
Showing posts with the label Penny Culliford

Book Review: "Theodora's Baby" by Penny Culliford

Swap chocolate for a baby Theo and Kevin have just gotten married and now are expecting a baby! Being pregnant isn't all fun and games for the couple. It means Theo can't stand the sight of chocolate! The couple are going through their first days of marriage and already they are having issues. From Kevin not wanting Theo to write in her diary to Theo leaving for a few days because Kevin wouldn't fix the bathroom, the newlyweds sound like their having lots of fun in their new life. With Theo's pregnancy comes cravings for weird food, having to wear Charity-like maternity clothing (gasp!), trying to find a job that will take her in her "condition" and her sister-in-law getting pregnant at the same time. Plus Declan keeps showing up. Thank goodness Kevin lets Theo have her diary back. She'd be lost without it. Theodora is one of my favorite characters as of lately. I love everything that she goes through and how she handles situations. I thought it was ...

Book Review: "Theodora's Wedding" by Penny Culliford

Time to break out the fake accent again When I finished Theodora's Diary, my first thought was "Great book, I want more." Lucky for me, I had already placed my interlibrary loan and this book reached me in two weeks. I finished it in two days. This book deals mainly with Theodora's relationships with her new vicar, her new boss at her job, and of course her upcoming wedding with Kevin. I liked the introduction of the new characters especially the vicar, who does not fit into the typical ideal of a priest and gets into conflict with the uptight Jeremiah. Theodora's adventures, no matter what she does, are always exciting. Just having the deal with the people she meets and how she reacts to them is worth reading about. The scene she has with Declan, and the events that follow afterwards, are so typical of guys. And then they think they've done nothing wrong and it's all the girl's fault! I loved reading this book. The characters were hilarious and tota...

Book Review: "Theodora's Diary" by Penny Culliford

I wish I was British! Hilarious book! Theodora is just like me...if I was British. The Bridget Jones formula works well in this book. I laughed at Theo's mom and her Greek tendencies. Imagine having a name like Agamemnon! The portrayal of very conservative and stay at home moms was accurate along with the reaction of those not comfortable with it. I was glad to read Theo's sister's response to Charity chastising her for not staying at home after she has the baby. Theodora is proud that she worked hard to have her job and people like Charity shouldn't put her down for not being like her. The Kevin "Fever Pitch" storyline was great too. I went out and rented the DVD after reading the book (I had no idea Colin Firth was in it!) This book makes me want to have a British accent. Theodora's Diary by Penny Culliford is published by Zondervan (2001)