Monday, December 29, 2008

Day of Miracles

It's hard to believe that Christmas has already come and gone. I began to pack up our Santa's, ornaments, and 2008 Christmas cards today. Our tree is a whole different story this year. During the after Christmas sales my husband purchased me a prelite tree for only $10.00, you know I had to put it up. Yeah so it was the day after Christmas but our family had not celebrated together yet at our house. Bob and I worked hard and put it up during nap and surprised the girls when they got up. Brendlee was so excited to see a big tree. In fact Bren was so excited mommy has decided to keep the tree up and transform it month to month. We will have a News Years Tree/Winter Tree, a Valentines Tree, and a Easter Tree. I am so excited about doing this I know my kids will enjoy this.


On a more serious note we have a few prayer request. I know God is faithful to answer and faithful to listen to those who pray.

1. Please pray for the family of a faithful saint name Dorthy. Dorthy passed away in her home last. Many of her family members are not saved and Dorthy's heart was to see her children and grandchildren live for God. Bob was the attending officer at her home, while the funeral home was there. Again please pray for the family. This was a very Godly women. My fondest memory was her allowing God to use her at VBS this summer.

2. Prayer is needed for Erica Trusell. Erica is our pastor's daughter. Almost 2 weeks ago she had surgery done on her colon and has had many complications since that time. Erica family is prayer for a complete healing.

3. The last request is for my parents pastor's wife. Her name is Shirley. Shirley needs a miracle. As of right now hospice has been called in and she is literally on her death bed. In the past Shirley had been receiving blood, but a couple of weeks ago she stopped receiving it. The doctor's have washed their hands and said there is nothing they could do but let her die in peace. God is an on time God. Today is the eight day of Hanukkah, the day of new beginnings, the day of miracles. Let's pray that today Shirley will receive her miracle.

Thursday, December 18, 2008


During this past year our local police department, that my husband so proudly is apart of saved change. All the change that was collected went to buy toys, through the program Toys for Tots. This year our children had the opportunity to go and pick out the toys that would be donated. I am so proud of my oldest daughter for beginning to understand the concept of giving.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

gift of hot cocoa

This evening my MOPS group had planned a Christmas Party, but due to all the snow and winter weather our party has now been canceled. Not only the party is canceled but it seems as if everything in town is canceled for this evening. The word is more winter weather is coming. The best way to put things into perspective is to say, it's pure white outside everywhere and it's bitter cold.

Yesterday I went to the dollar store and picked out my $5.00 gift, for a good ole gift exchange at the party tonight. Hey guess what though.... Remember I said the party is canceled. What better person to give the gift to than to myself. Oh I am so excited. I myself will be receiving the gift. The gift I bought is perfect today, see like I said it's bitter cold, but my Hot Cocoa is about to warm me up.

Off to make my Cocoa.... Stay Warm Yourself.....

Monday, December 15, 2008

may not be suitable for small children

Today I posted a video at the bottom of my blog. For those of you reading this from facebook, you will have to click on "original posting", and scroll to the bottom of our family's blog. When coming to the page you may need to pause the pink player at the bottom of the page before hitting play on the video. The video is our journey about miscarriage, this video may not be suitable for small children. Warning to all you will see photos of my son at 14 weeks. If you look closely you will see that my son is like every other baby that is born. When looking at him, you are looking at God's creation, as some describe this, you are looking at the sheer perfection of God. Through my experience I hang onto the words that the Bible speaks of about a child in the mother's womb. My son will never be here on this earth with us, but in heaven, one day I will see him, as he stands and worships the KING OF KINGS and LORD of LORDS.

No longer revealing

Today is weigh in day at our home. Last week I so wonderfully revealed our current weight and our weight loss. I no longer will be revealing my weight, but I will be revealing my husband's weight. I am so proud of him, he is working really hard.

Bob's Current weight: 210 He lost 1 pound this past week, with a .99% loss for the week...

Not only is Bob doing his weigh in but he also does his measurements for his waist and neck.... Go Bob!!! You are doing a great JOB!!! I love YOU!!!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008


So here we are to SNIP IT THURSDAY. For the last two Thursday I have put this on the back burner, the first Thursday missed was on Thanksgiving. Come on I am sure I was not the only person that didn't blog on that day and I am very sure I was not the only person stuffing my face also. Than come last Thursday, not sure exactly what happened other than, "I forgot". With all that being said I proudly present SNIP IT THURSDAY.

The photos today are from when my parents were here.The top ones are from our trip to the zoo in KC. This was such a wonderful experience with my mom as my girls discovered so many things this day!
Not only did we celebrate Thanksgiving but my children had part one of Christmas. Many presents have already been opened. We are going to Arkansas to be with my parents for part of the holidays but all those presents would not of made it back in our car, with a total of five people, so of course we had to go ahead and open some of them!!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Thick Hair Gone

Never in my life have I kept just one hair stylist, for me getting my hair cut is usually a 2-3 times a year episode, therefore keeping just one person to cut my hair has never really been an issue. For some going to an unknown person to cut your hair is a big deal, but for me I never know the person that is chopping at my hair. I can honestly say I have never had a horrifying experience. I am almost always satisfied with the job that is done. back in the summer I had my hair cut pretty short which I love, the only problem comes when it begins to grow back out. My head is full of this ungodly thick hair. Yesterday I had enough. Today I went to get a trim at one of our local salons, of course one I have never been too. I have only had my hair cut twice since leaving here in Eldo. Again I had a great experience. The stylist was able to cut off so much hair and still it really doesn't look to much like I had a hair cut. Check out the two pics, not much of a difference but trust me, alot of hair was cut out.... The one with my daughter is the before pic and the other is the after pic.... of course the pics in my sidebar are before pics also...

