Showing posts with label Vacation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vacation. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A Road Trip Gone Haywire!!!

Alas, it has been quite some time since I last reported in. I just haven't been able to find the words.

My previously mentioned road trip was quite a hit aka I nearly totalled Blondie. To keep it short, I picked up a rental (the rollerskate) and headed back on the road twelve hours later. Got to court just a half hour before they convened. Had to call my BFF, Pam, in Vancouver, B.C. & cancel. I just couldn't tempt the fates in the lousy weather in a rental car with no chains or traction tires. Sooooo, I stayed on with Dot and learned to make Chicken Enchiladas and Need-ums. She made me a lovely apron which I will treasure. We gabbed and sewed. I finished the binding on my latest Quilt Of Valor (sorry, I forgot to take a pic!).

When I left Dot's I headed up to Nikki's. Nik has been inviting me and I decided if she could take in a wandering soul on short notice I'd park 'er there for a bit of stitching fun. Nik's been suffering with back problems and hasn't been out much lately so I was welcomed warmly. Besides, she'd gotten this new addition to her family that I've been dying to spoil. Sashi aka Sausages (my nickname) is a 5 month-old Lhasa. What a doll! If she ever turns up missing Nik, don't look at my house!!! By this time I had finished one cross stitch & was working on another. I was lucky to attend Nik's local stitching group & meet some more wonderful stitchers.

My last stop was at Julie's to celebrate her birthday. This was my first visit to her home also. We get along so well and had loads of fun. Me dragging her to a stitching shop and her showing me her favorite antique stores. After church and what was a very short visit I headed home.

Now, since I had had to skip lunch with Vicki in Portland on my way to Washington I made a stopover on my return. She convinced me to stay overnight rather than cross the pass at night (it didn't take much convincing). There had been problems with two of the pieces I had left at the framers on my last trip to Portland. I needed to pick them up. They've now been fixed and mailed back. I should be able to pick up the framed pieces later this month at our next GTG.

I arrived home and immediately got sick. I mean FLU sick! That's hung on for about a month. Enough already!!

I'm happy to report that Blondie was not as badly injured as first thought. She's now warmly tucked back in her garage. Man did I miss her heated seats!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Oh Whoa! Woe!

Dang it all again! I've been home since December 4th & if I may say so, I wrote a pretty great update here. All for naught! Gone! Poof! Somewhere in cyberspace. Obviously, this blog hasn't been my main concern lately as this is the first I noticed. The short of it is...
I had the greatest month visiting my granddaughter in Daphne, Alabama. Wish I could've stayed longer. Much longer!

Today, for a plugged nickel, I'd leave the master of this house and move there. Some men just don't get it! If he's not going to participate in Christmas then neither am I. I have been on my feet all day baking for HIS son's Christmas celebration. AND he left all the shopping to me. My bad! He ordered 3 books off Amazon, but I'm supposed to wrap them! I've had it! Seems every Christmas I swear I'm going to run away the next year. This time I'm booking reservations!

Last Thursday I had minor back surgery again. I'm supposed to be taking it easy!

Ok, I'm outta here! No need to spread any more of my joyous self around.

With any luck and an attitude adjustment I'll be back to wish you all a Merry Christmas. If not, well... do the best you can during these stressful times.

Monday, November 1, 2010

For Those Enquiring Minds...

... that want to know...
I am leaving tomorrow to spend a month in Alabama with my granddaughter. I miss her so. And I'm always thrilled to see her folks and Granny & Poppa. It's so wonderful there and the people are so sweet. It's become our tradition to spend Thanksgiving together. I missed last year & it just wasn't right for either of us. I'll definitely come home with my 'Southern drawl'. DH teases me about that!

I'm so excited! I think the hardest part about packing is what stitching stuff to take. I'd be happy with a suitcase full of SS and jammies. Grandgirl would get a kick outta that. Her mom, not so much!

So, I'm off now to pack. I'll check in when I can. Hugs

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

It's True What They Say...

The longer you put something off, the harder it is to do. Well, I found that out here! I've been trying to write on this blog for nearly two weeks and it's not getting easier. So I'll take the plunge. It's my blog after all. There are no rules or police. I'll try to recap the past month, it's been a busy one.

In September I went to the WA/OR Stitcher's GTG in Portland. I try to get to these as often as I can. The ladies are so wonderful & we have so much fun. Vicki even gave me a personal ornament finishing lesson (which I shamefully haven't tried yet).

