Showing posts with label 2011. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2011. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Spring Has Sprung!!!

"Spring Has Sprung" by Cheryl Haynes of Prairie Grove Peddler

"Cat Lessons For People" by Lizzie Kate to go with my "Dog Lessons For People" (now to get them framed alike)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Oh, What A Wonderful Week-end! And A Roadtrip!

We laughed, we ate, we shopped, we stitched and laughed some more! That's what these GTGs are all about. Man, I had missed these gals! I worked on both of my on-going projects. I was amazingly restrained in the LNS. Mostly that was due to stopping by Craft Warehouse on our way into town. CW was having a 40% off framing sale. I left two pieces to be framed. Then when we arrived at Vicki's she offered to take another of my pieces in for a special 60% off framing sale on Monday. Whew! That hurt the bank! Wednesday I had to take "Blondie", my jeep, in for some work. I was expecting a very expensive tab, especially when they asked to keep her overnight. What a surprise when I found out the warrenty covered everything but the normal maintenance and the wipers, minus the $100 deductible. That totally made me feel better about all the framing expenses. Need Blondie to be in tip-top shape. I leave Thursday for the Washington peninsula. I will appear in court Friday on my former neighbor's behalf. After spending a few days with her I will be heading up to Vancouver, BC to visit my BFF, Pam. On my return trip I'm planning to spend a few days with another girlfriend in Seattle. I'm just giddy with all the fun of getting to see these gals. Soooo... don't expect an update here for a bit. ROADTRIP!!!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Oh Dear!

I should be excited! I should be packing & sorting my stitching. But no, I've just finished reading emails and blogs. I'm heading back to bed for a nap. At oh-dark-thirty tomorrow I leave for my stitching GTG in Portland. I've missed several so I haven't seen the gals since September. Where, oh where is my mojo?

No photos to share but I am working diligently every evening on two projects.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Time For God!

with artifical lighting: this shows the fabric color better

with natural lighting: I like this because it shows the floss colors better.

Looks like I should've stood on a barstool instead of a chair and waited 'til morning for better light!! Photography is not my strong suit and I don't have a great camera.

This Lizzie Kate piece was stitched last year. I've been trying to sort out my sewing/stitching room and realized I had forgotten to photograph it. Think I'll take it with me to Portland next week-end to be framed.

Next week-end is our stitchig group's GTG. It rarely happens that Craft Warehouse is having a framing sale the same time we're having our GTG. I'll probably break the bank!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Finished Stitching!

Yea, finish number two!! I finished "Dog Lessons For People" by Lizzie Kate last week. Didn't get a chance to post it then as we had to take a short trip over to Portland. This was a fun stitch and while I was waiting for a re-supply of floss I started "Cat Lessons". Am about half done with that but find myself yearning to get on with other things. Oh man, not another UFO!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

First 2011 Finish

Finally I have a finish to show!
I had started LK's Dog Lessons and had to order more floss (it has finally arrived). Then I started LK's Cat Lessons and found I was out of one of those flosses (more ordering). So... I started Waxing Moon Designs' Autumn Nap. Whew! I had all the flosses needed for this and have finished it today.

Too dark right now to get a great photo so this scan will have to do.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year


I'm wishing all the best to my stitching & quilting friends for 2011.

We don't do anything special for New Years as a rule and this year especially since we have so much snow. I'm doing a lot of cleaning/laundry - a typical Saturday.

Christmas was a rather simple affair considering all the hassle and prep. The ride over the mountain pass was clear and easy. Two of my three types of cookies were a hit.

Pat (ds#2) had the grandboys for Christmas Eve. We opened gifts early as their mother wanted them by 7PM. Then we all went out for Mongolian Grill which has become a sort of Christmas Eve tradition. Dh & I got to visit with some dear friends.

Christmas morning Pat fixed a great breakfast. DS#3 & DDIL were there. Then all the Christmas dinner prep began. The guys were deep frying the turkey. I kept out of the way, my job was vegetables. DH fetched his 97yo mom to join us. We decided to head home that evening as "there's no place like home" (and our own bed). Good thing too as it started snowing and didn't quit for 4 days. We now have snow up to my waist!!

In my last post I mentioned "a day of rest". Well, it didn't go exactly as I planned - not all rest. But I did get some stitching done. I started Lizzie Kate's Dog Lessons For People. What a fun stitch! Here it is so far...

If you'll ecuse my poor photography, here are also some ornaments I stitched while I was in Alabama. They are from The Gift Of Stitching Magazine. The First Day of Christmas by Nancy Pederson of Tudor Thyme
and Christmas Star Tag by Annemiek Koning of The Needle's Content. I stitched this in two colorways.
I also have another of the Little House Needleworks ornaments; Joy To The World
Have you noticed a trend to my stitching? So far I have thirty-seven ornaments stitched and not one finished. I'm hoping to be bitten by the finishing fairy this year. That's about it for my New Year's Resolutions. OK, maybe finish a UFO/BAP or two. How about you?
Sewing machine