Showing posts with label tattoos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tattoos. Show all posts

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Flo Rida Tattoos

flo rida arm tattoos

Flo Rida is famous for his songs like Low, right round and Club can't handle me tonight. But, he is also famous for his tattoos, the rap swagger and the hip boy image is incomplete without the presence of tattoos on the body and Flo Rida knows it. He parties hard and writes the perfect party songs which people love, yeah people love him why else he would be on top charts for ten weeks making the Number 1 song of USA. His tattoos are little special and little dangerous too, anything looks dangerous with that dangerous image of a rapper take Lil Wayne's tattoos for instance.

But, from where he got his interest in tattoos and what do they mean? Very little people know that he is a brother to seven sisters and didn't had a lush childhood for sure. They were poor, and his sisters used to sing on churches and he got involved in the street gangs when he was in the ninth grade and started jamming with GroundHoggz. He was into the gangsta stuff and the gangsters love tattoos, so that is why you could see the burning tattoos and the tribal tattoos on his body. The way he has been inked shows a celtic tattoos touch in the making and the fire which he calls passion is quite clear in his tattoos that;s for sure.

On the arms he has his funky fire tattoos running and on the chest he has two faces which are of his dear ones, while the back clearly says the Rapper stuff, a boldly written 'FLO RIDA' on his back clustered between other tattoos kind of enlightens the whole rapper thing and pushes it a little on the hardcore side. Well we would finish talking and will show you all of the Flo Rida's Tattoos down here.

flo rida tattoos on back

flo rida in concert shirtless showing tattoos

flo rida working out arm tattoo
flo rida shirtless showing face tattoo

Thursday, June 27, 2013

One Direction New Tattoos

One Direction the famous band which gained their popularity after the famous show X-Factor, and were signed by Simon Cowell later on. The band is bunch of guys who have fun singing together and usually hang out together, then why not have tattoo together? TMZ reported that Last Tuesday the members of One Direction Zayn, Liam and Louis were found at the local store named Tattooed Heart Studio and got some exciting new tattoos for themselves.

The story goes like this, One Direction stars were just hanging out and suddenly they had an urge to get a tattoo. They sent their bodyguard for the search operation to scan the town and get to know about the best tattoo place, which turned out to be Tattooed Heart Studio. Zayn got the tattoo of a girl's face, which is his latest girlfriend, while Louis wanted to have doodles tattoo of a spider-web on his arm because he loves spider-man, kids love spiderman seriously! Liam stayed idle and enjoyed the KFC treat which he specially ordered his bodyguard to get from the nearest KFC outlet.

This seems like a desperate attempt to become the Man by these boys, having tattoos and fancy cars with bodyguards flying around, wanna be rapper type stuff. But the tattoo work was good and thanks to TMZ we have got the pictures, shown above of their tattoos. Do you like the tattoos? personally I don't like Zayn's Tattoo a lot, what about you guys?

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Models with Tattoos

model with tattoos on arms

Models are the beacons of fashion undoubtedly, and people look up to them to adopt the latest and best fashion trends around the world. And also in the tattoo worlds the the tattooed models have a lead over the average people because of the hard work which is put on them and their aesthetic sense. The tattoo models also have a great taste in tattoos and could be the best source of getting the amazing tattoo you want for yourself. The best tattoo designs which the tattoo models use are the tribal tattoos, quotes tattoos, celtic tattoos and dragon tattoos. While for the female models the Love TattoosFlower tattoos and small tattoos are the hot favorite now a days.

Models always want to look hip and they want tattoos which don't die up with age, everybody needs a tattoo like that which is eternal and that is the whole point of having a tattoo, to have something on you forever. Most of the models have the tattoos to look good, but some of them have them for their motives other than looking good, in which they look good ironically. So here we will show you some examples of the models with tattoos and you get to decide which one look really amazing from all.

Check out the Models both male and Female who have the best tattoos, hands down!

Female Models Tattoos

model with dragon tattoo on arm

model on street showing quotes tattoo

tiger tattoo on arm of girl

girl in bikini showing tattoos

girl with fire tattoos

Male Models Tattoos

runway model male with arms tattoos

model with luck tattoo fingers

model beach tattoos arm

runway model with tattoos shirtless

quote tattoo of models

These were some of the best looking models with tattoos on their bodies, and we would like to know who is your favorite models and your favorite tattoo too.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Beckham Tattoos

beckham tattoos
Beckham all Tattoos

Beckham tattoos have always stood out in the whole celebrity world, from tribal tattoos to face tattoos in form of arm tattoos and chest tattoos Beckham has always set a standard in tattoos. The fan following of Beckham is huge, even after Beckham's retirement from football last month. But, what most people don't know about Beckham is that Beckham has 32 tattoos engraved on his body and doesn't regret even one of them. And you thought you were a great tattoo enthusiast, try becoming Beckham for a while.

So far most of the people are familiar with the arm tattoos of Beckham and maybe some have seen the angel wing cross tattoo on the neck of Beckham. But he has many more surprises for you as well like the Jesus and Cherubs tattoo on his chest and the Harper tattoo on his chest as well, which he got back in 2011. And he has a meaning behind each tattoo, so these are not just any random tattoos for him. For instance take the chest tattoos of Beckham they are tribute to sons Brooklyn, Romeo, and Cruz. He explained,

"It’s my way of expressing the way I’m feeling. Most of my tattoos are memories or things that mean a lot to me".

