
Showing posts with label gym. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gym. Show all posts

Thursday, February 11, 2010

gymmin' it

I've already talked about how I'm pretty sure I've obtained the Most Nast-astic Girl At The Gym Award.  Several of the old people at the gym have confirmed this by telling me in various ways, "boy, sure looks like you got a good workout."  My tshirt is soggy and my face is beat red... I'm not really surprised that people tend to pick treadmills that aren't right next to me.

I also tend to dress kind of rag-tag when I run.  Some people have awesome gym outfits - moisture-wicking shirts and shorts - and, miracles of miracles, they match.  My gym outfits are cut off tshirts (yep, just like an early 90s muscle man, minus the fluorescent graphics), and random shorts.
What's that on my head you say?  Well.  This is the crowning piece of my gym outfit - the headband.  I cannot stand to have hair in my face when I'm working out.  Drives.  Me.  Nuts.  All of the headbands I've tried, however, tend to creep slowly back on my head until they shoot off the back.  Not so helpful.  Then I discovered that when I cut up a shirt for the gym, the sleeve makes an awesome headband.  The cuff is tight enough to stay in place but not so tight that I get an instant headache.  Perfection!  And I probably only look a little weird with a sleeve on my head.  Hey, it works.
Honestly, the most important things I wear to the gym are my shoes.  I love my Brooks Adrenaline GTS (# whatever model... seriously, shoes are kind of like Land Before Time - they just keep churning them out).  I wear double-layer sport socks, but not any specific brand, and I generally pick them up at Walmart.  I tend to find blister prevention is more about the shoe than the sock.  I pick shorts that aren't going to ride up on me when I'm running, or lead to some chub-rub chafing in the thighs.  For me, that's two pairs of Reebok shorts that are a little big, a cheapo pair of spandexy shorts from Walmart, and some random shorts I found at TJ Maxx two years ago.  I only own two sports bras (gross, I know): a Champion one from Kohls that I got this year (love it) and one from when I ran cross country in 7th grade... surprisingly it has no holes and is still supportive.  I do think this year I might expand my sports bra collection a little bit - even just one more.

What do you wear to the gym?  What's your favorite piece of the outfit?

Sunday, January 31, 2010

bad habit

I have a really bad habit of forgetting deodorant.  I forget to put it on about 95% of the time.  Whoops.  I've been trying to get better about putting it on for the gym, because running in close quarters in recirculated air is a lot different than me streaking past someone on the street.

Anyhow, that all came to mind because I actually remembered to put on deo before I went to the gym this afternoon.  Baby steps.

I was reading Runner's World before I went and decided to try a treadmill workout mentioned in there.  You run a mile at a "comfortably hard" pace.  Since I knew what I was in for I chose to start my first mile at my "normal" pace.  Then every half mile you increase your speed by a tenth.  You do this for 45 minutes.  It sounds simple... and it is.  But holy cow, what a workout!  I started at 6.9 and ended at 7.7, after 42 minutes and 5 miles.  I slowed down to 7.0 for a mile, then increased by .2 or .3 for the last mile, ending at 8.0.  The thought is that it keeps your body from slowing down toward the end of races, helping you attain negative splits.  I kind of ruined it by slowing down for a mile there toward the end, but I still think it was a good speed workout.  Plus, it definitely helped beat treadmill boredom.

We're having the best sandwich ever tonight for dinner.  So excited!!

January runs: 106 miles

Monday, November 30, 2009

a new monday morning?

Typically Mondays are my day off, whether I really need the off day or not.  Because I leave for Marion at 6am and get off work at 5pm, and because it gets dark so early, I don't normally run.  Last night I talked to Dave about getting up early and hitting the gym for a quick run before I got in the car.  When the alarm went off at 4:45am the following thought process occurred:

What? What's that noise?


Ugh. This was such a bad idea.

I could go back to sleep... but it would only be about 30 minutes.

Is it worth it?

I have to pee.

