Showing posts with label iPhone Google. Show all posts
Showing posts with label iPhone Google. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Google Nexus Prime Spesification

Dubbed as the murderer of the iPhone, Google Nexus is the first to be released soon. If you're wondering when is the nexus of the first page so you can get your hands on it, is rumored to launch this fall. That would be October or November 2011. This is the iPhone 5 is planned to be launched. Each one has their hopes with much expectation about what the phone will work with Android 2.4/4.0, the ice cream sandwich. Also known as the Nexus 3, Google Nexus Prime is rumored to be based entirely on software. While Google Nexus One was launched with HTC, Google Nexus Prime will be brought to you by Samsung, the original equipment manufacturer (OEM).

Rumored Nexus Prime Specifications


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