like many others, one of my (favorite!!) christmas gifts was the kindle fire.
kindle fire, oh how i love thee! you must understand, i'm a technology-addicted gal. and, as of late, my smart phone has not been so smart. i've really been suffering, here.
(boo hoo!)i'm almost ashamed to admit that, despite the easy transfer of my books from my earlier version kindle, i've yet to open one! instead, i've been using my fire to make my life easier *grin*

one of my favorite apps is pulse, a news reading app. keeping up with my favorite blogs has never been easier!

another app i added to my fire is hootsuite. definitely not anything new but what i didn't realize is, not only does hootsuite allow me to update my status to twitter, facebook & my facebook page but it also lets me read (and respond to) all the updates on each. (duh! where've i been, right?) good thing cuz i wasn't incredibly fond of the android facebook app.

of course i added youversion, a bible reading app. it was previously installed on my phone but that tiny little screen combined with my phone's limited memory did not a pleasant experience make.

faith & i (my marketing assistant & niece) were in need of a shared calendar. we started out with the google calendar but i found that it wasn't compatible with my fire. there's a paid app that will allow you to synch with the google calendar but google didn't include a to-do list. sooo..........i went with cozi. i'm not hugely impressed with the layout or design but it does what i need it to do!

also on my fire is note everything. i haven't used it much (yet) but i like that it allows text notes, paint notes & voice notes. the paint notes was my primary reason for installation - i can doodle design ideas as they come to me :-)

and i'll admit to one guilty pleasure: where's my water. the cool thing about the amazon app store is that it offers one paid app free everyday. when this game came up, i installed it on my fire AND little man's tablet - one of
his favorite christmas gifts ;-)
so what's your favorite app?