A blog about change and whatever medium I'm currently expressing my creativity through....

Showing posts with label garnets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label garnets. Show all posts


GIMME THE GARNETS...and no one gets hurt Bracelet

I'm still feeling a bit ambivalent about this bracelet. When I started it, it was to be an experiment in 3-drop peyote stitch and when the base was finished I contemplated cutting it up and starting again. Instead, I decided to embellish it with some beautiful garnet stones I have. Once that was done again, I was still feeling like cutting it up. Instead, I decided to leave it overnight before I made a decision. As it turned out, after a few hours of 'living with it', I decided I like it. It's unique and for someone who loves garnets like I do...would be a wonderful addition to a bling wardrobe. It's listed for sale in my Etsy shop.