So I got up and went to the bathroom.  And I turned on the light, which really helped seal the deal.  As long as I was up and adjusted to light, I thought I might as well give it a try, at least once.  So I changed and headed down to the car and to the gym.  I did a quick 30 minutes on the treadmill - holding at a 9:22 pace in between 1 minute sprint intervals (at 7 or sub-7 pace) every 5 minutes.  In the end I did 3.4 miles in 30 minutes, which I was pleased with.  I hurried home, showered, grabbed coffee and oatmeal, and was out the door by 6:07am.  Not too shabby!

Will I do this every Monday?  Possibly.  It felt really good to have a workout done, especially on a Monday.  I'm tired, but I don't think 30 minutes of sleep would have really helped that much.  It will be harder to motivate myself when it's icy and snowy and really cold - I'll have to get up earlier in order to scrape the car before I go.  And that makes the whole idea less appealing.  So we'll take it as we go... for now I'm hoping to repeat this on coming Mondays.

Going to try to sneak in another 30 minutes of treadmill intervals after work today. Very excited to see the Patriots v. Saints game tonight!  I'm conflicted on who to cheer for.  I ahbor the Patriots, but the Saints have a perfect record - and I only want my Colts to have a perfect record!  In the end, I think my dislike of the Patriots will overrule it all.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Mosie likes to help with dishes.  If we don't put a chair up for her she stands and cries.  Endlessly.

She just might be a little spoiled.

Quick dinner tonight: cheesy potato soup...
...and teriyaki stir-fy.  This was a combination of super cheap broccoli and fridge clean-out.  It ended up being peas, green beans, cabbage, broccoli, green peppers, and carrots.  Total heaven.

I worked out at the gym this morning since it was rainy and cold.  I think I'm going to quickly earn the title of "that really gross sweaty girl."  Apparently indoor exercise makes me produce an overabundance of sweat?  Nast-tastic.

We are off to babysit our beautiful little niece, Lydia.  And to enjoy some free cable!

Happy Thanksgiving Eve!

Friday, November 20, 2009


This will be fast - I'm headed out the door to Cleveland to meet my new niece, Clare Frances (9lbs 5oz, 21.75in. long) and to spend the weekend with these three loves:
Best friends for so long!  We haven't all been together for a year.

Did my first spin class this morning.  Oh my sweaty.  Enjoyed the class but I was soaked at the end!  And it was at 5:30.  Oof.  But did help get me out the door faster!

Snack for the road:
Spinach banana peanut butter chocolate smoothie, coffee, water, apple, roasted chickpeas, crunchy pb clif bar.  Lots of liquid in there... I'll be floating to Ohio!

And these lovelies, made yesterday with Patty and Erin:
Homemade caramels with peanuts and dipped in chocolate.  Nom nom nom.  We'll see if I can get a whole car ride without stealing one from the plate.  They're intended for my brother and sister-in-law and parents as they take care of Clare and big sister Lizzie.

And I'm gone, I'm gone!  I'm definitely going to miss these two:

Friday, October 30, 2009


A random collection of things from the day:

1) Dave giving Mosie horsey rides around the house.

2) We joined a gym for the winter months!  We got a great deal for both of us.  Dave can play racquetball as well as use the gym/cardio equipment, and I can take classes (including spin!) and use all the equipment as well.  We're excited to have an option for when it's too cold/snowy/icy.

3) I've been reconciled with carrots!  Carrots have never been my favorite, but tonight I decided to try them roasted with a little olive oil and salt.  They were delicious!  Next time I'll slice them a little bit thinner and cook them a bit longer.

We have a pretty lazy weekend planned, which is wonderful!  And an extra hour of sleep on Saturday night!  I am looking forward to mornings with more light!  What are your weekend plans?

PS - If you want to sign up for Pile on the Miles be sure to today or tomorrow!  You don't have to have a blog to participate!  Runners and walkers welcome!  And prizes!
A blog about running, recipes, and everything in between. Be sure to vote in the reader recipe polls on Monday mornings - recipes and reviews on Friday morning. Please say hi and thanks for reading!
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