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

White Deck

This afternoon we received a small amount of snow... I wish the girls were here, they have missed two snows already, mind you these are not huge snows by any means, but I know the girls would enjoy watching it, as it falls. Only 10 more days till I see my babies.... I love you girls...


Recently I have become involved in our local MOPS organization. MOPS stands for Mothers of Preschoolers. Our local group is full of great women, who desire nothing more than to be great moms. Each meeting includes learning about being a better mom. Today was our monthly meeting, our topic was titled "Santa's Little Helpers". Many wonderful things come from our topic, but the most important aspect that was taken from the meeting was to "make memories". During this holiday season as mommies let's remember to do this. Let's not get hung up on the aspect of giving our children the biggest and best toys, but instead let's make memories that will last a lifetime.

Ideas for making memories:

Make Cookies with your children
Make a craft with your children
Hang Christmas lights together
Gather toys and deliver them to a needy family together
Play bored games together on Christmas Day, or New Year's Eve

The ideas are endless. As a mom always remember that your child may not remember the best gift they every received 20 years from now, but they will remember the memories that were made.

Monday, December 8, 2008

2 Pounds Down

Since my girls have been gone for a little over a week now, mommy has had much time to sit and reflect. Maybe to much reflection at times. During my times of reflection this past week, I decided that instead of continuing to put on pounds I would try to get a good start at shedding some pounds while my children were away. Last Monday I began a diet and exercise routine. I am sure I am like so many, "not good at this sort of thing". To be honest I was not excited last Monday when I began, see I like to eat but within the last 6 months most of my eating has been out of pure boredom, I have come to realize that this has to stop now.

My plan to loss my pregnancy weight and the weight I have put on due to eating out of boredom is the old fashion counting my calories and at least 30 minutes of exercise a day.

Now for those of you who think this is simple, I challenge you to give it a shot. Over the past week I have become aware of how many calories are in certain foods, man have my eyes been opened. As a child I remember my mom trying to diet and how she used to write down her calories, at this point in my life I never understood how this all worked but wow now I do. See when counting your calories you must remember to see exactly what the serving size is, many times that favorite food is just not worth it.

Today was our weigh in day, yes I said our... My husband is also participating in this lovely journey that I will now call, "The Biggest Wolf Loser". As I already said, today was our weigh in. And here are the results.....

BOB.... Previous Weight 214 Current Weight 211 Percent Lost 1.01%
Crystal.... Previous Weight 136 Current Weight 134 Percent Lost 1.01%

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

2 almost down, 4 to go

In a recent post I wrote all 6 goals that I was hoping to accomplish while my babies spent time with their grandmother. As of today, I have almost kicked 2 of these projects in the bud. Yesterday I worked on my holiday bags and today I wrote out the testimony of my miscarriage. I still have some to do on both of these projects, both both are almost complete. As for the girls they are doing great. I have talked to them many times over already. Both are having tons of fun. My youngest is doing some potty training while at grandma's. My mom is so good at working with my girls on major milestone's. Talking with my mom this morning she informed me that Brilynn when big potty in the training potty today. I am so proud of her. I really would like to keep Brilynn small but I know she has to grow up and that she is doing.

Sunday, November 30, 2008


And so begins my 3 weeks of silence. Saturday morning my 2 beautiful daughters left to be with granny and papa Garringer for 3 weeks in Arkansas. So far our house has been way to quiet. Mommy has found that she really doesn't like it all that well, maybe I just need to turn up the TV blurring loud to help with that. I have found time to call the girls a total of 5 times so far and plan on 6 times by the end of the day. Daddy will be working overnights while the girls are gone, therefore leaving alot of alone time. Many things are in my plans, but getting started has seemed to be the problem. See for 2 1/2 years all my life has really consisted of is changing diapers, consoling crying children, and all the things a normal mommy would do. Having zero mommy responsibilities has left sitting in a quiet room. I began to ponder yesterday afternoon about what to do first, and to be brutally honest this is what I came up with. Do Nothing. That's right yesterday afternoon I did nothing and so far today I have done nothing. Well I guess you can say I did something, such as watch 3 movies last night, eat 2 sonic burgers without anyone asking me for a bite, walk up and down the aisle of the grocery store without telling a single child to sit down in the grocery cart, eat a whole bag of popcorn by myself, and than this morning wake up at 9:00 take a long shower and off to church with no children to drop off at the nursery. Maybe for some this is doing something, but for me, my stance is that I have done nothing since my children have left. Maybe tomorrow I will get to those dishes, the laundry that so lovingly awaits, and the trash that is over flowing... just maybe....

Thursday, November 20, 2008


As I sit today I want to thank our Father above for my son. See today was my actually due date, but 6 months ago my precious son went to be with the Lord. I thank our Father for all the lessons I have been taught through losing a child. Snip It Thursday is another tribute to my son.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Granton is coming home!!!!

Granton Bayless is a walking miracle and blessings to all who know his story. Within the last 8 months his faith driven parents have inspired so many to trust God for their own miracles. On Mon the 24th of this month Granton's parents will once again experience the amazing grace of their Savior. After a long journey through good and bad moments Granton will be coming home to Bolivar! When Granton left the hospital it was an amazing moment to see him arrive at the Ronald Mac house in KC but for now Ronald will have to stay behind. Granton is moving on to bigger and better things. Congrats to his mommy and daddy for walking in the way of our Savior. Check out Granton's storyhere.

3 week goals

First today I want to say Happy Birthday to my DAD!!! Have a great day daddy!!!!

I have several projects I would like to complete in the next 3 or so weeks. Pretty soon my girls will be traveling to grandma's house and mommy will have alot of time on her hands. It will be kinda weird without either of them around, but it will give mommy plenty of time to get some much needed things done. I have a plan to complete these things but after my 3 weeks are up, we will see if I stuck to my plan...

