". She thought she would help me create a pattern from a vintage apron that I found falling apart at a resale shop. She kept attacking my scissors while I was cutting- I was afraid she would loose some whiskers.

Here is the fabric I used for the apron. It so colorful!
She enjoyed playing in the fabric but I had to shoo her off to get it all cut out.
Poor neglected kitty, She didn't come back until much later.
My housework isn't getting done but no one seems to mind- least of all me!
I am enjoying some time off and not feeling condemned for it!


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