Showing posts with label #photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #photography. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Photography Class!

Join me for a Photography Class at the Kirkland Arts Center Thursday, May 18 6:30-9:30!
Have a nice camera but stuck on auto? With clear instructions and lots of photo prompts, you will learn how to take control of your DSLR camera settings and enhance your photography skills while we walk around town. Designed for adults and teens and beginning through intermediate camera buffs.
Register here:

Friday, July 1, 2016

Be Creative this Summer!

Join me for some workshops and retreats!

Painting Retreat on Whidbey Island:

It's All About Color
Let go of preconceptions and push past your artistic road blocks! In this 3 day retreat you will be guided through an exploration of color, texture and form and experiment with freeform expression to create colorful acrylic paintings with meaning and balance.

July 29-31

Register by July 8 for Early Bird Discount

Nuno Felt Workshops at the Kirkland Arts Center:
 Nuno Felt Collage Scarf - July 16

 Nuno Felt Flower Garden July 17

For more information and to Register 

Photography Workshops at the Kirkland Arts Center:
Going Manual
Have a nice camera but stuck on auto? With clear instructions and lots of photo prompts, you will learn how to take control of your camera settings and enhance your photography skills while we walk around town.

Sign up for either a morning class to work with Mid Day Sun or an evening class to capture the Golden Hour!

July 21
For more information and to Register

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Staging Tea Photos


A day filled with staging and photographing teas and tea accessories for LizzyKate Specialty Teas. What a delight to work with this lovely husband and wife team!

Try their divine Dark Chocolate tea - then cuddle up to your Valentine

Monday, February 1, 2016

Workshops at Kirkland Art Center

Don't miss out on these classes coming up at the Kirkland Art Center!!
April 23: Basic Nuno Felt Scarf
April 24: Nuno Felt Ruffle Scarf
May 23: Photography: Going Manual
Registration just days away - so stay tuned!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Tea in my Garden

A day of staging tea photos - and drinking some amazing tea!

LizzyKate tea company asked me to stage shots for their autumn lineup of teas. We took full advantage of a sunny Autumn day in my garden.

Read more about my Color Consultation for businesses