1. Get the garage cleaned out (not that it has much in it)... My plan is to put all toys inside for the winter... The garage will be multi-purpose... Used as a winter play room and to park the jeep or car in during really cold nights....

2. Write out our testimony about going through Miscarriage. Tomorrow was Brandell's actually due date (Nov 20th).... Mommy could use all the prayers she can get tomorrow... I plan on visiting Brandell's grave site Friday.

3. Finish my holiday bags. This year we are planning to give our families a bag that contains items to make somores. I have began the bags but they need some more work!

4. Do some scrap booking. I love to scrap book, but when Brilynn was born, this kinda got shoved to the side, I really want to begin working on my half way done books again...

5. Make a recipe book... I have so many recipes written and this paper or that... I guess I just need to scrap book them all to get them all in one place...

6. Redo my blog page... I don't really like the looks of it... but I don't have alot of time to work on it, you know with toddlers pushing all the buttons on the keyboard for me...

Sunday, November 16, 2008


My idea is to have my pics either smaller on my side bar of the blog, or have a banner on top with pics and the name of our blog... I need help...

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Friday... picked up Brady... Saturday...Had some great friends over for dinner, kids played, parents talked it up till midnight... Sunday... church, photo session in Bolivar, took Brady back.... Monday...Relaxed at home with the kids, did some house cleaning.... Tuesday...Was there a Tuesday?... Wednesday... SICK all day, wanted to go to church but sickness kept me home bound....Thursday... TNT (Thursday Night Thing), took Brilynn to play with Emma (thanks Mandy for watching her)....

As you can see we have had a busy week, and have had some family time, but this week I have no pics to prove it... Our memory for the week is taking family pics together. No family pictures had been taken with our youngest, she is now 15 months. It was long overdue. Bob and I also took pics together with just the two of us. This prove to be alot of fun. Can't wait to get the pics back to show everyone.

Since I have no pics from our weeks adventures I thought I would share some things about our family that you may or may not know.


2. Brilynn was born with the cord around her neck. Mommy did not know until an hour after delivery.

3. Brendlee attended preschool for a short time, of course mommy was a teacher at the same school.

4. Mommy let Brilynn (her second baby) dig into her 1 year old birthday cake.

5. Mommy... DID NOT and I say it again DID NOT let her first child dig into her 1 year old birthday cake... I know I let my guard down the second time around...

6. Brady wants to be a professional baseball player

7. Brendlee began potty training at 11 months old...

8. Mommy loves to dye her hair.
9. Daddy spent 6 months in Iraq.
10. Mommy is originally from south Arkansas.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


For those that want to argue, against what is said in this video... Sorry, I will not listen to you. I know what I believe. +

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


1. The Bible will still have all the answers.

2. Prayer will still work.

3. The Holy Spirit will still move.

4. God will still inhabit the praises of His people.

5. There will still be God-anointed preaching.

6. There will still be singing of praise to God.

7. God will still pour out blessings upon His people.

8. There will still be room at the Cross.

9. Jesus will still love you.

10. Jesus will still save the lost.


Thursday, November 6, 2008


Pumpkin Carving

We as a family did this as a fall activity with the girls. The girls had a wonderful time, but our oldest thought it was very gross. Maybe this weekend we will roast our seeds! We are not the greatest carvers but had fun nonetheless. The pumpkin with "Jesus" on it was actually done by daddy on Halloween night, but the other one was done with daddy's help (he did the carving) this week!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Till HIS Return

Two thoughts have crossed my mind since yesterday afternoon and I just wanted to share them with you.

1. Man can do whatever they want but in the end God is ultimately in control of all some may find the gospel as a weakness, that many hold true to but remember what scripture says.
1 Corinthians 1:25 "For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength."

2. Do what we can for the Lord today, feel privileged to live in this time period, God has appointed YOU to be alive today. Yes, I have many thoughts go through my mind, thinking of what may come, but I know and have to remind myself that God does not want us to dwell on all the bad, but to focus on him and continue working to advance his kingdom while still here on earth.
Ecclesiastes 9:10 "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the grave, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom."

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I am so glad to be able to say. I VOTED!!! I have always enjoyed voting. Growing up my parents strongly encouraged us to let our voices be heard. At one point during my teen years, I became apart of the young republican's club. I have to say I come from the south, in fact Hope, Arkansas. Sound familiar to anyone. Our town consisted of a large number of democrats, so being a young republican was a out of the box idea for the small town. I have grown very fond of the republican party over the past years.

My husband laughs at me when we talk politics. This was our first married presidential election. During the debates he would look over at me and get a good laugh many times, because of my intense reaction to several of the responses given by the candidates.

Although I am fond of my choice in political parties, I also understand the importance of voting for the candidate that best lines up with the word of God. This election is so very vital to our country I pray each Christian really sought out information about each of the canidiates before voting.

As each of us watch the coverage tonight, I pray we all have prayerful hearts. At this point no one knows what the results will hold, but through our Lord Jesus Christ grace will be given!!!

God Blees All!!!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Not a Spirit of Fear

Tonight as I sat at my computer, I wonder one question. How many precious boys and girls are going to bed tonight with fear in their hearts. So many moms and dads this very night have allowed their sons and daughters to see images that can cause this very thing. Ghosts, Goblins, Witches, Vampires???? I have heard it so many times, "it's only for fun". Think about it this way. What impact will these images have in the days to come?

