Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Homeschool Planning

Through prayer, common sense, and much consideration my husband and I have decided to homeschool our girls beginning in the school year of 2012-2013. Currently our girls are attending ECS a local christan school where they are receiving an outstanding education. We have been very pleased with Brendlee's progress while attending ECS this last school year. This coming school year Brilynn will be joining her at the school, I do not doubt that she will also progress at an outstanding pace.

Some may raise the question, if you love the school why homeschool? I can only answer this question by saying "COST" and that I know I can do it myself. This is where the common sense factor comes into play. A huge fear of mine has been that "I" am not capable of doing such a thing as "homeschooling". Prayer was needed to get over this fear. Along with prayer, working in the public school realm the last part of the school year, took this fear away. Am I completly fearless, NO. I am reminded of the verse that says, "If he calls you, he will equip you". I look back over several years span and I see how God has been equipping me for this day. I have been equipped through education, work experience, family resources, and personal experience.

The first thing I pointed out was about being equipped through education. While in college I took the following classes:
- Principles of Teaching
-Curriculum Development
-Child Growth and Development
-Educational Psychology
-Adolescent Psychology
-Recreational Leadership
-General Psychology
These classes formed a basis for me to help teach my own children.
Work experience has also equipped me from working in the public schools to working in the a small preschool. Homeschool takes organizational skills and it was here that I really developed my love for organization.
The third thing I meationed is family resources. As a very young child I can remember my mother teaching me to sort and staple papers. I love doing these types of things. In highschool I helped teach a local Girl Scout troop, my leadership skills began at a very young age. Along with my mother helping me build skills at a young age, my sister began to homeschool her own children. My sister has been very successful in homeschooling and has provided me with alot of advice and resources that will help me on this journey with my own children.

Through Jesus I can do this, because through Him all things are possible.

During the summer I have been helping my kids learn some new concepts to be prepared for the coming school year at ECS. Alot of fulfillment has come from teaching them. I look forward to this next school year as I prepare. You may be wondering why we are waiting a whole school year. This is also a simple answer. We had already paid tution/book fees before we made this choice. Also, Brilynn will receive alot of ground work for learning sounds and reading that I feel she needs before we begin at home. I feel that God could of placed this on my heart before this point but He did not, therefore we will send them this next school year and begin in the 2012-2013 school year!

To God be the Glory!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Psalm 56:8

Tonight I sit and as I scan over my facebook I see a post from a college friend saying, "She would have been 5....Angelina Hope Blakemore...born on June 28th 2006...only for a moment we held you in our arms....gone to be with Jesus on June 29th, 2006...but forever in our hearts! We miss you so much! Mommy and Daddy love you baby girl!"

To this day when I read of another person's recent lose or the anniversary of a lose of a child my heart drops. It brings me back to such heartache. On one hand heartache that I never hope to feel in this life again but on the other hand heartache that drew me closer to my Creator, my Savior than I had ever been in my entire life.

Driving here and there my family listens to K-love, it's the one station you can guarantee will be on the radio when you crank the engine up. Often the song, "Blessings" has been played over and over. As I listen to this song I can not help to be reminded of losing our son. The chorus says,

Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights
Are what it takes to know You’re near
What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise

Each anniversary of the lose of a child brings many emotions to the grieving parent. The tears return, the sleepless nights return but as the song states it is at that point we remember that You, Jesus is near to us. Tonight as I sit and think of my friend, Jesus is near to her. The book of Psalms says, "You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book."
If you are mother or father that has lost a child know that God sees each and every tear you shed, He is keeping track of every sorrow, each tear you shed is in a bottle, all are recorded in His book. It is through these tears that your healing will take place.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

"Out of the mouth of BRILYNN"

Tonight Brilynn is laying in bed beside me and looks at me with a very very serious look and say's, "You thinking what I am thinking". I repeat what she says to make sure I heard right than I say, "What are you thinking?" Brilynn than responses to me saying, "Tinkerbell, mommy, Tinkerbell!" I love this girl, so full of life!!!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Happy 6th Anniversary