I also attended the annual Elder Women's Retreat for the Coos Tribe (DH is Native American). These gatherings are so much fun and it's great to meet with and learn from such amazing ladies. DH's cousins always make me feel right at home.

On October 1st I met my dear friend Julie in Newport, Oregon. Julie & I used to work together in our previous lives. She's one of the few people I still keep in touch with. We had a condo for a week. Lots of relaxing, exploring and gabbing. Beautiful sunsets!! The weather cooperated and everything was amazing. Here are a few pics...

While I was away, our buddy, Tom (who lives in his 5th wheel in our driveway, temporarily) injured his back. Then he got awfully sick. We moved him into the spare bedroom to keep a closer eye on him. Then on Tuesday DH had to go into the hospital. Man! I'm sick of sick men!!! They're awful babies. I'm sick of driving these guys to & fro! I'm sick of doctor's offices and hospitals!

But wait! There is light at the end of my tunnel!!! I'm leaving all this testosterone behind!! On November 3rd I leave for a month in Alabama with my granddaughter. Whew!

In all these festivities I did manage to get some stitching done. First, I finished Lizzie Kate's "Time For God". Which I've managed to misplace. So I'll show you when it's found and photographed.
Next, I finished Lizzie Kate's "Prayer Connection" again. I loved the way this turned out on the one I sent off to Afghanistan, so I stitched another for myself on a larger count fabric. Mine will be made into a pillow, I think.
And then, I started "Guilder" by Ink Circles. It's the companion piece to "Florin" which is Tracy's SYHO piece. I chose my own colors by Gentle Arts. My fabric for both is a 32ct Belfast Hand Dyed Linen by Silkweaver. No color is specified on the package but it's a lovely mottled purple/lavender/blue. It's not quite finished in this photo but it is finished now & I've begun stitching "Florin". (pleae excuse my wrinkles)

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Friday Night Sew-in

Friday, as it turns out, was a very very productive day! A little incentive was the Friday Night Sew-in and the drawing this week-end for the participants.

Started early by working on my QOV for a few hours. I'm ready to put on the first border. My back was aching pretty bad and I didn't think it would help to keep working in the sewing room. (sorry, photos looked awful so I will not post them)

In the evening I chose to cross stitch & watch TV. I'm making good time in my LHN SAL "The Library". The center portion, the door, is another quite boring section. Lots of solid spaces. It makes for easy stitching while watching the Olympics.

In todays mail I received a package from Anita's. The 3rd ornament in the LHN Ornament SAL "Snowy Pines" and the design #1 of the SYHO SAL "A Life Lived For Others" by Glendon Place.

We had our taxes DONE today. Words cannot say what I feel. We must pay again. I thought I had really figured our deductions close enough that we should break even. Not even close! I'm about to pull my hair out!!! I hate to end on a downer, sorry.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Checking in from Alabama...

I had super easy flights down here! Easy connections, minimum waiting times and all flights were ON TIME! That's what I like!!

Erica & I are alone now. The parents left last Thursday for Key West, FL (their new duty station). I met her new room mate last night. The girls fixed dinner for us and we had a great gab fest. I know they'll do fine when I'm gone. Lauren will move in next week. That means I get upgraded to the "Parental Suite".

I've taken Erica's car several times when she's had to work. Yesterday I went out to find the local needlework shop, Ami's. Oh drat! She's gone out of business! I hate to see LNSs go under. Besides, I had planned to do some serious shopping there. Guess I'll have to venture over to Pensacola. I had numbers for three shops there and only one still has a functioning telephone. Come on Gulf Coast stitchers! Support your LNSs!!

Now, if that didn't frost my cake! The local quilt shop has also gone out of business! Whew! What's a girl to do? I HAD to go to the outlet mall for some retail therapy! I HAD to!! (I also went for a walk on the beach at Gulf Shores!!)

I had so wanted to try my hand at dying fabric while I am here. Guess I'll have to haunt Michaels and Joanne to see what I can find. I'll probably never find linen!

So, for now I'll leave you with a photo of my lovely grand daughter, Erica, and her boyfriend, Josh.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

And She's Off !!!

So sorry I haven't been around to update lately. I'm running around like crazy, trying to get everything ready to leave. DH will be baching it with the pets (and some things just MUST be done or they won't get done). I'm going to visit our grand daughter in Alabama for three weeks. I'm sooooo excited!