I have three small children. I continually pray each day that they never have to experience fear in their hearts. I remind my seven year old step son all the time, "God does not give us a spirit of fear, but a sound mind." Tonight as we drove from the church back to our home, after our children participated in the Harvest Hoe Down, I saw images that gave me the creeps. If these images/costumes creep me out what will they do to my children? As a mother all I want is for my children to feel safe and secure. I never once want them to feel afraid or worried that something bad is out to get them. I feel as parents we must be so careful in what images our precious babies are seeing. If the battlefield is the mind, than would Satan not bring the images of this gruesome holiday/Halloween to the forefront of our babies memories? I pray as the one that God has entrusted to take care of his children for their time on this earth that I never give Satan any room to set up a playground in their minds.

I understand that sometimes it is hard to avoid such images on a day like today and I am not saying to keep your children at home under lock and key. I am simply putting it out their to all parents to think about what images are going into the memory banks of your child's mind.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


This week our family activity included going out to eat with the kids. I am sure like many family's you find yourself going out less and less. Sometimes me and Bob will grab a bite to eat somewhere, but rarely do we go out with all the kids.

Saturday we took the kids to a place called Cowboys. Cowboys is located in Nevada,MO. The food was really great, the kids enjoyed it,and mommy enjoyed not having to cook for the night! Before going we took the kids to a nearby park and took a few photos, the pics turned out a little blurry, but cute to us none the less.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


What a great time I had making my girls costumes for the Harvest Hoedown at the church. Harvest Hoedown is our church's Halloween alternative. I am so excited about going. I know the girls are going to have a blast and mommy is going to have even more fun soaking it all in. Our oldest daughter has participated in Halloween in the past. Her first year she was a bumblebee and we took her to her grandpa's house to get some candy, granted she was only 6 months old. Well you know who ate the candy, and no it was not her. Last year we took both of the girls to a local church the weekend in before Halloween. Brendlee was seen wearing a penguin costume that was made by her father, but I can take credit for the idea. She was so cute she won the contest for the best costume in her age group. Our youngest was seen wearing a store bought unicorn costume. I did really like her costume, but it was what we had at the time.

So this year I decided about 2 months ago that I was going to hand make their outfits, and a couple of days ago I finished them. We are sitll missing the head pieces, which I haven't decided on yet, but the rest is done. I am so excited to see them in them. They are going to be so cute. I know my girls are growing up so fast and I intend on enjoying every minute of it! I think mommy is going to have more fun Friday than anyone else!!!!



WOW!What an experience for this family! Stellan arrived today to his mommy and daddy! Continued prayers are needed for this family, as Stellan takes the transition for mommies womb to breathing on his own...


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Please Join

Tomorrow morning is Stellan's big arrival. Everyone across the Blog World are looking forward to hearing and knowing that Stellan is safe in his mommy's arms. If you are not aware of Stellan's story go here,

To join in on the prayer vigil for Stellan go to the following site

If this doesn't show up to simply click on, than copy and paste it in your toolbar it should work.

Stellan's birth is scheduled for around 9:00 tomorrow morning. This family needs our prayers, please join in.

Monday, October 27, 2008

NoT mE mOnDaY

So here we are another Monday.... Weeks go by so quickly... Or is it that I don't blog enough to separate my Mondays?

This weekend I did not finish my little girls costumes for Harvest Hoe Down. I did not enjoy making them one bit. My oldest did not beg to wear her costume around the house after mommy was finished. I will not admit this was my first real attempt at making a costume.

On Sunday I did not enjoy attending a new church with my children. My oldest did not beg to go back again. We are not going back this next weekend because of the wonderful experience.

Today my children, my husband, and I were not sick at all. I have not felt like a Mack truck ran over me, not once, but over and over again.

Saturday night I did not have to get out of bed a million times, when my littlest continue to cry from 2:30 am-7:30 am. I did not try everything to calm her down due to not feeling well. I did not try laying her in my own bed with me to see if she would stop crying. I did not cry at 6:30 wondering when I could go back to sleep, and stay asleep.

On Friday during our drive home from Springfield Brady did not tell me all about his political views. Not a seven year old, never.

Well that's that... Have a wonderful week! Maybe you will hear from me before next Monday!!!

Prayers For Stellan. He Should Arrive This Week.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Against Personality

Recently I was given a book that teaches young married women how to be a Godly help mate to their husbands. The other day as I sat riding the bike at the community center and reading in this book I came across a saying that almost stopped me dead in my tracks. The phrase went like this, "it's better for your husband to do it poorly than you to do it at all". This phrase was referring to being a leader in the home. Therefore it is better for a man to lead poorly than a women to lead at all. Now this was referring to Christians couples. Now my husband is not a bad leader, do not take this out of context, he is a wonderful spiritual leader of our home and a great man of God. I have watched my husband numerous times teach our children spiritual lessons and be blessed by knowing that they trust their father, and through that trust, they learn and know they are being taught the truth of God's word! I myself in the last couple of months have had to begin to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit tell me to step back. See for those of you who may know me a small bit, you may know that I am a very opinionated person, and I don't like to let anything "be in the air". I like order, organization, and to have a handle on all situations. On the other handle, my husband and I have always been on two different sides of the fence when it comes to types of personalities. He on the other hand is someone who thinks everything through before making a decision about anything (which is a great trait, I just don't have it), he avoids all conflict if possible, and could care less if we make a choice today or if we wait for 3 weeks. Do you see how we are slightly different. Thinking back to my statement that was made in the book, do you see how I, being the one who wants to have order and have order now, could sometimes overstep my husband in his role as the leader of our home? For me not making a choice today, means we are putting it off. Putting it off goes against my whole personality, not handling the task at hand "right now", goes against everything I am. Recently we have had to make some decisions that affect our whole family, this certain decision has been made in the past, but most of the time I was the one making the final choice, but because of what the Lord is teaching me about my husband being our leader I am stepping back. during the past day or two I have felt very blessed knowing that I have a husband that I can trust to make the right decisions for our family. In the past my fears have always been, "what if he doesn't understand, my point". I no longer have to struggle with this, because even if it is a poor decision, I know God's hand is on it, simply because... I have allowed my self to step out of picture and have allowed my husband to step in... He is our Spiritual leader, I dare not try to fill that spot.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


I thought I would start something fun and post each Thursday pictures from family activities from our previous week!!!

