Showing posts with label Rain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rain. Show all posts

Thursday, April 28, 2016

After the rain

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Things I Love

Things I Love:
Cherry blossoms dripping from branches
Sound of light spring showers
Smell of crushed mint

From Be Inspired

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Things I Love

Sound of rain in the night
Waking to sunlight glistening off rain soaked surfaces
Finding a warm patch of sun to curl up in

Thursday, September 25, 2014


'Purple Rain'
Having fun with my Tree Series!

This one is also in my Etsy shop

Friday, August 15, 2014

Canals, Bikes and Cheese

Holland of course!

The last leg of our journey takes us to the Netherlands and our very dear friends in Nijmegen (home of my favorite turquoise shop!)

It rained on us of course - everywhere we went folks told us we 'just missed the sunny weather'.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Rain, Sun, Wind, Rainbows

It's Spring!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Looking for color

across the fence.
It's been dreary and grey and rainy for so long,
a bit much, even for this northwest gal.
Would love some snow, or sun... a blast of color
if you please.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Enough already!

Don't get me wrong. I'm a Pacific NW gal and love the rain and clouds - the coziness, the time for creative endeavors, good books, cups of tea. However it's supposed to be May! And even I am getting a bit tired of this relentless rain - week after week.

I have been introducing photography in the 3rd/4th and 5th/6th grade classes, and because of end-of-the-year activities, I had to combine classes last week... perfect for outdoor photography on the playground.

But rain wasn't on my agenda.

Just picture 52 8-10 year olds traipsing through the school hallways cameras in hand...

Followed on their heals with 50 11-12 year olds.

They had a ball...

I am still exhausted!

p.s. I'll see if my sons will share their photos with you some time...

Sunday, October 18, 2009

It rained yesterday

Really rained. Not just a typical northwest drizzle. Gutters overflowed into waterfalls off the roof, ditches became rivers gushing across the road. I was caught driving, traffic slowed to 15mph, but as we navigated through buckets and buckets of water, there was blue sky ahead and with it a glorious rainbow.

My cozy rocking chair beckons. Perhaps a good book, a glass of wine (hot chocolate for the boys) and a crackling fire...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Ahhh - It's raining again!

A humming bird hovered a foot from my head while I stood under the dripping trumpet vine. I wish I could have shared him with you, but as soon as he realized I wasn't part of the background he shot away in a blur.

We have web feet here in the Pacific Northwest and aren't used to hot, dry weather month after month with days soaring into the 90s and even tipping over 100. We don't have pools, or air conditioning - we like 70 degrees (plus or minus) and interspersed with rain... thank you very much!

When it started sprinkling yesterday evening my kids went out in bare feet to play Frisbee, my husband, mother-in-law and I sat under the porch watching the ground soak up every drop and breathing in the ozone and damp earth. So lush and fresh and green - and alive.

My dear friend, Sherri knows how I love hydrangeas - and gave me this gorgeous conical white to go with my purples, blues and burgundies a non-dairy chocolate cupcake.
Life is good!

Friday, June 19, 2009

It is finally raining again!

The air smells crisp and clean
Flowers droop under the weight of a hundred tiny jewels
Trees, grass, shrubs drink their fill
I throw open the windows to breathe it all in

We almost set a record today for the longest run of dry days in May/June. In fact, Seattle is usually rainy at this time of year and we were only 11 minutes shy of the record! I love rain, the smell, feel, the way the world looks so fresh and green and have so many wonderful memories sitting round the fire with my family reading, talking, classical music on the stereo, my parents sipping wine... rainy days are cozy days.

I ran outside early this morning and looked behind to find my 8 year old with his camera at the ready!