A blog about change and whatever medium I'm currently expressing my creativity through....

Showing posts with label fiber. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fiber. Show all posts


It's Been a While

It's hard for me to believe that almost two months have passed since I last posted to my blog!

I have been busy and I have NOT been beading. I have quite a stock built up and as it has not been selling, I've not been making more. That is part of the reason I'm not beading. The other reason is that I've been weaving and I've fallen in love with fiber. Several scarves have come off of the loom and at the moment I'm working on a shawl that will be 26" x 72" plus the finge. Here is a peek at it:

These are the yarns before putting them on the loom. (The purple mohair is missing from this photos)

This is how it looks on the loom before it's woven. The fibers include mohair as well as alpaca and wool.

And this is the weaving in progress.

Can't really say when I'll put beading on the blog again, but I'm planning to post my progress at weaving.