The past six years have been filled with growing our family. On June 3rd, I entered into a covenant with my husband and my amazing step son. Having a family instantly is what I had. from the day we got married our philosophy was, whatever happens, happens and it did. Six years later we are blessed with 4 children! Now that the season of having children is over we are moving on to bigger and better things. "Enjoying these children" Each of them are a blesing from the Lord. Each brings a new meaning to life! I as he mother feels amazingly honored to have a husband that loves God, me, and my children. He is a father who loves, cares, and is simply there for our children when they need him. Thus allowing us to enjoy the children and enjoy life! Although our children are a huge part of our marriage we have enjoyed many moments to ourselves, enjoying each other. I look forward to many years to come!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Full Swing of Summer

Summer is in full swing at the Wolf household! I always get excitment during the summer when I know Brady will be home with us. This is when we feel like a real family! All year we feel we are missing out on so much when Brady is not around but during the summer, it's the 6 of us and thats the way we like it!
Our summer has already been filled with a backyard campout, backyard cookouts, ballgames, swimming in waterholes. Much more is to come, we plan our summer to be filled with many many lifrelong memories! Camping, Canoeing, Silver Dollar City, the girls being flowergirls in their Uncle Findley's wedding, trip to Kansas City, and trip to St Louis (our mini vacation) and many more ballgames! I feel beyond blessed as we begin this summer knowing that God has great things in store for us!!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

3 months shy of 2 years old!

Benaiah is 3 months shy of being 2 years old. Hard to beleive how the time has flown by. Sitting and looking over the blog I began the day I found out I was pregnant with you amazes me knowing that we have come this far with YOU, Benaiah James! "Praise You While I Wait" began on Decemeber 16th 2008 and today I close the blog because I know that God has healed our hearts. I will never forget the journey, the path we went down in order to conceive you. Forever these memories are etched in my mind. The following are several of the posts from the very beginning when I realized you were inside of me.

December 16th 2008
Praise You While I Wait
This blog is dedication to my unborn child.

This blog is a personal journey about conceiving again after having a miscarriage.

This blog may not make sense to all who read it.

This blog is where I keep my inward thoughts and feelings as I wait for my child.

May 23, 2008 was the day many dreams were shattered. Being a mom and having 2 successful pregnancies previously I had never excepted to loss a child. On that day I did. My third little one went on to be with the Lord. He went on to a place that so many of us long to be. Never will we be there fast enough. My son was born at 14 weeks weighing in at 1 ounce. His small body only measured a total of 3 1/2 inches long. This day taught me many things, but one lesson was not to take a single second in this lifetime for granted.

November 2008
For several months our hopes have been to have another baby, but after 3 months of negative tests. I myself felt the Lord speak to me about waiting. My husband and I recently had went and watched the movie Fireproof. If you have seen it you may remember the song While I'm Waiting by John Waller. During the movie I was so touched by this song. Tears streamed down my face as the Lord spoke to my heart in the movie theater that night.

To help you understand this better I must explain how for several months we tried and tried to conceive but nothing happened. Each negative test brought doubt, confusion and hopelessness. The thought of it every happening, every having a baby again was becoming more and more dim. To some we may not have waited long enough before beginning to become concerned. Maybe some feel we began to worry way to soon, since it had only been a couple of months. For my husband and I it seemed like eternity. My past had always proven that it was "easy" for me to get pregnant. Our first daughter was conceived within our first month of marriage, our second daughter was conceived within the first month of me not breastfeeding my first daughter exclusively, for our third child, our son was conceived right after my husband and I had been away from each other for a whole week. I always say our son was really created from the Love two people share for each other, that's why I called him "Agape" from the very beginning. As you have just read getting pregnant had never been an issue, but this time around it seemed to take time. Time that I never really knew even existed in our own world of conceiving. Now maybe you can understand than how the song really touched me.

Each of us are waiting on something. In the movie it was for his wife to come back to him. For our family it was to have another baby. When God began to speak to me about waiting for Him, He so lovingly reminded me of my own words I had spoken after the loss of our son. During my time of prayer and speaking with my husband I once had said, "Lord give us another child and let it be your timing". See for months we had been trying on our own to get pregnant, but that was not the right timing. That was not God's timing. If only I would of realized and remembered my own words and took my own words to heart the last few months. How much less worry would there of been?

After hearing the song I knew I had to Praise Him while I waited. Even if the test are all negative. That day that's what I began to do. For the next month I did not track a single thing related to trying to get pregnant. There was no more setting out to conceive. I really began to trust God. I really wanted a baby, but not on my time, on His.