Last weekend as a family we were able to go to Hannah Kirby's Birthday Party! She turned one! After the party we stayed and hung out with Chris and Alicia. Somewhere along the way Rusty showed up. The afternoon was so much fun. We don't often have the opportunity to hang out with these wonderful friends, but when we do it's always an amazing time.

Playing the Wii was so much fun!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008




Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Alot with POLITICS....

Wow so much going on with politics. You don't think it's election year do you? Are we voting in 2 weeks are something? Today I have come across so many blogs and comments on Facebook that deal with this election year. So many are concerned about so many issues. I don't even know where to start. Some are worried about Mc Cain scandals, some are worried about Obama's birth certificate, some are worried about Sarah Palin being a step away from being our President, some are worried about Biden's new comment that in the first 6 months of Obama's reign in the White House we would be fighting off other countries that will try and test us. WOW, think about it so much to worry about. I am so glad that I serve a God that tells me, "DO NOT WORRY ABOUT TOMORROW, TODAY HAS ENOUGH TROUBLE OF IT'S OWN". And for those of you who don't know, let me now inform you that, that's the hardcore truth and fact. Yeah so I am concerned about the election. In fact the day of the election my face will be planted to the TV screen all night, and if a certain candidate wins the war, I mean election I will be weeping tears all night, but than the next morning I am sure I will rise and remember it's a new day, yesterday is gone and behold all things are made new. See people if you really understand what the Word of God says, not your Newsweek Magazine, not you local paper, and not CNN or FOX News at that, but IF IF IF IF you remember what the WORD OF GOD says, than worry will not be at the top of your list for this campaigning season. See people we all know bad things are going to happen as we draw near to the end of time, it's in the Bible, go read it for yourself. So in this time of "bad things happening" why are you so surprised. Do we think God is surprised? Each time I begin to think about all the bad stuff I than remember that in God's Word He gives us hope! Hope to one day leave this earth behind and live with Him forever! Hope to forever worship at His feet! Hope to see Him, you know the ONE, not "the one" Oprah refers to, but THE ONE that has saved you from your sin and has forgiven you. So just keep in mind this election season the Hope we all have in our Savior Jesus Christ. Base all your decisions off of Him and you will have nothing to worry about as you cast your vote this coming November! Now how cool is that!!!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

I want to win!!!!

Today I ran into this blog,
A Mom's World of Madness & Blessings

The owner of the blog is giving away a free shirt with your bloggy name on it!!! Oh how awesome that would be to have a shirt with Agape Road on it.... What an honor it would be to have a shirt made in my son's honor... All of you know that my site is named after our son that we lost back in May... That would be so awesome!!! I mean really awesome!!!

Go check out this blog... I really enjoyed reading it today!!!

This past week I did not sleep every morning till 10:00 am as my 2 girls sat in front of the TV eating a bowl of dry cereal, because mommy was not motivated on bit to get out of bed a single day this past week.

On Saturday night my husband and I did not keep our children out till 12:00 am because we had a chance to hang out with some good friends, and play games, and fellowship with them. We would never do that.

I did not panic and freak out when my husband picked up my youngest after falling, because her face and hands were covered in blood, due to her gum's bleeding. I was clam... She did not fall face first with her binky in her mouth... I did not freak out one bit...

I did not have a great time playing the Wii with Alicia this weekend.

I did not bring more of the kids toys back upstairs, after vowing to keep them downstairs.

I did not contact Brady's teacher again this week, and when she told me he was doing better with his behavior at school, I was not extremely proud of him for his great improvement.

10 Reasons I Am Voting Democrat


I'm voting Democrat because I believe the government will do a
better job of spending the money I earn than I would.


I'm voting Democrat because freedom of speech is fine as long as
nobody is offended by it.


I'm voting Democrat because when we pull out of Iraq I trust that
the bad guys will stop being bad because they now think we're good


I'm voting Democrat because I believe that people who can't tell us
if it will rain or not, CAN tell us that the polar ice caps will melt
away if I don't start driving a Prius.


I'm voting Democrat because I'm not concerned about the slaughter of
millions of babies so long as we keep all death row inmates alive.


I'm voting Democrat because I believe that business should not be
allowed to make profits for themselves.

They need to break even and
give the rest away to the government for redistribution as IT sees fit.


I'm voting Democrat because I believe three or four elitist liberals
need to rewrite the Constitution every few days to suit kooks that
would NEVER get their agendas past the voters.


I'm voting Democrat because I believe that when the terrorists don't
have to hide anymore, and they start coming over here, I don't want to
have any guns in the house to fight them off with.


I'm voting Democrat because I love the fact that I can now marry
what or whom ever I want.


I'm voting Democrat because I believe oil companies' profits of 4%
on a gallon of gas are obscene, but the government taxing the same
gallon of gas at 15% isn't.

Makes Ya wonder why anyone would EVER vote Republican, now doesn't it!!!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Orissa India

Please, please read this and pray and pass it on to anyone you think will pray. This comes from a pastor's wife in Georgia. I have not had a chance to look this up on a map, so I do not know exactly where it is. Karon

Lisa Neely has forwarded this urgent prayer request for YWAM (Youth With A Mission) Missionaries In India:

This is a request for prayer for YWAM missionaries and their churches in Orissa , India . Please read and make this a matter of urgent prayer.

