Tuesday, April 13, 2010

WOW - three in a row!!!

See - I told you I'd be back today with another post!!! I think I sat a record here with a post 3 days in a row!!! LOL!!

This is one of the cards that we did last month for the Copics 101 Class I taught at Stamp Express. I just LOVE this Ian stamp from The Greeting Farm. Isn't he just the cutest thing? I think I may just use this one again for the next Copics 101 Class.

I stamped the Ian image and colored him with my copics markers. Used Scalloped Rectangle Nesties to cut him out. The paper is Coordination. I really like this paper. If you haven't used it yet, give it a try. It is textured and if you tear it, sand it, emboss it, etc, it looks sooooo cool. They carry a big selection of this down at Stamp Express, so if you are in the area, stop in a give it a try!! I can't remember who the DS paper is by, but I got it down at the store also. We put red brads in the corners of the under layer, and viola - done. Cute, but simple. We concentrate more on coloring technique than fancy cards in the copics class!!

OK - now I need a nap!! LOL!!! Posting 3 days in a row wore me out!!!

Have a super duper day!!

PSF/Dork Swap

The PSFs and Dorks did another swap back in March. This time it was a Thinking of You/Sympathy card using spring colors. Here is what I came up with for this one.

The image is from Stampavie (I just LOVE these stamps!!!). I used my copics to color the image and then used the blender solution on a wash rag to give the bears fur some texture. The image is cut out with a nestie labels set (can't rmember the name of the label - opps and I'm not at home so I can't go check!). I then used my copics airbrush around the edge of the label and on the sentiment to add some color.

OK, short and sweet post (just like me - LOL!!). Come back tomorrow to for another card - Yes - REALLY - I have another card to post tomorrow!!! Now don't go passing out on me cause I will have 3 posts in a row!!! LOL!!

Hope everyone has a super day!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

New Grandson and a Baby Frame

I'm a grandmother again!!!

My son and daughter-in-law had a new little bundle of joy last week. All are doing well and I am so blessed to have another beautiful grandchild. This makes 6 now (wonder why I'm feeling old?)1 granddaughter and 5 grandsons.

I went down to their house and watched my grandkids while mom and dad were at the hospital. Nothing better than spending the day with two of my grandkids. We had a wonderful time playing while awaiting the arrival of their little brother. But, I do have to be honest and say that they sure wore me out!!! LOL!!!

After their new baby brother arrived, we went to the hospital to meet him. He is just the sweetest little thing. His big sister and big brother just LOVE him so much already as you will soon see in the pictures.

Needless to say, I took LOTS of pictures and printed them off already. Over the weekend I made a picture frame to give my son and daughter-in-law. I feel bad that there are no picture of "mom" with the new baby, but she would have killed me if I had posted them anyways!!! LOL!!! We will make sure to get lots of new pictures that include mom and put them in the frame later.

So anyhow, here is the frame that I made. Let me just say, that this is not the original paper I planned on using. (Remember when using stripped paper on such a project, have plenty on hand in case you screw it up!!!) GRRRR - It was fun trying to match up the stripes with non repeating pattern paper. LOL!!

Introducing "Mason Parker":

And here is a rare photo you will see of me - but I just had to share the picture of me with the 3 grandkids.

(And yes, on April 7th, I was in shorts and a tank top in Central PA!!! It was HOT that day - as in 90 degrees!!! Such a very rare thing in this neck of the woods!!!).

Hope everyone is doing well, and I have a few more things to post this week.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

PSF Thank You!!!

I have a VERY special group of friends that are always there for each other through good times and bad times. This group of friends known as the PSFs are a wonderful, supportive group and I am so blessed to have them all in my life.

When I had my heart attack they were all there for me. I received many beautiful cards, which brightened my days. They are also a great group of prayer warriors and I know that their prayers and well wishes played a major part in my recovery.

They also sent me a wonderful gift of Schwanns food. This was such a tremendous help to me during my recovery. It was great to not have to worry about what to cook and it made my life (and my wonderful hubby's) so easy during my recovery.

This is the card that I made to send them. And believe me, the saying on the front could not be more accurate!!! Friends like these are very "precious" and "few". Most people would be lucky to have 1 or 2 like them in their life, and I am lucky and blessed to have almost "30" in my life!!!

I hope they all realize how much I appreciate all their support and especially their friendship. There is such a special bond between all of us and I love each and every one of them!!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Hot Stuff

Here are the projects that we did at the "Hot Stuff" class I taught at Stamp Express on Saturday.

The first project was a Snowman. I CASED the design and the hot chocolate recipe from Lauren Meader. I just thought he was the cutest thing.

I used red felt for his vest, buttons for the eyes and nose, and "gems" for the buttons on his vest. The snowflake is cut out of glitter felt using the snowflake die from cuttlebug. This is made using an empty "Starbucks" frappe bottle. Mix up the cocoa recipe, put 1 cup of the mix into the bottle, and top off with marshmallows. Isn't he just to darn cute?!?