December 14, 2008

Sunday morning, cold. Church had went on it seemed like forever this day, maybe that's because I was very anxious about getting my dollar pregnancy test and rushing home to see what the results were. Almost a week before this cold winter day I so desperately wanted to take a test, but God kept telling me to wait. Wait on Me. During this week I spoke not a single word to my husband about pregnancy, instead I just kept praying for God's will. Dec. 13th I felt God releasing me to speak to my husband, and so the simply words of , "my cycle should start tomorrow", were spoken. My husband knew what that meant. As I was sitting through church all I could think about was which test was I going to get. Should I choose the $1.00 test or the more expensive one. In my marriage many $1.00 test have been purchased, so many that the girls at the dollar store knew what I was after when I come in. All the $1.00 test taken, never had I found out I was pregnant with one. All my positive results have come from the expensive ones, with the $1.00 test reaffirming the results. Walking in the store, I really had in mind to buy the expensive brand, because I really wanted a good result. Walking back to my car I almost gave into disappointment, as I held that $1.00 test in my hand. Never had a dollar test given me a positive on the first try. At this moment God began to ask, once again if I would Praise Him While I Wait. Driving home I prayed an answered a big resounding, yes. Yes, I will praise you either way Lord. Positive or a negative you will receive praise either way.
Standing in my bathroom the lines began to appear. First the line proving the test had worked, second the line proving the test was almost complete, but no third line. I only waited a couple of seconds after seeing the 2 nd and immediately threw the test away. As I looked in the mirror, with the look of disappointment once again, spiritual reality began to click. The reality of what I already told the Lord I would do. Praise Him Either Way. As I stood there that's what I began to do, I began to praise Him. Praise Him that in His timing it would be, praise Him for being the God of our lives, the God of our family, the God of my womb. As I got ready to leave the bathroom, I decided to look one more time, and right than I began to see the 3rd line appear. 2 pink lines side by side equals a positive and that's what I had, 2 pink lines. Not believing what I was seeing I rushed to get confirmation from my husband. I entered the police station with a look of complete confusion, but at the same time full of hope, that this is happening. Yes, my confirmation was there, he too was seeing two lines. Another positive test followed later in the afternoon.

God gets our attention in so many ways, sometimes by circumstances, sometimes by other people. For me it was by a simple song in a movie unrelated to pregnancy. Knowing that I myself put in no effort to conceive by tracking my life history after hearing from the Lord, gives me all the more faith to believe that this is the timing of the Lord.

Our story does not end here. Now we wait for our baby to grow inside of me. We wait to hear the heartbeat. We wait for the ultrasounds. We wait to find out if our lovely is a boy or girl. We wait for 40 weeks. We wait. Through it all we will Praise HIM While We Wait...

Posted on Dec 17th 2008

2 + 1= 3 positives

8:30 am.... Sitting, wondering if the nurse is waiting for me to have an anxiety attack to come and take the pregnancy test. Having two positives at home should of been enough for me not to have such a high level of anxiety, while waiting to take the test at the clinic today. I think my heart was beating well above norm.

8:45 am... The nurse has arrived and the test has began. The test results proved once again that we are beginning this journey of having another baby once again. Simple kindergarten math has paid off many years later. 2+1=3 POSITIVES.

Today the reality is beginning to set in... This dream of having another baby is happening. We will not wake up. We will not stumble out of bed. Our dream is not simply a dream.

Jesus sends friends
During my time of loss I had a close friend that had loss her own baby due to miscarriage only a few weeks before. This is a person that I become friends with during my college years. Not once during our years of school did I every think that both of us would go through a time of grieving together but we did. God really has been faithful in allowing me to learn from this dear friend, allowing me to understand that I am not alone. Now after several months we both find ourselves in the same shoes once again. On Monday I received the email that said, she too is expecting. God's plan is amazing. My unknown friend has been with me during the time of hurt and pain and now we are together as we seek the Lord once again for the health and completeness of our new unborn children.
The following is a partial response to the above friend. This was written today and deals with some of my feelings and emotions.

Doing ok.... Cried after leaving the clinic today. Not really that I am sad. just the reality is setting in that we are in this journey once again, and no one not even myself can say that it's all going to be ok, that we will have a new baby come august 27. I am really trying not to get sad or stressed out, trying to find ways to be happy, or simply keep busy. I think once the girls come home I will have alot to smile about.

