Showing posts with label Eye For Color. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eye For Color. Show all posts

Monday, June 23, 2014

Color Inspiration - Purple and Gold Flowers

My cutting garden is full of Purple and Gold flowers, in a variety of shades and hues.

Want to create bouquets that glow with color? I live by my motto that all colors can work together! Just remember that if you want to pull together colors that are very different from each other, simply add transitions:

By pairing equally saturated versions of each of the complementary colors - intense purple salvia and buddleia with orange-yellow rudbeckia, I can then pull in the warmer, less intense hues - light yellow rose, beige-orange african daisy, red-purple spiky flower (which I can't remember the name of!). The african daisy works well in the palette not just because it is in the yellow-orange color family, but also because the center acts as a perfect transition from orange to purple.

p.s. Note that Radiant Orchid (#coloroftheyear) is included in this palette - 6th from the left

Have fun playing with color!
If you want to learn more: Artful Color for Creative Projects
All color wheels from: Eye For Color

Friday, June 20, 2014

Color Inspiration - Yellow Door

This bright yellow door caught my eye and is especially lovely paired with spikes of purple salvia.

Just as this scene has lots of colorful interest, depth can be added to any complementary color scheme by adding shadows and highlights of each color, and expanding with a second set of complementary colors to make a Tetrad (such as the grey-blue in the salvia stems and leaves of the curry plant)

Color wheels from Eye For Color

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Color Inspiration - Old Fashioned Rose

Color Inspiration from our new rose garden. Can't you just smell this David Austin old fashioned rose?

I accidentally over-exposed this shot, but ended up liking the result - soft, warm pinks, greens and taupe all on the Warm, Light Earthone color wheel (from Eye For Color)

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


"Wild Flowers" - Acrylic on Canvas

Do you ever get sick after completing a big project? 

My new book (Artful Color) went out on Friday and by Sunday I was flat on my back on the couch nursing hot tea and a box of kleenex.

Took me back 5 years or so, to when I released Eye for Color and... you guessed it... was sick for a week following.

It is as if all that I have, all my energy, all my focus (and yes sleepless nights) go into the project leaving nothing left to protect and nurture my body. And now I'm paying for it.

Just like I did 5 years ago.

And as I lay on the couch I realized that my 2 self published books were released EXACTLY 5 years apart. To the day.

Eye for Color - May 24, 2008
Artful Color for Creative Projects - May 24, 2013

Funny that it took being sick, laying on the couch listening to the birds and watching the clouds to realize the coincidence, the connection, the cycle of things.
(I painted this yesterday during a few of my off-the-couch moments)

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Color Inspiration - Guitar Pedals

A wall of pedals at Seattle's EMP glows with color.

Would love to see what you make out of this color palette!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Color Inspiration - Purple Ornament

I hope your Holidays are colorful!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Color Inspiration - Field of Weeds in Sunset

An excerpt from my upcoming Color Inspirations book. Hope the color palette inspires you!

p.s. I just hung a huge metallic print of 'Field of Weeds in Sunset' on my wall - the colors make me happy.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Color Inspiration - Rosa Rubrifolia

I was afraid the loss of so much of my work would shut down my desire to bead. However a dear friend came over the other day armed with her projects and told me to get the coffee brewing and just get started.

Using palettes in my upcoming Eye For Color Inspiration book, I dove in... and can't stop!

I just have to share one piece with you, and how it fits into my book.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Eye For Color Inspiration

I have so much to be thankful for... not the least being that I had just taken photos of all my jewelry (before it was stolen) - for a new book that I am writing.

I've got lots of work left on my new book, and I wasn't planning to let the word out so soon. But you have all been so giving with your comments and support that I want to give you a little something back.

Here is an excerpt - I hope the depth of green in this inspiration will help nurture and calm you, as it does me.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Color Inspiration - Red Leaf

One last leaf hanging on the branch. But with oh, so much brilliance! I too want to go out showing all my colors, no matter that my age spots are dark and plentiful, my edges a bit brittle, or that my hold is weak. When it is my time to let go, I hope I too will go with panache!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Color Inspiration - Magenta Hydrangea

The deep intense color of this hydrangea is made even more luscious by the background medley of shiny leaves reflecting the blue of the sky and the blurred bit of peach from a nearby flower.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Color Inspiration - Seaglass and Paint

I use manilla folders for my paint palettes, then when they are heavy with paint, put them back in the file cabinet - such cheerful homes for future files. This one was drying on my table next to a bowl of deep cobalt beach glass. I thought the combo was too gorgeous to pass up!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Color Inspiration - Red Rose Glow

My husband put in a rose garden last spring and I got to help him choose the varieties. How could I resist this lipstick red with it's inner glow of orange, especially encrusted with water jewels?

This Analogous color scheme glows with its gradual transition of color and is set off by a splash of complementary. I used this palette to paint a bouquet of poppies.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Color Inspiration - Skim Boards

Jack'd Skimboards hosts a skim board/music fest every summer on Whidbey Island during the lowest tide of the year. This colorful stack of boards greeted us as we headed out onto the sand.

Inspired by these colors, I mixed petunias and rusty bits to create this photoshop painting:

Petunia Rust

Monday, October 1, 2012

Color Inspiration - Old Green Truck

An old Ford pickup (given to my Mother in Law for her birthday in 1960) sits behind one of the barns turning lovely shades of teal and green and rust. Bits of dirt on top and reflections in the chrome hint at a warm purple undertone... an Expanded Tetrad on the Warm Earthtone color wheel.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Color Inspiration - Faded Coneflowers

 A triad of Earthtones, one leaning towards the Warm dark color wheel, the other leaning towards the Cool dark color wheel. Both wheels part of the Eye For Color family

Which one works for you?

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Color Inspiration - Blue Sails

Hundreds of sailboats crowded the Penn Cove Harbor during Race Week and this one -  'Blue Martini' caught my fancy! I love how the bright cyan and cobalt on the boat play off the subtle earthy blue undertones of water and misty sky. 

Monday, July 9, 2012

Color Inspiration - Blue Blown Glass

Looking on the inside of my wine glass as the light glows through it, I'm reminded that all colors go together, especially if they lie on the same color wheel and have similar saturation.

Now for the wine...

Friday, June 29, 2012

Color Inspiration - EMP Lobby

I chaperoned junior high students to Seattle's EMP (Experimental Music Project) - who knew there would be so much color?! The light always changing, and reflecting off of the curved metal walls; people becoming part of the decor. A lovely triad of color in the depths of the saturated wheel.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Color Inspiration - Hot Orange Lily

The sun is out in Puget Sound (finally!) throwing strong rays of light across my garden. The saturated colors of this lily look so sumptuous against a deep blue ceramic pot in the background.