Dear beloved sponsors and friends of Good News India:
We have never seen anything like this. We knew that Orissa was the most resistant and hostile State in India as far as the Gospel is concerned. And we brushed off the continuous threats and harassment we faced as we went about His work. But none of our staff imagined that they would see this kind of carnage.... And it seems to be totally under the radar of the Western Media .... Let me explain.... A militant Hindu priest and 4 of his attendants, who were zealously going around the villages of Orissa and 'reconverting' people back to Hinduism, were gunned down by unknown assailants in Central Orissa last weekend. Immediately the Christians were blamed. The cry rose up...'Kill the Christians!' And the horror began.... In the past 4 days, we have first hand witness to hundreds of churches being blown up or burned and many, many dozens of Christian tribals have been slaughtered. For no other reason than they bear the name of Christ.

Night and day I have been in touch with our Good News India Directors spread across 14 Dream Centers in Orissa. .. they are right in the middle of all this chaos. In Tihidi, just after the police came to offer protection, a group of 70 blood-thirsty militants came to kill our staff and destroy the home. They were not allowed to get in, but they did a lot of damage to our Dream Center by throwing rocks and bricks and smashing our gate, etc. They have promised to come back and 'finish the job.' Our kids and staff are locked inside and have stayed that way with doors and windows shut for the past 3 days. It has been a time of desperately calling on the Lord in prayer.

More police have come to offer protection. In Kalahandi, the police and some local sympathizers got to our dream center and gave our staff and kids about 3 minutes notice to vacate. No one had time to even grab a change of clothes or any personal belonging. As they fled, the blood thirsty mob came to kill ever yone in the building. We would have had a mass funeral there, but for His grace. In Phulbani, the mob came looking for Christian homes and missions. The local Hindu people, our neighbors turned them away by saying that there were no Christians in this area. So they left. We had favor. The same thing happened in Balasore.

All our dream centers are under lock down with the kids and staff huddled inside and police outside. The fanatics are circling outside waiting for a chance to kill. Others were not so fortunate. In a nearby Catholic orphanage, the mob allowed the kids to leave and locked up a Priest and a computer teacher in house and burned them to death. Many believers have been killed and hacked into pieces and left on the road.... even women and children. At another orphanage run by another organization, when this began, the Director and his wife jumped on their motorbike and simply fled, leaving all the children and staff behind. Every one of our GNI directors that I h ave spoken to said: 'We stay with our kids.... we live together or die together, but we will never abandon what God has called us to do.' More than 5000 Christian families have had their homes burned or destroyed. They have fled into the jungles and are living i n great fear waiting for the authorities to bring about peace. But so far, no peace is foreseen.

This will continue for another 10 days.... supposedly the 14 day mourning period f or the slain Hindu priest. Many more Christians will die and their houses destroyed. Many more churches will be smashed down. The Federal government is trying to restore order and perhaps things will calm down. We ask for your prayers. Only the Hand of God can calm this storm. None of us know the meaning of persecution. But now our kids and staff know what that means. So many of our kids coming from Hindu backgrounds are confused and totally bewildered at what is happening around them. So many of their guardians have fled into the jungles and are unable to come and get them during these trying times. Through all this, I am more determined than ever to continue with our goal: the transformation of a community by transforming its children. Orissa will be saved... that is our heart's cry.

If we can take these thousands of throw-away children and help them to become disciples of Jesus, they will transform an entire region. It is a long term goal, but it is strategic thinking in terms of the Great Commission. What can you do? First, please uphold all this in fervent prayer. Second, pass this e-mail on to as many friends as you can. We must get the word out and increase our prayer base for this is spiritual warfare at its most basic meaning. We are literally fighting the devil in order to live for His Kingdom. The next 10 days are crucial. We pray for peace and calm to pervade across Orissa. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Please pass it on and help us to get as many people to partner with us on this c utting edge effort to fulfill His mandate: Go and make disciples of all nations.... Prayer works!

Laulima Ministries International

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

So as I was looking over my old blog post tonight, I realized I have never posted the originally story about my son. I also post blogs on myspace often. The originally story come from my posting on myspace. I felt today would be an appropriate time to reread this story and post it here. When I began blogging I never really thought writing would help in my healing process of losing a child, but it has. Not just has writing helped me, but reading so many other stories about other families that have lost their precious little ones. Each story I read touches my heart. I have read stories from those who are Christians, Mormons, and from those that do not claim a faith. Each story gives me a new sense of realization as well as a greater hope in my own Savior Jesus Christ. Thank you to all those mommies out there that are willing to share you story to help another in their own healing process. THANK YOU


For those who are unaware, Bob and I experienced a lost that no parent wants to experience. Our coming addition passed away in the womb. I was able to give birth to my child May 23 (Friday afternoon), upon giving birth it was discovered we had a little boy, he weighed 1 ounce and measured 3 1/2 inches long. He was very precious. I was able to hold him and keep him with me throughout the night. Today after my DNC surgery to remove my placenta I was released from hospital and my husband and I were able to bury our little boy. His resting place is in a beautiful spot on my husband's parents land. There his fragile body lays, but in heaven his soul forever rejoices with his Maker, the Creator of everything. I have so many things I want to share, so many thoughts and feelings, so many secrets from our Lord and Savior. God really does give Beauty for ashes and strength for tears. As my little boy plays in heaven, my heart will be forever filled with his presence.


My blog is titled AGAPE ROAD. This title comes from my son's second middle name. During my second pregnancy, I nicknamed my daughter Journey. So when I become pregnant with my son, I immediately wanted a nickname for him. How fitting that God had laid on my heart to give him the second middle name of Agape. My son had this name long before his delivery on May 23rd! Wow, can we say God knows everything, well in advance...

It has been through Agape Love of our Heavenly Father that I have been able to heal from this loss. Therefore in memory of my son, This is where I can write about our Agape Road.