I had been reading on the internet about the risk of it all happening again and in some way I wish the stats would somehow give me comfort. I talked with my husband about this last night and told him how I wish they (the stats) would comfort me, both they don't. I have read them a billion times and still find no comfort in what they say.

My comfort can't be based on what the world says but instead on the grace and peace of our Lord and Savior. Knowing that God has a reason for the conception of this unborn child. May peace reign in the hearts of those who may be doubting if God is real. Let them come to the cross and know God is right there with them. Let them reach out and grab hold to the one and only one that can give us life.

Decemeber 18th, 2008
Spreading the Word... Are you growing?
As of today mommy and daddy have only told a handful, of people about you.

I told your Grandma Garringer first. Let me tell you about her. She is a beautiful women, that loves Jesus. You are going to love her so much.

Mommy is very excited about you coming but wants to know if you are doing well? Are you going and developing. Mommy has to trust Jesus every second. See you have a baby brother in heaven that was inside of mommy for only 14 weeks before we laid him to rest. Thinking of him causes me to lean on Jesus alone during your time of growing inside of mommy. Mommy loves you and so does Daddy. Stay warm and safe inside of me, God is watching over you.

Faith Lesson
During my pregnancy with my son a wonderful woman of God sent me a prayer guide, Expectant Prayers for Expectant Mothers. For several weeks I read the devotionals and prayed the prayers but when I lost my son God was able to use this same tool to bring peace and hope into my life. At the end of the book verses appear that will help when something unexpected happens. I remember reading the verses and directly applying them to my situation.

Now many months later expecting once again I have chosen to pick the book back up. I started reading the day I found out about my new baby. Today my devotional is titled "Having a baby is a faith lesson". The author explains how the first trimester is one that doesn't display too much in your outward appearance of the life growing inside of you, but you know he/she is there.

I already sense God teaching me alot of having faith during this time. God is teaching me to believe that He will take care of this child. That He has a plan for this growing baby inside of me. People may not know that I have a small child developing inside of me into the person God has chosen this child to be, but I have to trust the Lord every second knowing that my child is there. By faith I carry this baby. By faith I beleive he/she is there.


December 22nd 2008
future memories
The thought of you coming brings mommy so much joy. I love you so much already. This morning mommy told Great Grandma Tucker about you. When I told her you should of seen how her face lite up. She was very happy to hear of your coming.

Several years ago mommy thought we were going to lose great grandma, she was very sick. Grandma has always been very special to mommy. As a little girl mommy would go stay with her for a week here and a week there. Some of my best memories were made at her house.

Dec 28th 2008
Best Christmas Ever
Dear Baby,

Mommy wanted to talk with you today. We have just finished with the Christmas season and heading into the New Year. Only a couple of more days of 2008. During Christmas mommy told your big bubba that you were coming and your big sissy's that you were coming also. Bubba is very excited, and your Big Big sissy just keeps talking about you being inside of mommy's belly. This Christmas has been the best Christmas ever for mommy. I received you. God really knows our desires and wants, and often gives them to us. After your big brother Brandell passed away mommy was talking to God one day and asked for Him (God) to give mommy another baby by Christmas so that I could share the news with granny and papa at that time. What better gift to them than a new baby coming or better yet there is no better gift to give your daddy. Mommy had really just come to the decision that maybe God didn't want you to come before Christmas, but God did. God has his timing. God gave me you this Christmas and I will never forget that. You are very speical and I love You! Remember to always cling to Jesus He loves You.

jan 15th, 2009
Mommy Mommy
Mommy Mommy I want to see you

Mommy Mommy hold me...

Mommy Mommy do you love me...

Mommy Mommy can I kiss you...

Mommy Mommy your the best...

Mommy Mommy you are pretty...

Mommy Mommy please help me...

Mommy Mommy just trust Jesus....

To my child: I love you. Each day I touch me belly and wonder what you are thinking about. In 2 weeks I get to hear your heartbeat. The first sounds of you. You are special to me. I LOVE YOU, LOVELY.

When you enter into this world you will be able to meet her. My hope for you is that the same memories I have with my grandma you will share with your grandma. I love You, baby.

Stay safe inside and let the Lord form you into His image

Feb 6th, 2009
My little baby Monday was such an exciting day. Mommy and Daddy heard the first sounds of you growing in me. We heard your heartbeat. It was so amazing to have confirmation that you are there. Your little heart is beating to the beat of 170! Although mommy wanted to see you Monday on an ultrasound she was extremely glad that you did not give me a scare. You are so precious. I can't wait to see you, but stay inside and grow. Allow God to form you into his child. Mommy loves you!