I have been trying to stitch a bit everyday. Sorry again, no photos! And I will be taking ample stitching with me. (there is at least one LNS that I know of Yipee!)

I guess this is a good time to warn you that I will only have limited internet access and may not be updating too frequently. Not to worry! I'll fill you in with loads of photos when I return.

Bye Bye!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Finally Home Again!

Arrived home at about dark last evening. Tired for sure! Eleven days of fun, fun, fun doing girl stuff. I want to tell you more about my travels. First, see my post below for photos from my "Quilts Of Valor" week-end.

Friday the 17th I headed South from Pam's in Vancouver. I needed to make a stop at her sister's in Bothell, Washington to drop off birthday and wedding gifts. Was good to see Vicki again too. It took me over 3 hours to travel from Bothell to McChord AFB near Tacoma. Man, I couldn't live along that I-5 corridor ever again! Way too much traffic! Too many people! Took a rest, ate dinner and visited the new Exchange on base. When I left McChord two hours later the traffic was still crawling! It took another 3 hours to reach Portland.

Aah, Portland! The Northwest Stitchers Get-Together. I stayed with our hostess, Vickie. In the morning we met up with most of the gals at Acorns & Threads LNS. After a little shopping we lunched at Sweet Tomatoes'. Then everyone headed to Vickie's. These are such fun and inspirational week-ends. Seeing other stitchers accomplishments and WIPs. Checking out each others' stash. Making new friends and visiting with old friends.

So now I suppose you expect to see some of my new stash!! Maybe I can get some photos when DH isn't looking. I think he'd have a stroke if he knew how much I've spent.

Quilts Of Valor Week-end Photos!

Some of the quilts we took to present
This is my first QOV which I gave to a Viet Nam Vet

The American Veterans Traveling Tribute

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Hey Ho from Vancouver, B.C.!

Hi Y'all! Told ya I was running away! I'm here at my bestest bud, Pam's. We've known each other since before we started kindergarten. Having a great time catching up (which we do at least once a year). Today we ran out to Surrey to the most wonderful stitching shop I've ever been to, Loving Stitch. This shop has more fabric than I've ever seen in one place. And, of course, I took full advantage!

But wait! I need to catch you up on this past week-end. Didn't have internet access so I couldn't catch you while I was all pumped up over this. (And, of course, my photo downloading cord is out in my car so no photos right now.) I was in Bellingham, Washington at a Quilts Of Valor retreat. Oh my! What a beautiful setting! What awesome ladies! Anyhoo... We had been asked to present some quilts at the Traveling Viet-Nam Memorial Wall that was co-incidentally going to be in B'ham. We were able to come up with over 40 quilts on short notice. Most of these were given to members of the Patriot Guard (most of whom are former GIs). Deliciously hot sunny day. An emotional catharsis for me. Many tears were shed by many. I am so pumped up to make more quilts. We got several names of fellows to get quilts to in the near future. We got many vets to sign signatue blocks for future quilts. I've got oodles of fabric and signature blocks to take home with me. Ooh, I can't wait to share som photos with you.

Well, I must be off to bed. The entire house has gone to bed already. Will try to post some photos when I can (hopefully before I get home). But I have more adventures in store for you so come back soon. Hugs...

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Birthday America!

Happy 4th of July everyone! Please stay safe this holiday. And to those who are keeping us safe this 4th of July and all their families, THANK YOU! Thank you for your service and your sacrifice.

We are still here at the coast. DS2 has joined us. Tom, Jim's USAF buddy is here from Nevada. DS3 & DDIL were not able to come after all. Such a shame. The guys have been having a ball riding the quads on the dunes. I've done more cooking than I care to do. Everyone loved my apple crisp so much I've made it again for tonight's dinner. All of our dinners have been communal so at least I'm not cooking alone every night.
I've taken some pics of the ornaments I've stitched but I'll post them later. I couldn't resist this view from a hike the other day. Beautiful!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Checking In

Hi y'all! We're having a ball at the beach! Wish you were here!
So far I've read two books: Clive Cussler's Shock Wave and Susan Wiggs' Just Breathe. I'm starting Cussler's The Chase.
I've also gotten some stitching done. I'll finish my third Christmas ornament tonight. The stitching part, that is. Finishing will have to happen later. I brought along one of my BAPs, the Monarch Butterfly by Kustom Krafts, but haven't done any stitching on it yet. Sorry, no photos at this point.
So, back to the campfire

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Away We Go!