Miscarriage and Infant Loss Awareness Day

Today is Miscarriage and Infant Loss Awareness Day. Please pray for all those that have loss children, remembering is hard, but forgetting is impossible. Check out the following blog "October 15", and there are numerous comments left by women that have lost children , each one of these women would love your prayers.

This day is a day for our family to remember our son Brandell Scott "Agape" Wolf, born at 14 weeks on May 23, 2008 weighing in at one ounce. We love you Brandell, forever in our hearts!

Monday, October 13, 2008

My Love Letter To My Husband


For some reason today, I keep replaying in my mind the feelings I felt, nearly 4 years ago. Wow where has the time went to. I can't say this is the exact date, but I know it's pretty close to it.

The day I left my parents that fall morning, all I remember saying to myself was "i am going to get married", "I am going to be with the man of my dreams" I was so excited, I knew the promise from God was going to be fulfilled within a matter of time. I remember driving to Missouri thinking this move was so different, than all the other times, I had left. This time I knew I was never to return.

It's funny how God really does take us from one road to the other, just as the missionary spoke about patience last night, I can remember those words from our Father God during the months after my move back to Missouri that fall. Nothing was perfect, but in God's timing it would turn out to be the ultimate timing, that God intended all along.

I remember pulling up to your apartment, looking at myself in the mirror, making sure "I looked nice". and than I remember the feeling of great anticipation, I wanted to see you so bad, I wanted to be right there with you. Often we talk about when thinking about, about how i was suppose to move back at a later date but instead moved back within a matter of weeks, I guess I just couldn't wait to be with you any longer, I had waited long enough. I remember no one else and nothing else mattered to me, all I wanted was to be with Bob, I wanted to feel his touch, his warmth. Bob I love you so much.

Throughout the year that I was gone, I tried to move on, I tried to think about other people, but nothing worked, you were always right there in my mind. I can remember sitting in my office at the church I was working at thinking that maybe I could reconnect somehow, I remember speaking to Alicia on the phone, asking about you, wondering how you were doing. I remember sitting with a male friend in my home town on the hood of my car listening to him speak to me, but thinking of you the whole time, I remember this same male friend holding my hand, and as he held it, I wanted it to be you so bad, not him. I remember writing letters to you, but always throwing them away after writing them, feeling my efforts were no good. Than as mentioned already I remember that day that all my dreams an wishes were coming to past, I remember leaving home once again, I remember leaving a note behind at my male friends home, telling him I was leaving and not returning. Some choices come back to haunt us, but this choice never will. I made the right one that day. Leaving behind everything, leaving behind everyone's comments, and pursing the man God had intended for me. I never gave up, and I am glad that I never did. I am glad people's remarks never influenced my choices in any way. I am glad I kept coming, even when i was turned away. I am glad I kept listening to one and one voice alone. I am glad I keep seeking God, it was through seeking God that I found you. I am glad.

I know maybe I don't often tell you really how I feel about us, but when days like this roll around, I just can't help but express my true love for you.
You are such an amazing man.

thank you for being there throughout the last four years, alot has changed, our lives have changed. I can't imagine going through this life with anyone else but you. You are the person that has helped me stay strong in my faith and in myself. You are the one.

I love You!!!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Shoe Laces

Growing up my mother used to always take me and my siblings to a nearby thrift store to purchase clothing. As a young child I remember my brother always being so mad when my mom said we were going shopping, because he knew exactly where we were headed. My sister was always a slight embarrassed, but for me, never. I never had a problem with bargain hunting. Till this day I will look and look for a good deal. Today was no exception. After lunch I put the girls in the car and went hunting.
As you know we have 3 kids. We are always needing shoes laces, but as with everything else I hate to buy them at full price, even if they are only $1.00 a piece. Our big catch today was 82 shoelaces for 25 cents! My husband thinks we could wrapped a circle around the earth with our 82 shoelaces. Yeah so I know we will not use all of them anytime soon, but when we need them, they will be there. Now when I see a pair of shoes at a yard sale for 50 cents, that are cute, but have no laces, I will have no fear, because I have shoe laces near!!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

somedays I do, somedays I don't/OUR NORMAL

Some days I want to tell everyone everything, and than there are days that I could care less about telling anyone anything. I don't understand how i go from one to the other, deciding rather or not to write a new blog, but for the last week and a half I have not written one single post. I don't get it.

So for whats happening, for the last week and a half it's been all the normal stuff. What's normal... Well here it goes, for us normal this month means...
-Bob wakes up goes to work
-the girls wake up mommy drags out of bed slowly and I mean slow
-mommy fixes 2 drinks and 2 bowls of cereal
-girls watch cartoons while eating breakfast, while mommy tries to rest her eyes more
-mommy runs bath water for girls
-girls take a bath
-mommy gets girls dressed
-mommy takes a shower
-mommy gets dressed
-mommy does girls hair and places socks and shoes on girls
-mommy and girls go run any errands for that day
-come home girls play
-mommy does housework
-mommy cooks lunch
-daddy comes home for lunch
-eat lunch
-mommy cleans up kitchen from lunch
- Bri goes down for a nap
-mommy and Bren do school work
-Bren goes down for nap
-read Bible
-mommy does more house work
-girls wake from nap
-daddy comes home from work
-family time, talk about what happened during the day
-get kids ready for the gym
-go to the gym/workout
-come home mommy cooks supper
-eat supper
-mommy cleans kitchen after supper
-girls get in bath tub/take bath
-girls play with mommy and daddy
-bedtime for the girls
-more housework
-sit down and relax/watch some TV (usually around 8:00-9:00 pm)
-mess around on the computer

Somewhere along the way, I find time to check my emails, play Triumph on myspace, change diapers, and tell my babies and my husband how much I love them...

