Monday, June 29, 2009

Anniversary Getaway

This past weekend Bob and I were able to getaway for about 24 hours. We began our trip after dropping off our 3 children at grandma's. Leaving Bolivar we headed toward St. Louis. We had a wonderful journey to St. Louis with just the two of us. Bob and I really needed this time away to refocus and to concentrate on one another. Saturday night we were able to stay in the Best Western. Our originally plan was to go to the zoo on Sunday morning, but decided to just hangout at the hotel and relax. Bob was able to get a short workout in. We headed to the pool as soon as it opened but only stayed a short time before we wanted to head to Busch Stadium! Going by ourselves gave us time to walk around the Stadium and just check things out. We made our way to our seats and found out we had been placed in the Wheelchair section, sounds a bit weird, but I think it was some of the best seats in the house. The seats were actually plastic chairs placed right behind the stadium seats. I really liked the seats for the mere fact that I did not have to get up for a single person, or be right beside (shoulder to shoulder) with anyone. I felt like the seats were made just right for a pregnant women. The only down part was that we were right in sun with no shade in sight, which made for a bad sunburn. All in all it was an amazing time. Our trip back was relaxing also until we tried to take a short cut back to Bolivar to get our kids by taking 32. After driving 32 for a short time it took us on a whirlwind detour that made me think I was going to deliver our next child. We made it back to Bolivar around 9:00 and made it home around 11:00 last night. This morning we all slept in till Bob was called to go into work at 10:00.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Update on Family

Summer is almost half way through for us. Brady has been with us for almost a month, and we have enjoyed having him around. Summertime means so much to us, b/c of our time with him. So much has kept us busy from Brady's ball practices and games to Bren's acting classes and her upcoming performance in Charlotte's Web. Brilynn has stayed busy as well but in a totally different way. I had chosen not in enroll her in anything this summer b/c of everything else that has been taking place, so instead she has stayed busy becoming a toddler. You know the normal potty training, rubbing poop all over her bedroom, beating up her older sister.

Not just has the kids kept busy,but Bob and I have been running around like crazy. The weather has become very hot and humid and keeps me in alot lately, but being 32 weeks prego as of yesterday, maybe I have an excuse. Now for the reality of it, I have stayed in some and just recently stopped babysitting a sweet little boy. My girls miss him so much. Summer has kept me going here and there taking kids from place to place. The last couple of days I have found several moments of relaxation. Bob has been doing about the same and when he is off he runs the kids around while mommy stays home.

My kids light up my life and within the last week I have more than ever appreciated them.

About the up coming baby. At our recent appointments I have been informed that Benaiah is already sitting way low. I guess in my terms he is already half way out. We are expecting him to arrive in 5-6 weeks, but may have to wait out the entire 8 weeks depending on several different factors. Carrying him the first 20 weeks went by very fast, but now that we are at the end and anticipating him more and more each day time has come to a turtle crawl. I am so ready to see him and see his sweet face, and even more I am ready to see my husband's face when I deliver his son. For those who know us, you know our story, and you know how extra special this time is for my husband. I have been overcome with a pride in my heart for my husband and for the special moment that is soon to take place. I know my son is going to turn out to be a great person because he has a great daddy!