Here is a close up of the top of the snowman. I used my nesties to cut the paper, and used one of the Just Rite Stamps for the border and sentiment. I put white ribbon around the top of the bottle to cover up the brown edge and the used red fibers on the white ribbon.

Next we made a "cup". I found a template to use for this, but didn't like how the template was coming together, so I ended up making my own. Suprisingly, I think it ended up coming out pretty darn good. LOL!!! I used two sided paper, and cut out the template. After it was assembled, I put stickles around the bottom edge to add a little "bling" to the saucer. I again used my nesties and Just Rite Stamps to stamp the semtiment and attached it to the handle of the cup with silver cord. After it is dry, put a packet of Swiss Miss hot cocoa and a peppermint stick into the cup. Makes a nice little gift idea for someone. You could even put in a tea bag, or some "instant chicken soup" for a get well idea.

Last we made a tea bag holder. Very easy template again. I measured the size of the teabag and ran with it from there. I'm sure there is one out on the web somewhere, but it was easy enough to make my own. I used a MFT stamp (can't remember the name of the set of the top of my head and I'm too lazy to walk down to the stamproom right now to look it up!!! LOL!!!) to stamp the image, colored with my copic markers, tied it with ribbon and that was it. All done.

See, I have actually been stamping and creating, not just sitting on my backside eating bon-bons!! LOL!!! I even have a few more things to share over the next few days. So, make sure you check back soon!!!

Monday, February 22, 2010

OMW - a Card!!! LOL!!

I finally have a card to post!!! How shocking is that?!? LOL!!!

Well, it's sort of a card!!! These are the valentines treats that I made for Kace to take to school for his valentines party. There were actually 3 different robot cards, but I forgot to take a picture of the one. Opps.

The treat containers were ones that I purchased at Stamp Express. I forget who makes them, but I thought they were just to darn adorable and would be perfect for his valentines. I even stamped the envelopes and attached them all to the treat container when they were completed, but didn't take a picture of the "final" project.

The stamps were a set I picked up a Michaels - Recollection was the brand. The paper was designer paper from DCWV - valentine stack. I colored the robots with my copics markers, used the square nesties to cut them out. The scalloped card was created with the long rectangle nesties.

Hope you enjoyed these. I think they turned out really cute and Kace loved them!!!

I have a few things to post this week (don't faint on me!! LOL!!!). I just taught a "Hot Stuff" class at Stamp Express on Saturday and I'm pretty pleased with the 3 projects I created for the class. (The girls in the class seemed to like them also). I'll have them posted tomorrow. Plus I have a few cards to post that I've created also. I've actually been a pretty busy bee in my stamp room lately, just been lax on taking pictures and getting them posted. I know - Bad Blogger!!!

Hope every is having a super evening and getting lots of stamping in!!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

So much for my New Years Resolution!!!

Sorry, but I broke my New Years resolution early!!! I promised myself I'd post to this unread little blog more often and here it is over a month since I've posted my resolution!!! LOL!!!

But, I do have a ligit reason (at least I think it's ligit - but we know how warped my thinking is - right!!!) Anyways - you decide if I'm ligit or not - K?

Back on the 4th of Jan I went to the doctor with a cold and bronchitis - simple fix - give me antibotics, good cough medicine and I'm on the road to recovery - right? Not!! In the early morning of the 6th, I woke up with alot of pressure in my chest. I of course thought it was just the bronchitis so, I came downstairs at 3:15 am took some cough medicine (and had a cigarette - I know - bad bad girl!!!!), sat in the recliner for about an hour and then went back up to bed at 4:15. At 4:30, I started sweating badly - as in I felt like I just got out of the shower - soaked sweating!!!. Woke up Brian and said "something is wrong". Off to the hospital we go - thinking my bronchitis had turned into pnemonia. Well, was I shoked to find out I was having a heart attack!! Not something I expected at 49 years old and I sure didn't have the "typical" symptoms they talk about. I had a 100% blockage of the right artery in my heart and 4 clots on the left side. They put a stent in and have me on all sorts of wonderful meds now, but I am on the road to recovery and feeling better every day!!!

So, thanks to the wonderful staff at the hospital and the quick response of the nurses and doctors I am here to still bore you with my ramblings or lack there of!!!

I do have some projects that I worked on while I was off recoverying, but you can't see them until the recipients get them. So, give me a day or two to put the final touches on the cards I'm working on and get them mailed and then I'll post them. They had to be very special cards for some very special people in my life. And believe me, when I say special people - I mean VERY special!!! You know who you are!!!

I actually started back to work today and boy did that feel wonderful!!!! I mean - come on - I've dreamed of a month long vacation - but not in this way!!! LOL!!! I sure got the sitting on my backside doing "nuthin" down to a fine art over the past month!!!

So, off I go now to practice that doing "nuthin" a little more and work on the final details of my card.