Showing posts with label Stenciling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stenciling. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

HoneyBee Showcase ~ Freezer Paper Stencils

Welcome to the HoneyBee Showcase for this week!  We are just buzzing with a whole hive full of ideas for stenciling with Freezer Paper! 

Betty Brett

 My additional project for this week is the "retitling" of a special book that I made for my grandkids for Christmas.  Little fingers have picked at the vinyl lettering, so this new stenciled lettering is now permanent.
 It is VERY easy to iron the FREEZER PAPER to cardstock.  Then carefully paint your lettering.
This ABC project has 26 4x6 mounted photos, with the "definitions" written on each page with a silver Elmer's Paint Marker. 
 It was bound in a cardstock cover made for the Your Story by Provo Craft. 

Porter has loved this special book, and delights in sharing his knowledge of the Gospel ABC's.
You can make cards, journal or photo album titles, and many other special projects using this technique.

I love trying new things!  Thank you, Betty, for teaching us how to use freezer paper to create a stencil.  For my shirt I used my circuit cartridge "Wall Decor & More" to cut the butterfly, then I used Tulip paints.  But I didn't stop there: 
 I have had these pictures set aside to do a LO and Betty's freezer paper technique was just the inspiration I needed!  I took a paper napkin from our July 4th party last year and ironed on the freezer paper:
When I cut it out, it sort of looks laminated.  I backed it with white card stock so that the Statue of Liberty and Constitution were more visible (less transparent.)  Who would guess this was a re-purposed napkin?


Judy Ford
This is my freezer paper stencil fabric paint project. I used my Give a Hoot Expression/Cricut Cartridge. I used fabric glitter paint. Now when Don and I go to the gym will have the bestest sweat cloths in the whole place.

I can see me using this alot this summer with my grandson Jackson and the

Boys will Be Boys Cartridge!

I did some real close pictures too, even with the nubier fabric of the towel it didn't bleed thru... Thanks Betty Bee!

I'm excited about how easy peesy it is and how it could dress up even a garage sale find!!!

Now, You all try it out for yourselves and link up to show us your project!


Beth Ullman

Wow what a cool challenge you had for us this week Betty......I have fabric paints so that is what I used on my Cricut Stenciled Tee

For my stencil I used the butterfly in the Indie Art cartridge will definitely be trying this again.


Honey Bee Wanda

Wow!!!  I can't tell you how much fun this was! 
When Ms. Betty was telling me about this project I got so excited.  We were talking about projects we had painted in the past.  Some 20 years ago I made quilts for my kids with acrylic paint and textile medium.. The pictures are still there.. The quilts are a little ragged though...  Ms. Betty mentioned how she made towels for her kids. (lights went on in my head)  This was fabulous.. My kids are always taking the wrong towels out to go swimming and now they will have their own!!!!  Not only that I decided I needed to make them for my grand kids too!  So when they come over next week we'll do theirs..

I cut out the names using MTC and a font I had installed in my computer.  I used Delta acrylic paint and textile medium.. The kids had a great time getting their hands all gooey.
After the towel are really dry, iron the back of them to set the paint.  Then I wash them in white vinegar to make sure the paint is really set..


This was a new challenge for me!!..I wanted to do a place setting and decided to use my Pagoda cartridge to get the Asian look I was going for.  I tried countless number of times to get the top part of the vase (that had the flowers), but the cut was to intricate and kept giving me a hard time.  I decided to just use the base and from the same cartridge do a couple of flowers.  So much easier!

The fold of the napkin is quit simple.  I put the 'right' side down and folded it in half and then half again.  This gave me a square.  Then taking the top point, bring it down half way.  Last step is folding back the sides.  I wanted to make a pocket to hold the chopsticks!  For my paint I used Tulip (Matte) Soft Fabric Paint.  The vase is a mix of blue and green; the flowers are pink and orange.

Thanks for joining us today!  We get all a-flitter when we see how many of you are visiting from all over the world!  Please take a moment to leave a comment when you have a moment!

(how ironic!)  abusybee !!! Carri will be receiving our Baby Scrapbooking Kit!

Now it's your turn!!  Post your FREEZER PAPER project here!!  You can LINK below, or you can send us the project by email to 
We are so excited to see what YOU will create!

Photobucketand the HoneyBees

Monday, April 11, 2011

Monday Motivational ~ Fabric Painted Projects

Welcome to Monday Motivational here at Betty Bee's Buzz!  In keeping with a great project shared by Court last week, where she showed us darling baby onesies screen printed with a YuDu, we are sharing some new projects this week, printed with a new/old favorite....

Betty Brett

Here is our supply list:
Object(s) to be painted on (pre-washed is best)
Reynolds FREEZER WRAP (Plastic coated paper)
Craft Paint of your choice
Fabric Medium (which is added to the paint to help it become permanent)
Paint brushes or sponges
Die Cutting Machine or Craft Knife for cutting pattern

Here I am using my Cricut to cut out all of my designs at once.  (I used my Gypsy to make the changes that I wanted (adding the "P" to the flower) and placing the items where I wanted them on the paper.)  Note:  The paper is placed on the cutting mat PAPER SIDE DOWN so it sticks to the mat.  The shiny side will not stick!  SO, you have to FLIP your words, so they show up correctly when painted! (Ask me how I know!  Hahaha   Fortunately you get a HUGE roll of paper for only $5.44, so little goofs like that are no problem!)

Here I am adding a few drops of PAINT and the FABRIC MEDIUM together.  Follow the instructrions on your bottle.  Mine called for 2:1 paint to medium.  It was very easy to use, and gave a nice consistency to the paint. 

You IRON the paper to your project with a medium/hot iron, making sure you get a good seal all around the edges.  Now is when you add in extra pieces, such as the inside of letters, and in this photo, the beak. These pieces will act as a mask to prevent the paint from getting on the cloth in these areas.  They iron down just like the outside of the pattern.
Add a piece of FREEZER PAPER inside your shirt, or under the fabric to prevent the paint from bleeding onto the back of the shirt!
Begin painting on the paper, and bring into the design, thus preventing pushing paint up against the edge, and forcing paint under the paper.  This will help the stuck on paper give a smooth edge.

This is after I let it dry for a couple of minutes, and peeled away the pattern.  I placed the original cut out pattern over the peeled away beak so I would have a mask when I painted in the orange color.  Now I am using the tip of the small paintbrush handle that has been dipped in a little puddle of paint/medium mixture, to dot on the eyes.  (They had been cut out of the pattern, but were really too small to be effective.) Dots are very easy to add as eyes or as extra interest anywhere on your design.

Here is our finished chickie from the Easter 2010 Cartridge.

And here is our Super Ba-Bee Model, Paisley, Just Hatched!!

And here is another precious little onesie, sporting a posie for Paisley,
 from the Songbird Cartridge!

And this is a nubby textured towel, done the exact same way. 
 You can use this very easy, and very effective technique on LOTS of different surfaces
 Check back on Wednesday, when I will have another project to share, 
as will the HoneyBees in our Wednesday Showcase! 
In the meantime, I hope you will be thinking about what terrific projects you would like to be bringing your special touch to, with this super fun way of decorating!

Happy creating ~ 
