Wednesday, August 26, 2009

We tried to get pictures of the boys after blueberry picking

This is my neighbor/friend Karen. She is an angel! The kids and I adore her and we love to hang out with her!

I could spend the rest of my life in a blueberry field.......

Snoqualmie Falls

This is one of the funnest family outings I think we've ever had! What boy doesn't like a little physical activity, dirt and water?!!! The boys and I had already been here with Ruthie but we decided to take DJ there too. We hiked to the bottom again. The kids are such troopers! I'm surprised at their ability and stanima. We went past the sign that said don't go any further. DJ and I had to hoist the kids down some steep rocks and they we hiked over to the river and closer to the waterfall. I don't think Sam has ever been more content and happy. He loved throwing rocks into the river and would have been happy to stay all day. DJ did an awesome backwards roll when he tried to climb a slick muddy area. Wish I would have caught that on video!!!