Happy Friday! Welcome to the HoneyBee hive... and the kickoff to a great weekend! This is the post where we share the BUZZ in the BIZZ, BRAG about what's been happening, and share what is making us HAPPY... and we invite all of you to do join right in with us!
EDITED: Thanks everyone! The most talented Lauren Bergold, from "All the GOOD Blog Names Were Taken" is the artist that did this great tutorial! Please head over and check it out... you will not be disapppointed!
First, it's sweet HoneyBee HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes to HoneyBee Court!
Here is the card I made for her, (though it probably hasn't made it all the way across the country yet)...
It is made with DCWV's new Lemon Flower stack, and Court's favorite color is olive green!
She shares her birthday with grandson Porter, and he is having a high flying birthday today, so here is his card celebrating his third birthday!
And, I wanted to give credit to one of our bloggie buddies out there who has a wonderful demo on how to stitch on cards, similar to my wording.... but for the life of me, I can't find it! She stitched the word "Happy" in green, and showed how to choose the best font from your computer as a template. Somebody help me out here, and help me find the tutorial again! Thanks!! Here is the card I made for her, (though it probably hasn't made it all the way across the country yet)...
It is made with DCWV's new Lemon Flower stack, and Court's favorite color is olive green!
She shares her birthday with grandson Porter, and he is having a high flying birthday today, so here is his card celebrating his third birthday!
EDITED: Thanks everyone! The most talented Lauren Bergold, from "All the GOOD Blog Names Were Taken" is the artist that did this great tutorial! Please head over and check it out... you will not be disapppointed!
Betty Brett |
My daughters' birthday was earlier this week, so I needed to make a quick set of thank you notes for the presents they received. I enjoy the CAS style, and I found a this terrific sketch at Die Cuttin' Divas:
(Card supply details on my blog.)
I hope your weekend is bee-utiful!
Honey Bee Judy Ford here:
Great report at the Doctor's office. He is very pleased with my progress and I don't need to go back for 2 months! Yippee! Weight restrictions raised to 25 pounds!
Can go back to aqua-aerobics next week! Going to visit my daughter in PA this weekend!
I found this great tutorial on Community.provocraft.com for roses with your cricut!
Haven't tried it yet but sure looks do-able.
Have a great week! What's going on in your hive???
Now it's your turn! We love getting comments from you, and we know Blogger is being kind of stubborn lately, so if you want to, send us your comments to our email at BettyBeesBuzz@hotmail.com and we will post it for you! Also, we invite you to share important things in the links below... what is the BUZZ in your BIZZ? Share the scoop!! What do you want to brag about? What is making your hive happy this week? Is there someone that deserves a pat on the back? Let's cheer loud and clear!
Have a great weekend, and we'll be back on Monday with more great Motivation!
and the HoneyBees