We really went away early Monday morning. The annual trek to Winchester Bay on the Oregon Coast. Here to ride the dunes and celebrate The 4th of July. Internet service is spotty which is why it's Thursday already before I could make this entry. So far there are 16 of us (the grandparents). By the holiday our numbers will more than double. We're expecting 2 sons, a DIL, 2 grands and Jim's USAF buddy from Nevada.
The weather was beautiful until mid-afternoom yesterday. Turned cloudy and misted more than rained. Today starts cloudy but we hold hope the sun will burn thru. This doesn't keep the riders from riding. I tend not to ride, my spine being in the current condition I hate to rattle things up. Jim will take a passenger or one or both of the dogs along. He's bought them harnesses so neither falls out. They love to ride!
I did bring along several stitching projects to work on and lots of books. Next Monday I will be meeeting with the local Quilts Of Valor group. I'm thrilled to be joining these like minded quiters. So, of course, I brought along my sewing machine and the latest QOV I'm working on.
So, we're off again on another adventurous day! I'll keep posting when I can.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Home from Alabama

Guess it's about time to share about my wonderful visit with Erica, my grand-daughter, and the light of my life. It was sooo very difficult to leave. I'd move to Daphne in a heart beat if Jim would go. Like that'll ever happen! Darned camera isn't downloading so photos will have to follow.

We had such a wonderful time although Erica had finals to take. Her mom, Patti, was home on leave, recovering from surgery. We were able to do some shopping and find some fabulous buys. On "Black Friday" we took it slow and steady. I spent more on "ME" than I can ever remember. With Patti in recovery mode and me with my back, we were quite a team.

I had gotten some serious cortisone-like shots in my back prior to traveling. The trip there was a breeze! Great flights, on-time connections, and little back pain (I didn't even wear a pain patch). Well, that didn't last! The return trip was chaos! Broken planes, rerouted schedules, pain patches at two levels on my back! Ouch!Fortunately I was able to make the last flight of the day into Redmond.

Our Thanksgiving was very quiet! We went to Cracker Barrel to eat as Erica's half-sister was working there. Then Erica joined her boyfriend's family for their dinner. I tried to stitch a bit. The frogs were out in full force!

I was so thankful to have this time with Erica and Patti. My visits are always so restful and I truly enjoy all the "girl time". I have been blessed in so many ways. I pray that all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

There are FROGS in Alabama!

Oh my! One of us ran over a little frog in the driveway! Flatter than a pancake! Sure wish I could do that to all the stitching frogs I found while I was there! I took three stitching pieces to work on during my visit. All three came home needing to be un-stitched. Dang! Guess I really can't visit and stitch.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Catching up

Busy! Busy! Busy! Yet I haven't a thing to show for it! The days just slip by.

I have this huge mess in the dining room now as I unloaded two bookcases from the spare room and the boxes reside there now. I intended to paint the spare room. I've bought the paint. I want to move my sewing room into there as the lighting is so much better. Interruptions! (We shampooed the carpets.) And it didn't get done. Now I have a guest coming and no time to paint. And to add to the disarray, I'm having the dining chairs recovered and so we're using card-table chairs! (Pray they'll be ready by Saturday)

My guest is a girlfriend, Julie, from Seattle. We worked together before I retired. She's just retired this year. We went to Mexico together before and traveled well together. So, we're doing a girls get-away and driving to Tahoe. Leaving Sunday morning and we'll be back whenever... probably the following week-end.

My sewing room is a disaster too! I have stuff from the spare room in there as well as the usual messes.

Wouldn't you know it!! Dang!! The main lighting in our livingroom has gone out. It's an antique six-way light I've had forever (a really really long time). Jim thinks it needs a new plug. So we sit by the light of my magnifying lamp from my sewing room.

Can't imagine what Julie will think of all this craziness! I'm always a nervous Nellie when I have house guests anyways. She'll understand! She saw my "before retirement" home and knows I'm not usually like this. (but maybe this is my "new me" look since confusion reigns my life now). Can't you tell I need a vacation?

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Catching Up

Man, Oh, Man! I hate it when I don't keep caught up in here! Retracing my steps isn't always as easy as you think. Let's see...

We went to Winchester Bay on the Oregon Coast for 8 days. The weather was gorgeous! I did go riding on the dunes several times. Jim went more often as my back was really bothering me. There were 5 couples on this trip. Lots of great meals together and fun around the camp fire. Jim's brother brought his boat & went crab fishing. We had a delicious crab feed of Dungeness Crab.

