Showing posts with label Centerpiece. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Centerpiece. Show all posts

Monday, August 15, 2011

Fly Away Celebration Week

 Happy Monday, and welcome back to the Hive!  Have you missed us?  We missed you!  We have enjoyed our little vacation, though.... and are ready to share our Celebration with you....

Betty Brett

Tonight I went to a  farewell party for a very special young friend whom I have know since she was born.  She is leaving tomorrow morning to drive all the way across the country to begin attending BYU, and start a brand new chapter in her life... Times like this come to each of us, and it is a time to reflect and celebrate new beginnings, yet cherishing the relationships that will last a long, long time....
 And so it is with our beloved HoneyBees... The time has come for the HoneyBees to Fly Away from the Hive.  Thus, I have chosen a familiar theme for my party centerpiece to honor them.  
 I cut the arch and lettering from Make The Cut, then stamped the Hive and Bees from a Close To My Heart set.  The black and yellow poufs are curled ribbon that is made by wrapping satin ribbon around a skewer, misting it, and baking it at 200 degrees for 10 minutes. 
 The hive is a jar given to me by my daughter, and filled with layers of sugar (but sand would work, too).  Add some ribbon and a cool bee charm for finishing touches.  Don't you love my dishes?!!  They were a gift from my friend Linda :)
 My card is a blue cardstock base, with white inked clouds, Martha Stewart punched edging on a computer generated sentiment strip.  I colored the twine myself, and glued it in place to spell out "Fly".

Inside the card.
I am so very honored to have had the opportunity to be the Queen Bee to these amazing designers, and mostly my friends.  Most of them have served on other design teams with me, and continue to work very hard throughout the industry.   You will see their work in lots of places!!
Judy is making quilts for charity, joining several challenges regularly, and bringing smiles to our heroes all around the world with THOUSANDS of cards for Operation Write Home.  She also encourages the artwork for her Mom who will be celebrating her 100th birthday in a few months!
Beth is very busy being a wife and grandma, as well as canning, baking and enjoying live bears in her yard! She is a very active member of the Whoopsi Daisy Design Team.
Kristi is enjoying the art of setting up her beautiful new home for gracious living and poolside play, when she isn't in her magnificent Studio K craft room!  She is representing Longaberger Baskets, too!
Rosemary is active in the civic arena, with her family, as well as in the papercraft industry.  You will find many of her projects and challenges on Have Your Way With Paper.
June has two precious twin daughters with Autism, and she is the smartest lady I know on this subject.  She learns so much on the subject!  She is also on My Pink Stamper and Pumpkin Spice Design Teams!
Court is another very busy crafter!  She is taking care of her family in California, as well as being on My Pink Stamper, Imaginesce, Pumpkin Spice, and Artful Delight Design Teams!!!
Wanda is busy raising her second family, and homeschooling one special little fellow, as well as being one of Digital Delights' Tutorial specialists!  She is also the Digi-Master of the brand new WonderWorks Crops venture!!
and last, but not least...
Betty will be staying busy, too.  I will contiue to host Cricuteer in Paradise crops, and be a Tutorial Artist for Digital Delights, but am also very excited to be partnering with Wanda and Kathy from to start a brand new company called WonderWorks Crops!  This is something new to the industry, and we are so thrilled to bring it to you. 
Please pop over to to check out our first project!  This is a CROP only deal... you have to come see us to get the aweome Haunted Chateau!  OR invite us to come to you!!
So, as you can see.... our HoneyBees are all BUSY Bees, and most have flown off to build hives of their own.  We will always be close, and will have a true sweet spot for one another. 
We thank you for spending time with us over the past years, and we
hope you will always have much to Buzz about, and Brag about, and Bee Happy!

Happy Creating~
(We'll have one last post on Wednesday to show what the HoneyBees made for the Party!!!  One last Showcase!!!  We hope you will come by and leave them some honey :) 

Monday, November 1, 2010

Our new Blog Face, Motivation, and Blog Candy!

Welcome to the Hive!!! Isn't our new face just a honey? Wendy, with Digital Delights by LoubyLoo, and Delightful Custom Blogs, took this card design of mine, and went to town with it! She could do the same for you!

It's Monday, and it is our very first Monday Motivation!! That means that on Mondays one of our HoneyBees will be posting a tutorial on something that she loves to do! Then on Wednesdays you will see a HoneyBee Showcase of our take on the Monday Motivation, and you will be invited to join in! No time limits, and no stress, just a lot of fun!!

Fridays will be Buzz and Brag days, featuring all Good News! What is happening; who has created something fun; and who has some good news to share! This also include all of you! Let us hear what good things are happening in your hives!!

Monday Motivation - Giving that old Candle a Facelift!!!

For some of you, this technique is not new, but I'm hoping it will remind you how easy this is and what a great gift this would make for any occasion.

Some of you live in parts of the country that when you look at the landscape around you, you see the beautiful colors of reds, golds greens and browns that God has painted. Here in Central Florida, my palms are still green and my summer flowers are still blooming. While driving around, I will see a cluster of trees with shades of yellow and gold, but to get the true fall color palette I must create it myself.

For my project you will need:
Wax Paper
Hair Dryer or Embossing Heat Gun
Rubber bands

When you find the photo you would like to use on your candle, print it using regular white ink jet paper. Trim off excess paper around your photo.

Take your photo and place it where you would like it to be on your candle. Then, take the wax paper and wrap around the candle on top of the photo. Secure the wax paper with a rubber band on top and one towards the bottom. The wax from the paper will melt to infuse your photo to your candle.

With your heat gun (or blow dryer on high), slowly and evenly go over your photo. Keep your tool about 2 inches away and don't stay in one place too long. As the wax melts, you will see your photo get darker (shinier) letting you know that area is done. When you remove the wax paper and you see an area that is not infused, just put a piece of wax paper over it and heat until set.

When I did my candle, I did melt a small section near the tip of the photo. I was not concerned because I knew my embellishments would cover it. For those that know me, they know my saying is 'there are no mistakes'.lol..

You are now ready to add ribbon, flowers or whatever you would like to give your candle that one of a kind look.

I apologize for not having photos showing the steps. After I did my project, it wasn't until bed time that I realized I had forgotten to do something. If you have any questions, please ask and I will be more than happy to help you make a project you will love sharing.

Hear is my finished candle ready to display on my dining room table.

I would like to thank BettyBee for the beautiful fall photo that I used on my candle.


Roe, it was my pleasure providing the picture, because it meant that I had a fabulous trip up through the mountains of Tennessee a couple of weeks ago, and got to enjoy the beautiful leaves in person! OK, crafters, be sure to be here on Wednesday to see the HoneyBee Showcase, and see how the rest of the gals did their candles!


It's time for Sweet Treats! BLOG CANDY!!!! We promised a treat for you tonight.... NO TRICK! We are so delighted to be starting our new Bee Hive, and having all of our friends come over, that we want to offer some goodies to play with. This is a fun fall package, and I've even added a set of the cute little tole painted candy corn. I know you will get them after Halloween, but I hope you'll enjoy them anyway!

HOW TO BE CONSIDERED: It's going to be easy (Like everything else we do!) Just leave us a comment or two, (or ten!) and if you post a project, or become a follower, that would be really nice, too. We'll count them all up, and put them in a bonnet, and draw a winner! We'll choose a winner on Monday night, November 15th (really late, so you can comment on that day's Monday Motivation!!!). Any questions?
PS. Don't forget that we have a link from Thur. for you to post your Halloween Costume photos! We want to see them, and they count toward the blog candy, too!!!
Happy Crafting ~

BettyBee and the HoneyBees