Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Silly Boy and Dog

Random pictures of my darling grandson and "his" puppy.

Here is just part of Kace's dinosaur collection!!! I swear I have Jurassic Park in my living room. He is so into dinosaurs and has quite the collection.

Kace just would not give me a serious face the other night. I was trying to get a good picture of him and this is what I ended up with!! He's such a ham.

Here are some pictures of Kace and "his" puppy. Thankfully Bear is so good natured. Kace and him are quite the buddies and Bear lets him do just about anything to him. In case anyone is wondering that type of dog Bear is - he is a Schipperke.
Kace was having a blast covering up the dog and putting his head on the pillow. He had about 4 blankets laying on top of the dog. Poor Bear just layed there and looked at me like - what is he doing and why are you letting him?!?

These next two are just to show how strange my puppy is (actually he's 5 years old - not really a puppy, but he sure acts like one!!) I was laying on the floor playing with Kace and all of a sudden this is what I had. Bear just walked up the back of my legs and decided to lay down. Then Kace decided to give him a pillow (like my butt wasn't cushioney enough), and cover him up. Guess he was quite comfortable, cause it took awhile to convince him to move. LOL!!


Rebecca said...

Great pics! I can't believe how time has flown! We've not gotten any older, right? Just Kace? LOL!

Staci said...

Oh, that's hilarious with the dog lying on you! That might've felt good - all warm & such. Need to teach him to walk on your back and lie down there like a back-rub!! Kace is looking adorable!

Betty: Reflections with Coffee said...

Love these pictures! You have darling kids and a sweet cuddly fur-bear.

Jenn said...

So great! I love when pictures are not so posed! So glad you posted them!!

Renee V. said...

All these pictures are just the cutest! Joey has just 'discovered' dinosaurs and would be in dino-heaven at your house! If only we lived closer...
Oh, guess what? Joey just came by and went, "Woww..." He wants to come over!
Thanks for sharing!