Showing posts with label bracelets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bracelets. Show all posts


Bracelets, Beads and Earrings!

Here are a few pics of the bracelets and handmade beads I've been working on:
I think I may rework the bracelets to incorporate some more intricate knotting using some maedeup techniques (Korean knotting). The silver bead I crafted from metal clay. I did a few smaller ones also but they haven't made it to a bracelet yet. I've only done the one design in copper so far but I've got a few ideas for additional designs. I'm hoping to list these soon. With respect to the bracelet I mentioned in the last post, I still haven't determined the identity of that bead - the shop where it was purchased is open only one day a week right now and I missed my window of opportunity last week. I'll try again!

I'm not sure if I mentioned this but I'd been spending my time on earrings for gift bag donations. I made 10 pairs in all but only had the presence of mind to photograph 4 pairs which is unfortunate. They were all different designs and I was pretty pleased with how they came out but, of course, now I can't remember the exact designs! All were made with copper sheet.

A few other noteworthy items: I finally got a light box!! Very cool light box kit with 2 backgrounds, 2 lights and a tripod. I'm not a fan of the tripod - can't get close enough with the macro setting. These photos were all shot in the light box but I'm not sure if I see any improvement. I do believe that I am just an incredibly inept photographer. Maybe I need different props? Or backgrounds? What do you think?

And the last item is a proclomation of sorts. One of those "if you build it, they will come" kinda statements. I'm hoping that putting it down in black & white with witnesses will help me follow through. So.............I'm planning to submit my work to the Sundance Catalog. There. I've said it. Have I already made this statement? Looking through previous blog posts, I realize that I have. Maybe the second time's the charm?? Anyway, I'm still not sure which pieces and I've actually got another line in mind so it may end up taking a bit of time but that's my goal. I've got a few other lofty ambitions tickling my brain and I'll share those as well but one thing at a time!


Another bracelet sneak peek.......

I haven't come up with a name for this beauty yet and it hasn't been listied because I'm still working on identifying the bead I used (yes, I know - you don't need to say it. WRITE IT DOWN!!) I've had this bead for over a year and had no idea what I was going to do with it. I think it works WONDERFULLY in this bracelet! This one was a lot of fun to make - especially after I realized that I could fuse the links instead of sodering them. It's crafted entirely in copper and, as I indicated, all the links are handmade as is the clasp.

I've also been working on some 'barrel' beads in silver and copper to use with - yup, you guessed it - some more bracelets. Stay tuned for more sneak peek pics!



I've been obsessed with bracelets lately. Don't ask my why but my fall line - slow coming out, I know - will be filled with them. In fact, it may be my entire fall line! Cuffs, bangles,'s a sneak peek:

Introducing "Relic".........a distressed, copper cuff. I've been working with copper quite a bit lately. It allows me to keep costs down for my customers but more than that, it's just plain fun! It seems to be my metal of choice this fall.

In other news, I'm finding that I REALLY need to spend some regularly scheduled, dedicated time at the bench. Inventory at Brazen Betties is waaaaaaayyyy down and I'm considering going into a second 'brick & mortar' so I need to step it up. So how do you guys 'work' your craft? I know that my friend Janice (Doxallo Designs - GORGEOUS work!!) has one night a week she's set aside for bench time. Do you catch the time as it comes up? A little bit each day? Or do you schedule in a day or two a week? Looking for tips to stay on schedule!

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