Reading in Romans this morning I came across a scripture that made me go "hmmm", so of course I had to do a little investigation. Don't you just love that the Word of God is always revealing new things. I do.
Okay I digress... Anyway, this is the scripture.
Romans 5:10 - "For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life."
We talk so much about being reconciled to God because of the death of Jesus and the penalty of death being removed and very little about what comes after. But the end of this verse just made me look harder at what the author was trying to say.
"Much more having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life." Saved by His life.... and I always coined that term "saved" as being because of His death not His life.
So into investigation mode I went... and found that the author is talking about the resurrected Christ who is now sitting up in heaven with the Father.
In other words, if we thought it was great that we were reconciled because of His death, how much more intoxicating it should be because He lives in heaven mediating for us now. We are continued in our salvation, every day working it out day by day, because He overcame death and now sits in heaven cheering for us. We can rest assured that He is involved in our life day by day, minute by minute.
I picture Jesus now finished with the hard stuff of death and now focused on US. Focused on our daily walk of salvation and what we need to overcome. His power is at our disposal and He is in constant watch over us. We are His bride that He is in great want of. His attention is fixed upon us.
What a great scripture! We have a God that not only overcame death but that now LIVES to intercede for us. PRAISE GOD!
1 day ago