Feb 7th 2009
Today mommy went into your room. Yes, you have your own room. I am so excited to begin placing your crib and other things in their. I have faith and believe that come August you will get to see it. Today when I went in I began to pray for you, for you to stay strong and healthy inside of me. Today I simply want to remind you that I love you, but your Father in Heaven loves you more.

Feb 19th 2009
Peace in my heart
If only I knew where to begin with this post. If only I had the right words to say, maybe things would be better today, but I don't. I don't know what to say or how to say it, all I know is that my heart breaks. My heart breaks knowing that this very week in my last pregnancy I lost my dear son. For weeks now I have know this week of my pregnancy was coming. I have known that I would have to face this week if I wanted to have another baby. What I did not know was the emotions that would come upon me the very day of week 13. Upon waking this morning and realizing that today was the beginning of the 13th week, I was overwhelmed with fear and anxiety. Anxiety that I have never felt in my life. It seems that I was able to trust so much more after the loss of my son than I can now. I don't understand it all. Is not now the time to trust the Lord even more than ever before. I know I must and for this I will press through. I will press through the emotions, the feelings, the heartache, the doubt of not knowing what the future holds for the dear little one inside of me. I think about the baby often. I think of what my son was developed to, and I know that is what I have inside of me at this point. I have a baby perfect and complete in the Lord. A baby with arms, legs, a set of lungs, fingernails and everything my other 4 darling children have. Knowing all of this, why do I find it hard to go day to day without worrying. Without worrying if I will get to hold my baby, worrying if this is even real. Why? I don't understand, but I know one who does and with that I must go to him. I must stand on his word and his truth. I must, no other road, no other option for me to take, but HIS.

Apil 8th 2009
21 weeks... 4 ultrasounds later we have a baby boy...
WOW! It's been a long time since posting anything. Life has seemed to be crazy busy in our house. I don't see to have alot of time to just sit in front of this thing called the computer. Today I did want to write something to you. Mommy has now seen you four times and heard your little heart beating oh so many. I can not seem to get enough of you. Last Friday we were privileged to find out that you are a baby boy. Oh how this thrills me and your daddy too. We are preparing your room, getting everything set in place for your arrival. It really will be sooner than we think in our own time frame. You are already 21 weeks and remember baby boy Benaiah James you only have to go to 40 weeks... only 40 weeks, a few words from mom here, don't feel you need to hang out any longer than that. Each visit to the doctor brings confirmation to my heart that you are doing well and growing at a wonderful rate. Friday you weighed in at 12 ounces... A few things daddy would want you to know already... You love baseball and are a die hard Cardinals fan... So far your favorite team has won a game and lost a game... Daddy would want you to cross your fingers for them to win another... In June you will be going to your first game, of course you will not see anything, since you will still be inside of me, but trust mommy you will know you are there when we get there, your older brother will be yelling like crazy for our team to win... Mommy loves you so much. Your oldest sister talks about you alot already and her and daddy have nicknamed you Bean... I know they are funny people and just to give you a heads up, they joke around alot... Mommy is not a big jokester but loves a good laugh here and there. For now sis is calling me, so I, I mean "WE" must go see what she wants... Where I go you go... Mommy wants to leave you with a little something I tell your sister's every night. Mommy loves you, but remember "Jesus Loves You More"!!!

June 25th 2009
Benaiah James Wolf

Yesterday mommy hit 32 weeks prego with you. I can't believe we are almost there, soon we will see you. Daddy is way excited. Everyday minute that goes by I just keep reminding myself that we are a minute closer to seeing your sweet face.

Lately you have been moving alot. Mommy has been having some pains and aches, but I not going to complain to you about that. You just stay safe inside of me until your big day. Mommy really hopes to see you in 5-6 weeks, but only time will tell if I have to wait it out another 8 weeks. You have already dropped down pretty low, and when I say low I mean low. Mommy asked the doctor the other day if you would just drop out of me. Of course Dr. Harris laughed at me and said that has never happened. Maybe mommy will not be the first.

Everything is pretty much ready for you. You have your own special spot in mommies and daddies room for now. I always let your sister's stay a month in our room before graduating them to their own rooms, but son you may stay longer. You know you are the youngest and mommy is done having children, so you are extra special to us!

