
Why have I never heard of this before? Holy Moly, this would have been a huge help for this long legged lady from the time she was a pre-teen with floods on! How could I have not been privy to these jewels of fashion until now? Thank you Jesus that I now have this knowledge!
Here is a picture my very first pair of spats- there will definately be more in the future. I haven't posted a pic of the jumper these were made to go with, but this was a solution to the problem of not being able to find that perfect pair of boots to match a handmade garment. The jumper is made of the same fabric and is a little on the short side (which is why I needed boots) and I have to wear leggings underneath it (which are always too short) (which is another reason I needed boots). These babies are a dream-- I can now go hog wild!!!


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