Beckham has special love for his tattoos and his passion is reflected in his tattoos. And his loved ones have a connection to tattoos too, like Victoria Beckham has her tattoos too and even the young kid Romeo Beckham has his fir share of his father like temporary tattoo at one time. So, this runs in their family to have these tattoos and they are proud of their tattoos we must acknowledge. Also, the side tattoos of Beckham like the Sad Jesus and flying angels suggest his attraction towards Christianity, but he told in his initial interviews that he is more inclined towards Judaism more, of all the religions. Even though his more prevalent tattoo is the one on his back of the guardian angel being hanged, depicting Jesus. But, we are here to discuss tattoos, rather than Beckham's religion so let's keep focus on that.

tattoo of beckham
Beckham Chest Tattoo

side beckham tattoo
Beckham Side Tattoo

david beckham back angel tattoo
Beckham Back Tattoo

hand tattoo beckham
Beckham Tattoo on hand

Till here we were only talking about the tattoos over Beckham's body, but there are many fans like us who have the courage to have Beckham's tattoo on their bodies as well. And this isn't something new, fans do all kind of odd stuff and we have seen many celebrities as tattoos on their fans bodies. But the Beckham frenzy of tattoos is most recurring of them, people love him as a footballer, as a fashion icon and as a human being and that is why they take proud in having his tattoo on their bodies. So we think there is nothing wrong with that too. So, let's check some of the famous Beckham tattoos and enjoy!

Do let us know which tattoo of Beckham is your favorite and which one of Beckham's tattoo is on your body too, we would love to see some innovative Beckham tattoos from your side as well.

jesus tattoo beckham
Beckham Jesus Tattoo

Beckham tattoos on arms
Beckham Arm Tattoos

beckham on a tattoo store
Beckham having a Tattoo

Beckham Hindi Tatoo on arms
Beckham Hindi Tattoo on Arm

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Flower Tattoos for Girls

Flowers are delicate and beautiful and girls like them on their bodies. The love of Flower tattoos in girls is something we are seeing from a long time now. The queens used to have flower gardens and then some of the tales say that queens had flowers engraved on their bodies. The petals, leafs and flowers are manifested beautiful, so that the delicacy of the tattoo isn't ruined.

flower tattoos girl arm

Flower Tattoos are soft in nature but if you want to give it a little tough look than you can get that too, by mixing it with tribal tattoos and barb wires if you are getting the Pamela Anderson sensation. But we have put together some excellent designs for you guys to look at, check and hit us with your feedback!

flower tattoo back of neck
Lotus Flower Tattoo
flower tattoos back

roses tattoos on belly

Jeff Hardy Tattoos

WWE Jeff Hardy is known for his love for tattoos and he has many tattoos including arm tattoos, side tattoos and dragon tattoos. Jeff Hardy with his funky outlook pulls out the painted tattoo look pretty well and he is quite happy with his look. Jeff Hardy has a mystic character and he tries to remain a mystery, painting his face having arm covering bands and full body tattoos.

His tattoo runs down his hand and it is a big dragon which is painted in intimidating colors, making him a true Celtic warrior. His spoiled look and heavily tattooed body makes attractive and mysterious and we appreciate that look pretty much, what about you?

Monday, May 20, 2013

Spider Tattoos

Spider web tattoo

Spider are found abunduntly and that is why spder tattoos are getting so common, as spiders are 7th most abundunt organisms on earth. The spider tattoos and spider web tattoos are getting so much attraction. Not to mention the popularity of spiderman got the spider tattoos on the roll, because tattoos of spiderman after the bite got pretty famous. People want to be the superhero, spider man was so they want spider tattoos, spider web tattoos and 3d spider tattoos.

Check some cool spider tattoos here and guess the meanings of these spider tattoos, what you think they represent?


Also check these Black Widow Spider Tattoos on various parts of body.

Keep visiting and sharing for more tattoo designs ideas and designs.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Water Tattoos

Water Tattoo on Arm

Water Tattoos are pretty common in the tattoo world because water is the world's most abundant element and due to it's free nature and pureness people pick water tattoos. If you are confused about the concepts and creativeness on the idea than you will want to know, what comes in the water tattoo context. All the forms of water along with the creatures could be a part of the water tattoo also the blue color of water could be used.

Starting from simple flowing blue waves to the sea creatures tattoos, all these come in the water tattoo category. The major applications of water tattoos are in variant tattoos, in which you mix up various designs to come up to a single design. This way you get an amazing and unique tattoo, with your water tattoo.
To see some of the examples, checkout the pictures attached below, and hit us with your feedback too.

Water Tattoo on Arm for Men

Water Tattoo on neck

Water Tattoo design for Shoulder

Neck Tattoos for Men

People love to have tattoos on unique locations of their body like Neck Tattoos. Some boys tend to have a tattoo which is more visible than others, some want to have tattoos which are a little hideous. But everyone has it's choice about the tattoos and we can't just throw it away. Neck Tattoos are great when it comes to enhanced visibility.

Neck Tattoos for Men

Tattoos on the neck are more visible, and the curiosity factor is pretty huge for the neck tattoos. People with neck tattoos get more attention to their physical structure and it is the fact told by most of the artists. So if you have strong upper body and well defined shoulders muscles (all three shoulder muscles front,lateral and back) than you should go for the neck tattoos. Also a fun fact is that neck tattoos enhance your jawline and thus increases your sex appeal significantly!
Have a look at some of these designs and enjoy the sights!

Best Tattoo idea for Neck

Fancy colored Neck Tattoo

Attractive Tattoo for Neck