Monday, July 6, 2009

To my children

As I looked over our blog tonight, I noticed the small caption that sits at the top of our page. "Our personal Star-lit Agape Journey How the gifts have shaped our lives". Wow! What an amazing thing for me to think about. Bob and I have always considered each of our children a gift from heaven above. Each one of them are a personal gift given to just us. Given to us to raise in the ways of our Heavenly Father. Each one of them Brady, Brendlee, Brilynn, Brandell, and now Benaiah have all shaped our lives in one way or another. For us shaping is not just a past thing, but also a present thing. Raising children can sometimes become a stressful process. I can honestly say during the past 4 years I have found myself wondering if what I am doing as a parent is the right thing to do. So many friend around me have continued to assure me that I am doing everything just fine, yet still I wonder. Four years ago when I married my husband I immediately took on the role of a mother. Brady was 4 years old, hard for me to imagine since Brendlee our first born daughter will be 4 on her next birthday. During these past 4 years I have become a different person and all because being a parent changed me. In my opinion being a parent should change you, being a parent should shape you in one way or another. I often wonder how anyone could stay the same after having children. Children test you and try you, push your buttons beyond what you ever thought you would be able to handle, yet still you stand and make it through each moment.

Along the way Brady has taught me to endure to keep going, to keep running the race of motherhood, no matter what anyone says, or does. Helping in the raising of him has taught me to love no matter what.
In Brendlee's 3 years of life she has taught mommy to be faithful and obedient. She has taught me that little eyes are watching to see what mommy is going to do. she has taught me that Star's shine bright and to try to look at the positive even in the negative.
Brilynn's life inside of me was a journey that was worth waiting for. Losing 25 pounds during my 1st trimester of pregnancy with her taught me that life is a journey and it's worth going through for the end result. Brilynn continues to teach me the joys of hugging,and laughing together!
Brandell taught me in his few short 14 weeks of life that love is unconditional, he taught me all about that "Agape" love. He taught me that no matter what I can make it, I can survive, I can trust my Heavenly Father with my entire life.
Now Benaiah... Only a few weeks left before we meet him and he, himself has taught me everything that I thought I knew, over again. Endurance, Obedience, Faithfulness, The Journey is worth the wait, Unconditional Love, and trust.

This post is dedicated to my precious children. To the ones that have shown me how much I am loved by my Father in Heaven.