It's that time of the year....

It's that time of the year....
Showing posts with label Thunderstorm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thunderstorm. Show all posts

Thursday, October 31, 2013

There is always next year…

Congrats to the Red Sox.  They really did earn their World Series Championship title although it pains me a little bit to say so. I hope you are getting some pics of the celebration there Paul.

It is pouring rain here this morning as it did all day yesterday.  We had some thunder and lightning last night and I thought the power was going for awhile.  I really don’t like this kind of weather this time of year.  We are expecting 2 more inches of rain today.

I was up early this morning and have already exercised.  I am waiting to cool down before I have breakfast.  Tomorrow morning is an appointment with the ophthalmologist.  I hope I spelled that right.  In plain English I am getting my eyes checked.  This appointment is 6 months overdue.

I am back to going through CDs again.  I sent 52 CDs to my niece in West Virginia.  Can you believe I got them all in a brown envelope?? 

I am trying to decide what else I will do today.  I also have been going through my big recipe notebook that I put together in 1998.  I will be posting some recipes to my recipe site soon.  So I might  work on that some more today.

I hope the sun is shining wherever you are.  Stay safe and be happy!!


Tuesday, May 21, 2013


I am heartsick over the devastation caused by the tornadoes in Oklahoma.  The loss of life, especially the children, is hard to take.  My thoughts and prayers are with everyone affected by this tragedy.

We were lucky here.  My weather radio was constantly going off and we were under a severe thunderstorm warning and a tornado watch until 3 AM.  It all passed to the northwest of here and all I heard was distant thunder.  It is sunny this morning but we still have a chance of  thunderstorms.

The Arias trial fizzled out yesterday as there were no mitigation witnesses to call for the defense.  Supposedly Arias will speak to the jury today and this trial can wind down.  And then, no more trial watching for me.  This one has worn me out.

Have a great day.  Stay safe and be happy!!


Sunday, February 10, 2013

Raining again…

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It is raining here again this morning.  We even had a thunderstorm when I first got up.  The rain deficit is slowly but surely being whittled away.

I hope you all have a truly peaceful Sunday.  Stay safe and be happy!!


Saturday, October 13, 2012

Saturday and…

rain is falling with a prediction for severe thunderstorms later this afternoon and evening. It is to be in the upper 70s today with a cold front coming through, just right for bad weather.

Yesterday was spent going to garage sales with lunch at Bob Evans.  Chicken and noodles, mashed potatoes and a biscuit.  I even brought a quart of the chicken and noodles home.  Quite a buy for $5.

I am busy this morning with laundry and I am going to be cleaning in the kitchen and bathroom.  And that is my agenda for today.

I hope you all have a peaceful weekend and the sun is shining, at least in your heart.  Stay safe and be happy!!


Friday, September 7, 2012

Gully Washer Day…

It has gully washed all morning.  The rain has poured down in torrents along with hail and a lot of lightning.  My daughter and I were caught out in it.  It is to do this all day with a strong front set to go through this afternoon.

Our television is going wild.  Their were shots fired at Normal IL this morning and 2 students were arrested.

Students in custody after shots fired at NCHS; everyone safe

I am not feeling well this morning so this is a short post.  I hope you all have a great weekend.  Stay safe and be happy!!


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Pekin Illinois 2012 Marigold Festival

“The Marigold Festival was started in 1973 to honor one of Pekin's "favorite sons", Senator Everett Dirksen.  While in the United States Congress, Dirksen tried to have the marigold named as the national floral emblem. In support of Dirksen, the community began growing marigolds. While unsuccessful in the national flower contest, Dirksen's hometown of Pekin became known as the "Marigold Capital of the World".    [8],_Illinois

Hannah2 Miss Marigold 2012

Hannah Finley, Miss Marigold 2012

I have mentioned before that the city I live in now is known as the Marigold Capital of the World.   The Marigold Festival begins this Friday and ends on Sunday.

Thunderstorms all around here this morning.  The weather radio first woke me up this morning at 4 AM with a severe thunderstorm warning.

Stay safe and be happy!!


Sunday, July 1, 2012

More oppressive heat..

in store for most of the nation for the next week.  Yesterday we had a thunderstorm with big booms that left us only a trace of rain.  Then boom it was gone and the sun was out again.  My WV sis reports massive power outages for several counties around them because of the tremendous thunderstorm that went through there Friday evening.  Their roof was damaged and because of the widespread claims they won’t have an adjuster to check the damage until July 9th.

I am just back from visiting the fruit/vegetable stand .  Below you see Georgia peaches and Arkansas tomatoes.


Don’t they look gorgeous.  My two tomato plants are so stressed I doubt if I will get a tomato from them.