Took Moses (the cat) with us... that was a first for him and he did very well. Didn't care much for the harness but we needed it just in case, etc. My boy made me proud! He was so interested in everthing. As usual, Kelly & Jessie (the dogs) went with us (they always do). Guess some folks must've thought we were a traveling zoo!

My poor baby, Kelly, tore her ear on some barbed wire the first night. Spent a considerable amount of $$ getting her stitched up and cleaned up (read: blood all over my carpets too). She looked so sad! Because she had cut a major vein her ear needed to be immobilized. It was bandaged to the top of her head with a wrap around her head. For 5 days she looked like she had a giant tooth ache! Poor girl has been through so much in the past year.

Home one day (to do laundry & get a haircut) then I took off back to Seaside, Oregon on the Northern Beaches for a Women's Conference. This is hosted every year for the Elder Women and spouses of the Elder Men of Jim's tribe, the Coos. It's a wonderful opportunity for me to get to know some of Jim's cousins. They are, after all, the Elders now! This was my second year and I enjoyed it even more than last year. I successfully wove a basket, if you can call it that. But it's wonderful to learn the concepts of how these native crafts are done.

Arrived home after dark last night. Way too many e-mails to deal with today. Today is my birthday!! Called Barb C in Texas, she's my birthday twin, to wish her a HB and to make sure she's ok after Hurricane Ike struck. Whew! She's fine! Jim has been waiting on me all day! Made lunch, took me out to dinner! We're too stuffed for cake & ice cream (but he did get them). We had dinner at the Paulina Lake Lodge where my neighbor Teresa works. It's pretty rustic but great food. Teresa gave me one of the Lodge's sweatshirts. That was really sweet!

Now, about my stitching... I did do some! I've been working on my first biscornu. and I'm stitching a Cherished Teddy square and an Americana square for charity. On my way to Seaside I passed through Portland and visited the nearest LNS to me (3+ hours away), Acorns & Threads. I bought 3 charts, 2 pieces of fabric, and a beautiful Needle Minder. I love the minder but I think it will be a Christmas gift for a dear friend.

That's it! I've finished my e-mail & caught up here, now I'm going to go stitch. See y'all later!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Vacation & the 4th of July

Oh Lordy! How time flies! Hadn't realized how long I've been out of touch.

The coast was beautiful, I've never seen the dunes before and they're amazing. Miles & miles of sand. Our weather was mostly sunny. At one time we had over 30 people for dinner. All of our dinners were potluck style fortunately. As the holiday grew closer the crowds did too. Patrick & the boys (DS & 2 DGS) arrived on the 4th and parked their little trailer in front of our coach. Looked like we had sprung a shed! LOL

The first ride out on our new quad and the engine seized up. We had to be towed back to our coach. The guys took it to the nearest dealer but it would've taken too long to fix it and we would've had to make a trip back to pick it up. We had to bum rides the rest of the trip. The danged machine is now in our local shop until a new engine arrives. Fortunately it will be covered by the warranty, but that doesn't change the way out vacation turned out.

Like I said, there were lots of people at this gathering. Jim's brother, Terry, and his wife, Cheryl, have been friends with many in this group for years. Jim has hunted with several of the guys. They get together several times each year at this same campground to ride the quads. This was the second time we have joined them but this was the largest group yet. We met quite a few new "friends" and had a wonderful time. One couple we met is also from LaPine, so now we'll have someone to ride with in our area.

Thursday, June 26, 2008


Just here a moment to grumble and complain! At five this evening my dear husband informs me that he wants to leave at nine tomorrow morning for the coast! Now, I thought we weren't going! That was the last word he gave me. But, we got the motor home back from the shop today & his brother called & said there was a spot available. Usually one needs to make reservations a year in advance for a camp spot for the forth of July. Lots of cancellations due to the cost of gas, I guess.

I'm running around like a chicken, etc. It just won't happen! He is only concerned with loading up the quad. So I've put him in charge of his clothes and toiletries and hooking up the computer. I have to load up the food, make up the bed, my clothes, etc. Oh yes, I have to get my stitching kitted up to travel! Can't forget that. Good thing I was just at B&N to get some books.

I also have to call & cancel my hair & nail appointments in the morning. Dang! I'm feeliing like a sheepdog!

Ok, so I've vented. Now to get back to the hard stuff so I can enjoy two weeks of sun & sand!
Sewing machine