Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I'm Back!!

Wow, it's been awhile since I've posted. Sorry for being MIA, but it's been very hectic here in PA.

I had foot surgery 1 1/2 weeks ago, and just got back to work this week. But, I did get to practice my Copics coloring ALOT while I was layed up. I had stamped a whole bunch of images and also downloaded my first digital images and printed off alot of them. That way, while I was sitting with my foot elevated, I could color. Let me just say, when I am able to hobble down to my stamp room, I have a BUNCH of images all done and ready to make cards!!! LOL!!!

Then my mother-in-law passed away this past Sunday. So, it's been a pretty rough week so far. I do have to say though, that I hear people complaining about their in-laws and I've been very blessed with the ones I have. My FIL and MIL are two wonderful people and I love them both like my own parents.

OK, I made some time and took some pictures of what I've been coloring this past week, so I'm going to post it. SOme of them are images that we are going to use for the Copics class at the LSS, Stamp Express. The first classes are scheduled for the 8th of May. Jackie is teaching a class from 10 am to noon, and then I am teaching on the same day from 6pm to 8pm. If anyone is local and interested in attending, see the information in my sidebar. Also, Jackie is going to schedule a demo of the ABS system sometime in June, and also additional classes.

OK, enough rambling, here are some images.
These are some digital images that I found (and I can't remember where). I was practicing my flesh coloring/shading.

This one is just an adorable image. If you haven't checked out Dustin Pikes images - you sure need to!!! Kace of course loved this one (and all the dragon/dinosaur ones I did).

Now some random flower images - I don't know who the dogwood stamp is buy, but most of the other ones are "A Year of Flowers" from Gina K.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Just wanted to tell everyone "HAPPY EASTER".
Happy easter Pictures, Images and Photos

We have a full day planned here. Kace and Seth already found their baskets and inside eggs. I'm off to get dressed and the we are doing the outside egg hunt.

My brother Jim, his son and grandson are coming this afternoon for dinner. I enjoy when they come down for the day. The live about 80 miles from us, so we don't get to see each other alot. He's bringing his cute 2 yr old grandson along since my niece has to work today. Ethan is just the cutest little thing. So, Kace will have someone to play with, and Seth will have his GF here and my nephew Tyler, so they will probably be playing video games most of the afternoon. That gives us a chance to sit, relax and talk. Usually my In-Laws join us, but my MIL is not doing well, so they are not coming this year. We sure will miss having them with us. I am VERY blessed to have such wonderful in-laws.

Well, I better get myself off of here and get moving. Lots to get ready for dinner. But, I do so enjoy cooking for the holidays and spending time with family.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Thank You!

Here is a Thank You card I made for a friend of mine. This thank you is long overdue,but I finally got it done and in the mail this morning. I apologize to my dear friend that it took soooo long to get this out. You'll know who I am talking about when she receives it!!

The rose was stamped twice and colored in using my copics markers. I cut out just the rose from the second image and used dimensions to pop it up and give it a little 3D effect.

Stamp: Inkadinkado (can't rmember the name of the stamp)
Paper: Taken with Teal, Tempting Turquoise, Regal Rose, Gina K Pure Luxury White
Accessories: White Taffeta ribbon, Swiss Dots cuttlebug folder, rectangle nesties, copics markers, memento tuxedo black ink

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Isn't this pretty?

I just had to post a picture of the Phillies Championship Ring. They were just presented to them today. What can I say ... I'm a diehard Phillies fan for baseball.

See if you can guess who my football team is!?! The only team in the NFL with SIX rings!!

steelers six Pictures, Images and Photos

Go Steelers!!!

Sorry, but I just had to post these for my PSF Melanie. She is a St Louis Cardinals fan and also was cheering for the Arizona Cardinals for the superbowl.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Finally a card

This is a card that I made for a friend of mine that is expecting.

Nothing spectacular, I'm not real pleased with it, but at least I got to stamp after being home with a sick one for a week.

I used the round scallop and classic nestabilities on the giraffe and the oval scallop and classic nestabilities on the words. Colored the giraffe with my copics and then cut out just the head of another giraffe image and mounted on a dimension to give the giraffe some depth. Then added the dew drops on the ribbon just cause I felt it was missing something.

If you are interested in seeing some pictures of my grandkids, I have 2 additional posts that I added tonight that is just on them. If you are interested in seeing my darling grandkids - be sure to read the next 2 posts.

Silly Boy and Dog

Random pictures of my darling grandson and "his" puppy.

Here is just part of Kace's dinosaur collection!!! I swear I have Jurassic Park in my living room. He is so into dinosaurs and has quite the collection.

Kace just would not give me a serious face the other night. I was trying to get a good picture of him and this is what I ended up with!! He's such a ham.

Here are some pictures of Kace and "his" puppy. Thankfully Bear is so good natured. Kace and him are quite the buddies and Bear lets him do just about anything to him. In case anyone is wondering that type of dog Bear is - he is a Schipperke.
Kace was having a blast covering up the dog and putting his head on the pillow. He had about 4 blankets laying on top of the dog. Poor Bear just layed there and looked at me like - what is he doing and why are you letting him?!?

These next two are just to show how strange my puppy is (actually he's 5 years old - not really a puppy, but he sure acts like one!!) I was laying on the floor playing with Kace and all of a sudden this is what I had. Bear just walked up the back of my legs and decided to lay down. Then Kace decided to give him a pillow (like my butt wasn't cushioney enough), and cover him up. Guess he was quite comfortable, cause it took awhile to convince him to move. LOL!!

My Darling Grandkids

Here are some recent pictures of my 3 grandkids. The oldest grandson lives with me, but my granddaughter and youngest grandson live a little over an hour away, so I don't get to see them as much. We got to keep them overnight the end of February and had a blast with all three of them. Kace and Kelsey are exactly 1 month apart in age and are quite good friends. When Kace knows she is coming, that's all I hear about for DAYS!!! He makes all sorts of plans for them. This time, they camped out (we put the tent in the living room for them to sleep in), they made s'mores, played real hard and totally wore Gammy and Pappy out!!! But, you better believe WE LOVE EVERY MINUTE OF IT!! My youngest grandson is just the sweetest, happy go lucky little thing. He is just so loveable and adorable.

OK, enough gushing about them - I could just go on and on about them. Here are some pictures of them.

Kace and Kelsey playing with some of the Cars stuff. They are the best of buddies!!!

Collin getting the toucan puppet after me.

Kesley and Kace just relaxing and Kelsey being so cute!!!

Collin just being sweet as usual! Isn't he just to darn cute?

I just loved these pictures. Kelsey's hair was soooo full of static when she was in the tent. It just stood up en end.

She is such a beautiful little girl. She loves playing on the Smart Cycle when she comes up.

Can you tell that these 3 darlings are by pride and joys?