Happy Friday in the hive! Welcome to Buzz, Brag and Bee Happy! This is our day to share whatever is the Buzz, good news, and whatever is exciting in our lives. The best part is we invite you to do the same! Post your latest designs, DT news, links, and other excitement. Leave comments about what is happy in your life. We have had a very exciting week with Amy Sheffer as our guest HoneyBee. Did you make a project with our Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue Challenge? It's open 'til next week, and there's a matching prize package!
Betty Brett |
This one is very springy, and the flowers were all punched... quick and easy! The movement of the flowers is so delightful!! When you open the card they just dance :) It surely brings a smile to your face! The tutorial on how to make these cards is on my personal blog.I do hope you will give it a try. If you have ANY questions, Please leave me a comment, or send me an email. I will be more than happy to help!
Thanks for your prayers and comments about Bob the Babe. He is recovering pretty well, and we dismissed the nurse today.
Happy Friday! I have thoroughly enjoyed Amy's challenge for us this week: something old, new, borrowed & blue! I made this card for our Goddaughter, Shelby, who is graduating high school. My grandma gave me her sewing machine (old), I have never machine stitched my scrapbook paper on a card before (new), and I borrowed the criss-cross card tutorial from split coast stampers.
This is the inside of my card. (Details on my blog.)
Don't forget to link your old, new, borrowed, and blue card, LO, or project to this post.
Every Friday is Buzz, Brag and Bee Happy at Betty Bee's Buzz. Judy Ford
This week I've got a few things to brag about! I made a set of dagger jewelry for my mom. The main beads are called daggers but the bracelet is so fluidy you just HAVE to pet it.... it wiggles and squirms under your fingers like a contented caterpillar. I did this set in Pink (mom's favorite color) and irridescent white cubes and seed beads. I took classes while I was in Florida from Debbie Blamy at Beading Elements in Sarasota. I changed the earring pattern just a little.
What a crazy week. Well, I think it was more me than the week...lol..Exciting is driving my new mini van and having my inside lift put in for my scooter. The lift was done last Friday and on Saturday I had a problem. My scooter was 'hanging' outside the back of my van and the remote would not allow the lift to go up or down. I manually released the bar but didn't move out of the way fast enough. So, all week I've been walking around with bruises starting on my right shoulder down to the top of my right hand. Luckily, I'm use to have nasty looking bruises..lol..So Monday the remote was fixed and so far so good. Well, that is it worked at the shop; I haven't done it yet on my own. The other things I'm bragging about is my post op progress. I now have 3 drains out - 1 to go, probably next Wednesday's appt - no infection, pain much less, and activity stamina getting a little better each day. At the last appt my weight was 164 - down from 344 - that's 180POUNDS!!!! I haven't been this size since high school.... My continued thanks to all my friends and family for their prayers and support and mostly for my dear husband, Don, who's been the resident nurse for me. It's really different on this side of the siderail!!!!
The last brag is my birthday is Saturday the 21st.
I'll be 30-29.... doesn't that sound better than 59????
so what's going on in your hive???? Hopefully our honeybees are healing and Bob the Babe is improving too!!!!
Happy Friday!!!
Next week is going to be a fun week for my husband and me. Friends of ours from Jersey is coming down for a week, Joe is off from week and it's fun vacation time!!
Here is a card I made with something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue. Yeah, like I said I was a little crazy this week and messed up on the instructions. Betty, forgive me for being an air head.
The old is the heart stamp. I don't even remember how long I had that stamp and maybe used it twice! The new is this beautiful matstack from DCWVcalled Mariposa.. You see the blue..sorry, you don't see the 'borrowed'...lol..Ok, I feel better confessing my mistake..lol...
It's your turn! Post your Good News, things you'd like to Brag about, and whatever is the latest BUZZ right here.... it's a linking party :o) Don't forget to join in this sweet challenge, too!
Happy creating !
It's your turn! Post your Good News, things you'd like to Brag about, and whatever is the latest BUZZ right here.... it's a linking party :o) Don't forget to join in this sweet challenge, too!
Happy creating !