I hope today is a peaceful one for you all.  Stay safe and be happy!!


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

It’s that time…

again to take another picture of the tree in the area between me and the cemetery.  Not much change to the tree.  I think it is probably totally dead and I won’t be surprised if it is cut down before I have taken the 12 pics of it.  Take note of the background though as you can see the changes there.

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First picture taken 4 Jan 2012 at 10AM      Second picture taken 4 February  2012 at 10AM

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First pic taken 5 Mar 2012 at 10AM.  Note the dusting of snow on the ground.  Second pic taken today 4 Apr 2012 a little before 10AM.  Click on the pictures to make them larger.

I have been out this morning to the Kroger store.  It was really busy there.  This week is spring break from the schools and so the stores are filled with kids.

We had thunderstorms last night.  My heart goes out to the folks in the Dallas Texas area that suffered devastation yesterday from the tornadoes.

I need to make my rounds to visit you all.  I hope you all have a great day.  Stay safe and be happy!!


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The days…

inch ever closer to Spring.  Although I see no signs of it outside, the calendar says March 20th will soon be here. My one robin that I saw  last week has gone walking to Missouri.  Only 20 more days.  Right now it is 30 degrees and the sun is trying to shine.  Thunderstorms are predicted for this afternoon. 

I have been busy already this morning.  I started cleaning in the bathroom when I had to stop midway.  The maintenance guy came to change my porch light that was burned out.  They are so good to take care of things like that.  You have to furnish your own light bulb though.  Now I am not in the mood for bathroom cleaning anymore so I will finish it this afternoon.  I also have to run the sweeper and dust the furniture too so this may run into tomorrow,

I made an angel food cake yesterday with frosting.  Angel food is my favorite cake and I do like frosting on it.  I think I will have a cup of tea in a little while and check to see if the cake was as good as it was yesterday.  I think it probably is.  You are all welcome to come for tea and cake.  You too R B.  Winking smile


I think the frosting kind of squashed down the cake but it is still very good. 

Gotta scoot as my cup of tea is waiting.  You all stay safe and be happy!!  Today is my 90th day in a row to post.


Monday, August 15, 2011

Quite a weekend…

but I survived it.  We had quite a thunderstorm and hail storm Saturday afternoon.  No major damage except to my tomato plants.  The hail was about nickel to quarter sized and it decimated the tomato plants.


Click to make larger.

I will leave the tomato plants another day or two and see if they revive any.  If they don’t I will salvage what green ones I can.  I still have a couple tomatoes from my SIL’s brother and the word is out that I will take all I can get.  I had a bacon tomato for lunch yesterday.  (Sunday)  Delicious!

Sunday was a peaceful quiet day and I didn’t do much as my back has decided to keep hurting.  I have hunted out the pain pills from my last trip to the doctor for my backache and I have taken a couple.

I am not sure what I have planned today.  I should clean the bathroom, a job I hate that requires a lot of bending over, so we shall see.

In the meantime, have a wonderful week.  Stay safe and be happy!!

Red heart  Beth

Friday, July 29, 2011

My Kroger store…robbed

GateHouse News Service

Posted Jul 26, 2011 @ 09:55 AM



Two employees chased a man from the Kroger grocery store he had just robbed Sunday, but stopped when he paused, turned and aimed a handgun at them.

No one was injured, but the robber escaped and was still being sought Monday afternoon, as police reviewed security camera video and other evidence the thief left behind, said Pekin Police Detective Don Jolly.

Shortly after 2:30 p.m. the man entered the store at 1607 Broadway St. and asked one of the checkout clerks if she would exchange some dollar bills he had for change, Jolly said. When the clerk opened the register, the man handed her a note, stating, “This is a robbery and he had a gun,” Jolly said. Without displaying the weapon, the man grabbed an undetermined amount of cash from the register and ran from the store.

Two employees gave chase, but the robber disappeared after he froze them by pointing his handgun, Jolly said.

He was described as white, about 6 feet tall and wearing a dark hat with an emblem and dark short-sleeved shirt, shorts and shoes.

Copyright 2011 Some rights reserved

This happened Sunday afternoon.  I do my grocery shopping  in the morning.  Needless to say this bothered me a bit.  I have been shopping there for over a year now since I moved here. 


I woke up this morning to severe thunderstorms.  My beautiful tomato plants were knocked over and some of the tomatoes knocked off.  I haven’t been able to get out and take care of the plants because of the rain.  It is still back as pitch out right now.  The best thing about this is the temporary relief from the heat.  I was listening to the weather on my weather scanner this morning and this heat is forecast to last through all of next week too…  Clear into August where we have the dog days of summer.

I hope you all have a great weekend.  Stay safe and be happy!!

Red heart  Beth