Love MOMMY!!!!

July 6th 2009
Cardinals Game

A little over a week ago mommy and daddy took an escape to St. Louis. We left your 2 sisters and your older brother at grandma Wolf's. We had such a great time being there. The coolest thing is that you tagged along, see as you know mommy can't go without you. You are still snuggled in tight. Time is getting closer and closer. This week is week 34. While at the game daddy caught this photo of mommy and I wanted to share it with you. So far you have already been to 2 Cardinals game!!!

July 15th 2009
Fast but Slow Appearance Please!
Benaiah... Benaiah... Benaiah... we are getting closer. Mommy went yesterday to see Dr. Harris and he told me not to be surprised if you come at anytime. Today I have been carrying you for a total of 35 weeks. I am so ready to see you. Yesterday you also gave mommy a huge scare... I just knew you were coming... but I guess you only tricked me. Small request, please don't trick me to much, please. Next week you will be considered full-term, Dr. Harris thinks you will be fine even if you came now!!! This makes mommy so excited to know! You sisters are gone with grandma Garringer until you come. I know they are having a blast. Brendlee can't wait for you to come, she was super excited when she left knowing that when she comes back mommy will be in the hospital with you in my arms!!! You can come anytime! I can't wait, just make a fast but slow appearance. I know you understand in your own way! I love you!!!

July 29th 2009
37 well maybe 38 weeks

Sweet boy mommy is more than ready for you to come. Ten days ago mommy and daddy had an ultrasound and it said you were 8 days more developed than we expected. According to the actually date mommy has been carrying you for 37 weeks and wow how you have grown. I mean grown, you are a big boy! Nothing mommy does keeps you in one spot, you love to move. I often wonder what you are hitting or kicking around in there other than my insides. Are you going to be born with a bat and ball, football, or a soccer ball? Tomorrow mommy goes in to find out what is going on with you. I know in my heart you are more than ready to enter into this world. In fact if we go off of the last ultrasound, which would put you at 38 weeks and 2 days today, I have carried you longer than I carried any of your siblings. your sister's I only carried till 37 and 38 weeks. I guess we will see what the doctor says tomorrow. I can say you and mommy have a great doctor and mommy trust him and knows that God gives him wisdom about when is the right time for you to come, at whatever time that may be. Mommy has been resting up for your soon to be appearance, in fact this week all mommy has done is sleep. Your sister's are still gone with grandma Garringer. Wow I can't wait till they get to come home to, but all of that depends on when you get to come into the world also. Big brother had to go back to his mom's house today. Unfortunately he will not be there when you arrive, you will be able to meet him in September, around Labor Day! Everything at home is ready. Grandma Wolf refinished your baby bed. It sits right by mommy and daddy's bed. I look at it often, dreaming of the day I get to reach over and feel your soft skin, and your beautiful heartbeat! I know I will watch you and lean over you many times to make sure you are breathing. Your older sister Brendlee is also very much ready for your appearance. She told your Grandma Garringer today that she is ready for "her baby" to come, and that she can't wait to hold "her baby". Expect to be touched alot, and in little words that would mean expect to be loved on alot. I mean alot! Your older younger sister Brilynn will love on you also, she loves to give kisses and hugs. Trust mommy you will be no exception. I can't wait to see all you guys together! You stay safe inside, keep moving so mommy knows you are ok, we will see you soon! I love you!

Sept 29th 2009
7 weeks on Thursday

Wow, not much can be said other than where has the last weeks gone to. Mommy has been so busy since your arrival on August 13th. You my sweet Benaiah officially entered into our lives. You come with no problems. When you were delivered I was overwhelmed with joy and a love for you. In the last 7 weeks mommy has held you, nursed you, rocked you, and stared at you. I can't get enough of you. From birth till now you have changed so much. You have grown at a fast rate, mommy can't believe how big you are becoming. Not just physically but developmentally you are fastly leaving the newborn stage. Each day I watch as your sweet eyes open and look around to see your new world, and I just have to thank our Father in heaven for your wonderful growth.

Benaiah mommy is so glad you are here and you made it here safe. I prayed for you many days while you were nestled inside of me. Now that you are here I continue to pray that the Lord will bless you and keep you.

June 1, 2011- BENAIAH JAMES WOLF "Healthy and Happy Baby"