THIS IS OUR NORMAL... What is yours?

Monday, September 29, 2008


What an amazing day. Today has been a day full of Grace for our family. As of one month ago my iron level/blood count was still at a 10.1. Since the last testing I have been very concerned that my iron level would never return to normal. Today I went for my monthly test and my level is now at a 13.1! WOW. Let me tell you I was very nervous going into the office today not knowing what to expect. As I was walking in I said one simple prayer, Lord, give me grace whatever the number may be. As the nurse poked my middle finger, my whole hand, in fact my whole body was shaking, in fear that the number would still be below a 12. Man was I so wrong. God has really worked a miracle through this last month with my blood level, and now I am way above what I ever thought was possible, a 13.1!!!

With my blood level now being above a 12, my husband and I can now try for another child whenever we are ready. This is a bittersweet thing to think about. Everyday I still think of Brandell and how precious my son was, so thinking of another baby comes with joy but also with sadness.

For 4 months now, my mother has held onto my sons photos. I had not looked at them, knowing that it was just not the right timing. For one month I have thought about the photos. I mentioned it several times, but never asked my mother to send them. Last week I phoned my mom and let her know I was ready. In God's timing everything takes place. Today I received my photos and looked at them, I saw my son for the first time in 4 months. As I flipped through the photos my heart broke, as I began to remember my time in the hospital, but through it all God's grace was right there with me. My mother also made a DVD for our family titled Brandell resting, the DVD is such an awesome tribute to my son. Maybe one day I will be able to share my son with you. Thank you to my mother for bearing the pain of our family. I often think of mine and my husbands pain of losing a baby, but I also often think of my mother's and father's pain of losing a grandbaby. Both of my parents were present during the delivery of my son, they held him, kissed him, and loved on him the same way Bob and I did. I think of them often, asking the Lord to bestow His grace upon them as the memories of that day fill their hearts.

I want to leave you with on last thought. Last night as I was praying and preparing for today, knowing that Bob and I would see the photos and we would find out about my blood count, I prayed and asked the Lord to give me the grace I needed. I than turned to Isaiah 49 and began to read:

1 All of you people in faraway places, listen to me.
Listen, all you nations far away.
Before I was born, the Lord called me to serve him.
The Lord named me while I was still in my mother's womb.

2 He made my tongue like a sharp sword.
He hid me in the shadow of his hand.
He made me like a sharp arrow.
He hid me in the holder for his arrows.
3 He told me, "Israel, you are my servant.
I will show my glory through you."
4 But I said, "I have worked hard for nothing;
I have used all my power, but I did nothing useful.
But the Lord will decide what my work is worth;
God will decide my reward."
5 The Lord made me in the body of my mother
to be his servant,

to lead the people of Jacob back to him
so that Israel might be gathered to him.
The Lord will honor me,
and I will get my strength from my God.
6 Now he told me,
"You are an important servant to me

to bring back the tribes of Jacob,
to bring back the people of Israel who are left alive.
But, more importantly, I will make you a light for all nations
to show people all over the world the way to be saved."

7 The Lord who saves you
is the Holy One of Israel.
He speaks to the one who is hated by the people,
to the servant of rulers.
This is what he says: "Kings will see you and stand to honor you;
great leaders will bow down before you,
because the Lord can be trusted.
He is the Holy One of Israel, who has chosen you."

After reading this is felt the Lord's mighty hand of comfort. I really felt through the verse my son was speaking to me, telling me "mommy, it's ok", "mommy, I am a SERVANT". I have no greater joy this day, knowing that my son is a servant of the almighty creator. In this time of these bittersweet moment, I thank my Father in heaven for giving me a glimpse of my son. Thank you Jesus, for all you have done, thank you that through Brandell's life I have been shaped and formed more into the person you have called me to be.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Food 4 America,bus ride, 3:30 am,Firehouse,and $1.00

So far our weekend (Friday and Saturday) has been very eventful. After waking up on Friday morning I took the kids to Food 4 America. Our public high school was hosting the event. During the event animals were shown to the children explaining our we as America get our food products. Brendlee was of course not interested in all the things that were being said about the animals, instead she just simply wanted to pet the animals and look at them. Before going to the event, our local PAT (parents as teachers) allowed the preschool children to ride on the school bus for one block, this was so much fun. Brendlee was so excited about being on the bus and for the rest of the day she pointed out every school bus in town!!!
After our packed out morning, my drive to Springfield began to pick up Brady. On our way we stopped off in Bolivar for the girls to have a play date with a fellow officers little one! We arrived home around 9:00 pm and allowed Brendlee and Brady to have a fun little camp out in the living room. We turned on a movie and left them together to have fun. In my head I only assumed that Brendlee would fall asleep during the movie, but oh my how I was wrong. At 3:30 am I found Brendlee still wake watching the Backyardigans, WOW 3:30 am. I was so surprised. For future reference, no more camp outs for a long time!!!

What a day we had on Friday, with Saturday being just as busy. Our day today has included going to gym with all the kids than going to the Firehouse. For those of you who read my blog you know all this week at school Brendlee has been learning about firemen. What a better way to learn than going to see a real firetruck. Today our kids had a private tour of our local fire station!!! Our station is small but the kids had fun none the less!!!

Before going to the fire station Brady become a little entrepreneur, he decided to have a lemonade stand. I was so proud of him. Brady did everything, made the lemonade, made the signs, put the signs up around town, set up his stand!!! He did a wonderful job!!! Of course not much money come rolling in. Although he didn't make a lot I really think he learned a lot. At the end of the he had made $1.00, with 50 cents coming from his father. Bob was so funny while on duty he came by in his police car and bought a cup, I really think this made Brady feel special!!!