I don't consider myself a particularly funny person, and Joie tells me that she isn't either. But when we are together we can't stop laughing - really laughing. You know the gut-aching, wipe-your-eyes and cross-your-legs kind of laughing.
Perhaps because we know that we are cherished by the other, we feel free to be ourselves - complete with all of the complex web of strengths and flaws that make us who we are and cause us to react the way we do. Perhaps because I know she chooses to accept me for all of my quirky pieces, I am free to laugh at myself. And what a beautiful gift! To reduce all of my flaws to the itty bitty silly things that they are is so liberating that I can truly laugh first at myself and then at the world.
My world is a richer, more intense, beautiful, and yes funnier, place because of my friend.